#!/bin/bash -eu # This script generates a structured git log of commits to the VisualEditor-MediaWiki repository, # and walks the submodule updates to the lib/ve submodule and the OOjs and OOjs UI pull-through # build commits to detail all changes since a given branch point. # Using `git branch -a | grep wmf | sort -V` to automatically pick the latest branch version would # be nice here, but doesn't work because Mac OS X's version of sort is too old. # cd to the VisualEditor directory cd $(cd $(dirname $0)/..; pwd) # Ensure input is correct if [ -z "${1:-}" ] then echo >&2 "Usage: listRecentCommits.sh " exit 1 fi STARTHASH=`git rev-parse $1` if [ "$?" -ne "0" ] then echo >&2 "Parameter is not a valid git branch" exit 1 fi echo "Listing changes since '$1' (hash: $STARTHASH)" echo "" LOCALCHANGES=`git log $1.. --oneline --no-merges --reverse --color=never | egrep --color=never -v '(translatewiki|BrowserTest)'` # Iterate over lines matching "Update VE core submodule" while read -r CHANGE do printf "$CHANGE\n" if [[ $CHANGE == *"Update VE core submodule"* ]] then CHANGEHASH=`cut -f1 -d' ' <<< $CHANGE` SUBCHANGES=`git log --format=%B -n1 $CHANGEHASH -- | sed -n -e '/New changes/,/^$/p' | tail -n +2 | sed -e '$ d' | grep --color=never -v 'translatewiki'` while read -r SUBCHANGE do printf "\t$SUBCHANGE\n" done <<< "$SUBCHANGES" # Extra new-line between sub-module pulls for clarity printf "\n" fi done <<< "$LOCALCHANGES" exit