/*! * VisualEditor user interface MWConfirmationDialog class. * * @copyright 2011-2020 VisualEditor Team and others; see http://ve.mit-license.org */ /** * Dialog for displaying a confirmation. * * This class exists to override the static MessageDialog actions. * * @class * @extends OO.ui.MessageDialog * * @constructor * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options */ ve.ui.MWConfirmationDialog = function VeUiMWConfirmationDialog( config ) { // Parent constructor ve.ui.MWConfirmationDialog.super.call( this, config ); }; /* Inheritance */ OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.MWConfirmationDialog, OO.ui.MessageDialog ); /* Static properties */ ve.ui.MWConfirmationDialog.static.name = 'confirmation'; ve.ui.MWConfirmationDialog.static.size = 'small'; /* Static methods */ /** * Open a confirmation dialog * * @param {string} prompt message key to show as dialog content * @param {Function} successCmd callback if continue action is chosen */ ve.ui.MWConfirmationDialog.confirm = function ( prompt, successCmd ) { var windowManager = new OO.ui.WindowManager(); $( document.body ).append( windowManager.$element ); var dialog = new ve.ui.MWConfirmationDialog(); windowManager.addWindows( [ dialog ] ); windowManager.openWindow( dialog, { // Messages that can be used here: // * visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-back-confirmation-prompt // * visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-close-confirmation-prompt message: mw.message( prompt ).text() } ).closed.then( function ( data ) { if ( data && data.action === 'accept' ) { successCmd(); } } ); }; /* Methods */ /** * @inheritdoc * * @param {Object} [data] Dialog opening data * @param {jQuery|string|Function|null} [data.title] Dialog title, omit to use * the {@link #static-title static title} * @param {Object[]} [data.actions] List of configuration options for each * {@link OO.ui.ActionWidget action widget}, omit to use the default "OK". */ ve.ui.MWConfirmationDialog.prototype.getSetupProcess = function ( data ) { data = data || {}; data = ve.extendObject( { actions: [ { action: 'reject', label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-confirmation-reject' ), flags: 'safe' }, { action: 'accept', label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-confirmation-discard' ), flags: 'destructive' } ] }, data ); return ve.ui.MWConfirmationDialog.super.prototype.getSetupProcess.call( this, data ); }; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.ui.MWConfirmationDialog.prototype.getReadyProcess = function ( data ) { // "normal" destructive actions don't get focus by default this.getActions().get( { actions: 'accept' } )[ 0 ].focus(); return ve.ui.MWConfirmationDialog.super.prototype.getReadyProcess.call( this, data ); };