/*! * VisualEditor ContentEditable Node class. * * @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /** * Generic ContentEditable node. * * @abstract * @extends ve.ce.View * @mixins ve.Node * * @constructor * @param {ve.dm.Node} model Model to observe * @param {jQuery} [$element] Element to use as a container */ ve.ce.Node = function VeCeNode( model, $element ) { // Parent constructor ve.ce.View.call( this, model, $element ); // Mixin constructor ve.Node.call( this ); // Properties this.parent = null; // Events this.model.on( 'attributeChange', ve.bind( this.onAttributeChange, this ) ); }; /* Inheritance */ ve.inheritClass( ve.ce.Node, ve.ce.View ); ve.mixinClass( ve.ce.Node, ve.Node ); /* Static Members */ /** * Whether this node type can be split. * * When the user presses Enter, we split the node they're in (if splittable), then split its parent * if splittable, and continue traversing up the tree and stop at the first non-splittable node. * * @static * @property static.canBeSplit * @inheritable */ ve.ce.Node.static.canBeSplit = false; /** * Template for shield elements. * * Uses data URI to inject a 1x1 transparent PNG image into the DOM. * * Using transparent png instead of gif because IE 10 renders gif as solid red when used as img src. * * @static * @property static.$shieldTemplate * @inheritable */ ve.ce.Node.static.$shieldTemplate = $( '' ) .addClass( 've-ce-node-shield' ) .attr( 'src', '' + 'XgXAAQ0AAABAMP1L30IDCPwC/o5WcS4AAAAASUVORK5CYII=' ); /* Methods */ /** * Handle attribute change events. * * Whitelisted attributes will be added or removed in sync with the DOM. They are initially set in * the constructor. * * @method * @param {string} key Attribute key * @param {string} from Old value * @param {string} to New value */ ve.ce.Node.prototype.onAttributeChange = function ( key, from, to ) { var htmlKey = key.substr( 7 ).toLowerCase(); if ( key.indexOf( 'html/0/' ) === 0 && htmlKey.length && this.constructor.static.domAttributeWhitelist.indexOf( htmlKey ) !== -1 ) { if ( to === undefined ) { this.$.removeAttr( htmlKey ); } else { this.$.attr( htmlKey, to ); } } }; /** * Get allowed child node types. * * This method passes through to the model. * * @method * @returns {string[]|null} List of node types allowed as children or null if any type is allowed */ ve.ce.Node.prototype.getChildNodeTypes = function () { return this.model.getChildNodeTypes(); }; /** * Get allowed parent node types. * * This method passes through to the model. * * @method * @returns {string[]|null} List of node types allowed as parents or null if any type is allowed */ ve.ce.Node.prototype.getParentNodeTypes = function () { return this.model.getParentNodeTypes(); }; /** * Check if the node can have children. * * This method passes through to the model. * * @method * @returns {boolean} Model node can have children */ ve.ce.Node.prototype.canHaveChildren = function () { return this.model.canHaveChildren(); }; /** * Check if the node can have children but not content nor be content. * * This method passes through to the model. * * @method * @returns {boolean} Model node can have children but not content nor be content */ ve.ce.Node.prototype.canHaveChildrenNotContent = function () { return this.model.canHaveChildrenNotContent(); }; /** * Check if the node has a wrapped element in the document data. * * This method passes through to the model. * * @method * @returns {boolean} Model node is a wrapped element */ ve.ce.Node.prototype.isWrapped = function () { return this.model.isWrapped(); }; /** * Check if the node can contain content. * * This method passes through to the model. * * @method * @returns {boolean} Node can contain content */ ve.ce.Node.prototype.canContainContent = function () { return this.model.canContainContent(); }; /** * Check if the node is content. * * This method passes through to the model. * * @method * @returns {boolean} Node is content */ ve.ce.Node.prototype.isContent = function () { return this.model.isContent(); }; /** * Check if the node can have a slug before it. * * TODO: Figure out a way to remove the hard-coding for text nodes here. * * @static * @method * @returns {boolean} Whether the node can have a slug before it */ ve.ce.Node.prototype.canHaveSlugBefore = function () { return !this.canContainContent() && this.getParentNodeTypes() === null && this.type !== 'text'; }; /** * Check if the node can have a slug after it. * * @static * @method * @returns {boolean} Whether the node can have a slug after it */ ve.ce.Node.prototype.canHaveSlugAfter = ve.ce.Node.prototype.canHaveSlugBefore; /** * Get the length of the node. * * This method passes through to the model. * * @method * @returns {number} Model length */ ve.ce.Node.prototype.getLength = function () { return this.model.getLength(); }; /** * Get the outer length of the node, which includes wrappers if present. * * This method passes through to the model. * * @method * @returns {number} Model outer length */ ve.ce.Node.prototype.getOuterLength = function () { return this.model.getOuterLength(); }; /** * Check if the node can be split. * * @method * @returns {boolean} Node can be split */ ve.ce.Node.prototype.canBeSplit = function () { return this.constructor.static.canBeSplit; }; /** * Get the closest splittable node upstream. * * @method * @returns {ve.ce.Node} Closest splittable node */ ve.ce.Node.getSplitableNode = function ( node ) { var splitableNode = null; node.traverseUpstream( function ( node ) { if ( node.canBeSplit() ) { splitableNode = node; return true; } else { return false; } } ); return splitableNode; };