/* Force hasLayout so the 's box gets measured correctly */ .ve-ce-mwReferenceNode { display: inline-block; } /* Undo overflow: hidden; from MW CSS to work around hasLayout issue */ .ve-ce-surface h1, .ve-ce-surface h2, .ve-ce-surface h3, .ve-ce-surface h4, .ve-ce-surface h5, .ve-ce-surface h6 { overflow: visible; } /* Set opacity directly on the highlights, rather than their containers, otherwise the opacity isn't applied at all */ .ve-ce-surface-highlights-focused .ve-ce-focusableNode-highlight { opacity: 0.5; } .ve-ce-surface-highlights-blurred .ve-ce-focusableNode-highlight { opacity: 0.15; } /* Don't apply a background color to language annotations, otherwise the text disappears if the span has dir="rtl" */ .ve-ce-languageAnnotation { background: none; }