/** * Creates an ve.es.Surface object. * * @class * @constructor * @param {jQuery} $container DOM Container to render surface into * @param {ve.dm.Surface} model Surface model to view */ ve.es.Surface = function( $container, model ) { // Inheritance ve.EventEmitter.call( this ); // References for use in closures var _this = this, $document = $( document ), $window = $( window ); // Properties this.model = model; this.documentView = new ve.es.DocumentNode( this.model.getDocument(), this ); this.contextView = null; this.clipboard = {}; this.$ = $container .addClass( 'es-surfaceView' ) .append( this.documentView.$ ); this.emitUpdateTimeout = undefined; this.node = null; // Events this.documentView.$.bind( { 'focus': function( e ) { $document.unbind( '.ce-surfaceView' ); $document.bind( { 'keydown.ce-surfaceView': function( e ) { return _this.onKeyDown( e ); }, } ); _this.setNode(); }, 'blur': function( e ) { $document.unbind( '.ce-surfaceView' ); } } ); this.$.mousedown( function(e) { return _this.onMouseDown( e ); } ); /* this.model.getDocument().on( 'update', function() { _this.emitUpdate( 25 ); } ); this.$.mousedown( function( e ) { return _this.onMouseDown( e ); } ); this.$.mouseup( function( e ) { //var selection = _this.getSelection(); //_this.showFakeCursorAt(selection.start); } ); this.$.on('paste', function( e ) { _this.onPaste( e ); } ); this.$.on('cut copy', function( e ) { _this.onCutCopy( e ); } ); */ // Initialization this.documentView.renderContent(); }; /* Methods */ ve.es.Surface.prototype.attachContextView = function( contextView ) { this.contextView = contextView; }; ve.es.Surface.prototype.getModel = function() { return this.model; }; ve.es.Surface.prototype.onKeyDown = function( e ) { switch ( e.keyCode ) { // Page up case 33: // Page down case 34: // Home case 36: // End case 35: // Up arrow case 38: // Down arrow case 40: this.setNode(); break; // Left arrow case 37: this.setNode( 'left' ); break; // Right arrow case 39: this.setNode( 'right' ); break; } }; ve.es.Surface.prototype.onMouseDown = function( e ) { this.setNode(); }; ve.es.Surface.prototype.setNode = function( direction ) { var _this = this; setTimeout( function() { var rangySelection = rangy.getSelection(); if ( rangySelection.anchorNode === _this.node ) { return; } if ( rangySelection.anchorNode.nodeType !== 3 ) { if ( _this.node === null ) { throw "Value of this.node shouldn't be a null"; } if ( direction !== 'left' && direction !== 'right' ) { throw "At this point value of direction should be 'left' or 'right'"; } var oldOffset = _this.getOffset( _this.node, 0 ), newOffset; if ( direction === 'left' ) { newOffset = _this.documentView.model.getRelativeContentOffset( oldOffset, -1 ); } else if ( direction === 'right' ) { newOffset = _this.documentView.model.getRelativeContentOffset( oldOffset + _this.node.length, 1 ); } _this.showCursorAt( newOffset ); _this.setNode(); return; } _this.node = rangySelection.anchorNode; console.log(_this.node); }, 0 ); }; ve.es.Surface.prototype.getSelection = function() { var selection = rangy.getSelection(); if ( selection.anchorNode === selection.focusNode && selection.anchorOffset === selection.focusOffset ) { // cursor var offset = this.getOffset( selection.anchorNode, selection.anchorOffset ); return new ve.Range( offset, offset ); } else { // selection var offset1 = this.getOffset( selection.anchorNode, selection.anchorOffset ); var offset2 = this.getOffset( selection.focusNode, selection.focusOffset ); return new ve.Range( offset1, offset2 ); } }; ve.es.Surface.prototype.getOffset = function( localNode, localOffset ) { var $node = $( localNode ); if ( $node.hasClass( 'ce-leafNode' ) ) { return this.documentView.getOffsetFromNode( $node.data('view') ) + 1; } while( !$node.hasClass( 'ce-leafNode' ) ) { $node = $node.parent(); } var current = [$node.contents(), 0]; var stack = [current]; var offset = 0; while ( stack.length > 0 ) { if ( current[1] >= current[0].length ) { stack.pop(); current = stack[ stack.length - 1 ]; continue; } var item = current[0][current[1]]; var $item = current[0].eq( current[1] ); if ( item.nodeType === 3 ) { if ( item === localNode ) { offset += localOffset; break; } else { offset += item.textContent.length; } } else if ( item.nodeType === 1 ) { if ( $( item ).attr('contentEditable') === "false" ) { offset += 1; } else { if ( item === localNode ) { offset += localOffset; break; } stack.push( [$item.contents(), 0] ); current[1]++; current = stack[stack.length-1]; continue; } } current[1]++; } return this.documentView.getOffsetFromNode( $node.data('view') ) + 1 + offset; }; ve.es.Surface.prototype.showCursorAt = function( offset ) { var $node = this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( offset ).$; var current = [$node.contents(), 0]; var stack = [current]; var node; var localOffset; var index = 1 + this.documentView.getOffsetFromNode( $node.data('view') ); while ( stack.length > 0 ) { if ( current[1] >= current[0].length ) { stack.pop(); current = stack[ stack.length - 1 ]; continue; } var item = current[0][current[1]]; var $item = current[0].eq( current[1] ); if ( item.nodeType === 3 ) { var length = item.textContent.length; if ( offset >= index && offset <= index + length ) { node = item; localOffset = offset - index; break; } else { index += length; } } else if ( item.nodeType === 1 ) { if ( $( item ).attr('contentEditable') === "false" ) { index += 1; } else { stack.push( [$item.contents(), 0] ); current[1]++; current = stack[stack.length-1]; continue; } } current[1]++; } var range = document.createRange(); range.collapsed = true; range.setStart(node, localOffset); var sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); }; /* ve.es.Surface.prototype.onCutCopy = function( e ) { var _this = this, key = rangy.getSelection().getRangeAt(0).toString().replace(/( |\r\n|\n|\r|\t)/gm,""); _this.clipboard[key] = ve.copyArray( _this.documentView.model.getData( _this.getSelection() ) ); if ( event.type == 'cut' ) { setTimeout( function() { document.execCommand('undo', false, false); var selection = _this.getSelection(); var tx = _this.model.getDocument().prepareRemoval( selection ); _this.model.transact( tx ); _this.showCursorAt( selection.start ); }, 1 ); } }; ve.es.Surface.prototype.onPaste = function( e ) { var _this = this, insertionPoint = _this.getSelection().start; $('#paste').html('').show().css('top', $(window).scrollTop()).css('left', $(window).scrollLeft()).focus(); setTimeout( function() { var key = $('#paste').hide().text().replace(/( |\r\n|\n|\r|\t)/gm,""); if ( _this.clipboard[key] ) { var tx = _this.documentView.model.prepareInsertion( insertionPoint, _this.clipboard[key]); _this.model.transact( tx ); _this.showCursorAt(insertionPoint + _this.clipboard[key].length); } else { alert('i can only handle copy/paste from hybrid surface. sorry. :('); } }, 1 ); }; ve.es.Surface.prototype.onMouseDown = function( e ) { if ( this.worker !== null ) { clearInterval( this.worker ); } var _this = this; setTimeout( function() { _this.node = rangy.getSelection().anchorNode; var prevText = _this.node.textContent; _this.worker = setInterval( function() { if ( ( _this.node.previousSibling !== null && _this.node.previousSibling.nodeType === 3 ) || ( _this.node.nextSibling !== null && _this.node.nextSibling.nodeType === 3 ) ) { console.log("!"); var start = _this.getSelection().start; _this.node.parentNode.normalize(); _this.showCursorAt( start ); _this.node = rangy.getSelection().anchorNode; } var text = _this.node.textContent; if ( text === prevText ) { return; } var nodeOffset = _this.getOffset( _this.node, 0 ); var sameFromLeft = 0, sameFromRight = 0, l = prevText.length; while ( sameFromLeft < l && prevText[sameFromLeft] == text[sameFromLeft] ) { ++sameFromLeft; } if ( prevText.length > sameFromLeft ) { l = l - sameFromLeft; while ( sameFromRight < l && prevText[prevText.length - 1 - sameFromRight] == text[text.length - 1 - sameFromRight] ) { ++sameFromRight; } } if ( sameFromLeft + sameFromRight !== prevText.length ) { // delete var range = new ve.Range( nodeOffset + sameFromLeft, nodeOffset + prevText.length - sameFromRight ); var tx = _this.model.getDocument().prepareRemoval( range ); _this.model.transact( tx ); } if ( sameFromLeft + sameFromRight !== text.length ) { // insert var data = text.split('').slice(sameFromLeft, text.length - sameFromRight); var annotations = _this.model.getDocument().getAnnotationsFromOffset( nodeOffset + sameFromLeft - 1 ); ve.dm.DocumentNode.addAnnotationsToData( data, annotations ); var tx = _this.documentView.model.prepareInsertion( nodeOffset + sameFromLeft, data); _this.model.transact( tx ); } prevText = text; }, 50 ); }, 1 ); }; ve.es.Surface.prototype.emitUpdate = function( delay ) { if ( delay ) { if ( this.emitUpdateTimeout !== undefined ) { return; } var _this = this; this.emitUpdateTimeout = setTimeout( function() { _this.emit( 'update' ); _this.emitUpdateTimeout = undefined; }, delay ); } else { this.emit( 'update' ); } }; ve.es.Surface.prototype.showCursorAt = function( offset ) { var $node = this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( offset ).$; var current = [$node.contents(), 0]; var stack = [current]; var node; var localOffset; var index = 1 + this.documentView.getOffsetFromNode( $node.data('view') ); while ( stack.length > 0 ) { if ( current[1] >= current[0].length ) { stack.pop(); current = stack[ stack.length - 1 ]; continue; } var item = current[0][current[1]]; var $item = current[0].eq( current[1] ); if ( item.nodeType === 3 ) { var length = item.textContent.length; if ( offset >= index && offset <= index + length ) { node = item; localOffset = offset - index; break; } else { index += length; } } else if ( item.nodeType === 1 ) { if ( $( item ).attr('contentEditable') === "false" ) { index += 1; } else { stack.push( [$item.contents(), 0] ); current[1]++; current = stack[stack.length-1]; continue; } } current[1]++; } var range = document.createRange(); range.collapsed = true; range.setStart(node, localOffset); var sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); }; ve.es.Surface.prototype.showFakeCursorAt = function( offset ) { var _this = this; var $node = _this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( offset ).$; var current = [$node.contents(), 0]; var stack = [current]; var node; var localOffset; var index = 1 + _this.documentView.getOffsetFromNode( $node.data('view') ); while ( stack.length > 0 ) { if ( current[1] >= current[0].length ) { stack.pop(); current = stack[ stack.length - 1 ]; continue; } var item = current[0][current[1]]; var $item = current[0].eq( current[1] ); if ( item.nodeType === 3 ) { var length = item.textContent.length; if ( offset >= index && offset <= index + length ) { node = item; localOffset = offset - index; break; } else { index += length; } } else if ( item.nodeType === 1 ) { if ( $( item ).attr('contentEditable') === "false" ) { index += 1; } else { stack.push( [$item.contents(), 0] ); current[1]++; current = stack[stack.length-1]; continue; } } current[1]++; } // Delay by 3 seconds - just for demo setTimeout(function() { var sel = rangy.getSelection(); var range1 = sel.getRangeAt(0); var range2 = rangy.createRange(); range2.setStart(node, localOffset); sel.setSingleRange(range2); var position = rangy.getSelection().getStartDocumentPos(); $('#fake-cursor').css('top', position.y).css('left', position.x); sel.setSingleRange(range1); }, 3000); } */ /* Inheritance */ ve.extendClass( ve.es.Surface, ve.EventEmitter );