* VisualEditor MediaWiki Initialization CollabTarget class.
* @copyright 2011-2016 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* MediaWiki mobile article target.
* @class
* @extends ve.init.mw.Target
* @constructor
* @param {mw.Title} title Page sub-title
* @param {rebaserUrl} string Rebaser server URL
* @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
* @cfg {mw.Title} [importTitle] Title to import
ve.init.mw.CollabTarget = function VeInitMwCollabTarget( title, rebaserUrl, config ) {
config = config || {};
config.toolbarConfig = $.extend( {
shadow: true,
actions: true,
floatable: true
}, config.toolbarConfig );
this.title = title;
this.rebaserUrl = rebaserUrl;
this.importTitle = config.importTitle;
// Parent constructor
ve.init.mw.CollabTarget.super.call( this, config );
// HACK: Disable history commands until supported (T185706)
ve.ui.commandRegistry.unregister( 'undo' );
ve.ui.commandRegistry.unregister( 'redo' );
// HACK: Disable references until supported (T194838)
ve.ui.commandRegistry.unregister( 'reference' );
ve.ui.commandRegistry.unregister( 'referencesList' );
ve.ui.commandRegistry.unregister( 'citefromid' );
this.$originalContent = $( '
' ).addClass( 've-init-mw-desktopArticleTarget-originalContent' );
this.$editableContent = $( '#mw-content-text' );
// Initialization
this.$element.addClass( 've-init-mw-articleTarget ve-init-mw-desktopArticleTarget ve-init-mw-collabTarget' ).append( this.$originalContent );
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( ve.init.mw.CollabTarget, ve.init.mw.Target );
/* Static Properties */
ve.init.mw.CollabTarget.static.name = 'collab';
ve.init.mw.CollabTarget.static.trackingName = 'collab';
ve.init.mw.CollabTarget.static.toolbarGroups = ve.copy( ve.init.mw.CollabTarget.static.toolbarGroups );
ve.init.mw.CollabTarget.static.toolbarGroups.splice( 4, 0, {
name: 'commentAnnotation',
include: [ 'commentAnnotation' ]
} );
// HACK: Disable references until supported (T194838)
ve.init.mw.CollabTarget.static.toolbarGroups = ve.init.mw.CollabTarget.static.toolbarGroups.filter( function ( group ) {
return group.name !== 'reference';
} );
ve.init.mw.CollabTarget.static.actionGroups = [
name: 'help',
include: [ 'help' ]
name: 'pageMenu',
type: 'list',
icon: 'menu',
indicator: null,
title: ve.msg( 'visualeditor-pagemenu-tooltip' ),
include: [ 'changeDirectionality', 'findAndReplace' ]
name: 'authorList',
include: [ 'authorList' ]
/* Methods */
* Page modifications after editor load.
ve.init.mw.CollabTarget.prototype.transformPage = function () {
this.$originalContent.append( this.$element.siblings() );
* Page modifications after editor teardown.
ve.init.mw.CollabTarget.prototype.restorePage = function () {
this.$element.parent().append( this.$originalContent.children() );
* @inheritdoc
ve.init.mw.CollabTarget.prototype.surfaceReady = function () {
var exportButton,
surfaceView = this.getSurface().getView(),
toolbar = this.getToolbar();
// Parent method
ve.init.mw.CollabTarget.super.prototype.surfaceReady.apply( this, arguments );
exportButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
icon: 'wikiText',
label: ve.msg( 'visualeditor-savedialog-review-wikitext' ),
flags: [ 'progressive', 'primary' ]
} );
exportButton.connect( this, { click: 'onExportButtonClick' } );
toolbar.$actions.append( exportButton.$element );
* Handle click events from the export button
ve.init.mw.CollabTarget.prototype.onExportButtonClick = function () {
var surface = this.getSurface(),
windowAction = ve.ui.actionFactory.create( 'window', surface );
windowAction.open( 'mwExportWikitext', { surface: surface } );
* @inheritdoc
ve.init.mw.CollabTarget.prototype.attachToolbar = function () {
've-init-mw-desktopArticleTarget-toolbar ve-init-mw-desktopArticleTarget-toolbar-open ve-init-mw-desktopArticleTarget-toolbar-opened'
this.$element.prepend( this.toolbar.$element );
* @inheritdoc
ve.init.mw.CollabTarget.prototype.setSurface = function ( surface ) {
var synchronizer, surfaceView, defaultName,
importDeferred = $.Deferred(),
target = this;
if ( surface !== this.surface ) {
this.$editableContent.after( surface.$element );
surfaceView = surface.getView();
synchronizer = new ve.dm.SurfaceSynchronizer(
{ server: this.rebaserUrl }
synchronizer.on( 'authorNameChange', function ( authorId ) {
var newName = synchronizer.getAuthorName( authorId );
if ( authorId === synchronizer.getAuthorId() ) {
mw.storage.session.set( 've-collab-username', newName );
} );
synchronizer.once( 'initDoc', function () {
var initPromise;
if ( target.importTitle && !surface.getModel().getDocument().getCompleteHistoryLength() ) {
initPromise = mw.libs.ve.targetLoader.requestParsoidData( target.importTitle.toString(), { targetName: 'collabpad' } ).then( function ( response ) {
var doc, dmDoc,
content = ve.getProp( response, 'visualeditor', 'content' );
if ( content ) {
doc = target.constructor.static.parseDocument( content );
dmDoc = target.constructor.static.createModelFromDom( doc );
surface.getModel().getLinearFragment( new ve.Range( 0, 2 ) ).insertDocument( dmDoc );
} else {
// Import failed
return $.Deferred().reject( 'No content for ' + target.importTitle ).promise();
} );
} else {
// No import, or history already exists
initPromise = $.Deferred().resolve().promise();
initPromise.fail( function ( err ) {
setTimeout( function () {
throw new Error( err );
} );
} );
initPromise.always( function () {
// Resolve progress bar
} );
} );
// TODO: server could communicate with MW (via oauth?) to know the
// current-user's name. Disable changing name if logged in?
// Communicate an I-am-a-valid-user flag to other clients?
defaultName = mw.storage.session.get( 've-collab-username' );
if ( !defaultName && !mw.user.isAnon() ) {
defaultName = mw.user.getName();
if ( defaultName ) {
synchronizer.changeName( defaultName );
surfaceView.setSynchronizer( synchronizer, importDeferred.promise() );
// Parent method
ve.init.mw.CollabTarget.super.prototype.setSurface.apply( this, arguments );
/* Registration */
ve.init.mw.targetFactory.register( ve.init.mw.CollabTarget );