/*! * VisualEditor MediaWiki Initialization LinkCache class. * * @copyright 2011-2015 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /** * Caches information about titles. * @class * @extends ve.init.mw.ApiResponseCache * @constructor */ ve.init.mw.LinkCache = function VeInitMwLinkCache() { ve.init.mw.LinkCache.super.call( this ); // Keys are page names, values are link data objects // This is kept for synchronous retrieval of cached values via #getCached this.cacheValues = {}; }; /* Inheritance */ OO.inheritClass( ve.init.mw.LinkCache, ve.init.mw.ApiResponseCache ); /* Static methods */ /** * Get the icon name to use for a particular link type * * @param {Object} linkData Link data * @return {string} Icon name */ ve.init.mw.LinkCache.static.getIconForLink = function ( linkData ) { if ( linkData.missing ) { return 'page-not-found'; } if ( linkData.redirect ) { return 'page-redirect'; } if ( linkData.disambiguation ) { return 'page-disambiguation'; } return 'page-existing'; }; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.init.mw.LinkCache.static.processPage = function ( page ) { return { missing: page.missing !== undefined, redirect: page.redirect !== undefined, disambiguation: ve.getProp( page, 'pageprops', 'disambiguation' ) !== undefined, imageUrl: ve.getProp( page, 'thumbnail', 'source' ), description: ve.getProp( page, 'terms', 'description' ) }; }; /* Methods */ /** * Requests information about the title, then adds classes to the provided element as appropriate. * * @param {string} title * @param {jQuery} $element Element to style */ ve.init.mw.LinkCache.prototype.styleElement = function ( title, $element ) { var promise, cachedMissingData = this.getCached( '_missing/' + title ); // Use the synchronous missing link cache data if it exists if ( cachedMissingData ) { promise = $.Deferred().resolve( cachedMissingData ).promise(); } else { promise = this.get( title ); } promise.done( function ( data ) { if ( data.missing ) { $element.addClass( 'new' ); } else { // Provided by core MediaWiki, no styles by default. if ( data.redirect ) { $element.addClass( 'mw-redirect' ); } // Should be provided by the Disambiguator extension, but no one has yet written a suitably // performant patch to do it. It is instead implemented in JavaScript in on-wiki gadgets. if ( data.disambiguation ) { $element.addClass( 'mw-disambig' ); } } } ); }; /** * Enable or disable automatic assumption of existence. * * While enabled, any get() for a title that's not already in the cache will return * { missing: false } and write that to the cache. * * @param {boolean} assume Assume all uncached titles exist */ ve.init.mw.LinkCache.prototype.setAssumeExistence = function ( assume ) { this.assumeExistence = !!assume; }; /** * Set link missing data * * Stored separately from the full link data cache * * @param {Object} entries Object keyed by page title, with the values being data objects */ ve.init.mw.LinkCache.prototype.setMissing = function ( entries ) { var name, missingEntries = {}; for ( name in entries ) { missingEntries['_missing/' + name] = entries[name]; } this.set( missingEntries ); }; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.init.mw.LinkCache.prototype.get = function ( title ) { var data = {}; if ( this.assumeExistence ) { data[this.constructor.static.normalizeTitle( title )] = { missing: false }; this.setMissing( data ); } // Parent method return ve.init.mw.LinkCache.super.prototype.get.call( this, title ); }; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.init.mw.LinkCache.prototype.getRequestPromise = function ( subqueue ) { return new mw.Api().get( { action: 'query', prop: 'info|pageprops|pageimages|pageterms', pithumbsize: 80, pilimit: 10, wbptterms: 'description', ppprop: 'disambiguation', titles: subqueue.join( '|' ), continue: '' } ); };