/*! * VisualEditor user interface MWParameterPlaceholderPage class. * * @copyright 2011-2016 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /** * MediaWiki transclusion dialog parameter placeholder page. * * @class * @extends OO.ui.PageLayout * * @constructor * @param {ve.dm.MWTemplateModel} parameter Template * @param {string} name Unique symbolic name of page * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options */ ve.ui.MWParameterPlaceholderPage = function VeUiMWParameterPlaceholderPage( parameter, name, config ) { // Configuration initialization config = ve.extendObject( { scrollable: false }, config ); // Parent constructor OO.ui.PageLayout.call( this, name, config ); // Properties this.name = name; this.parameter = parameter; this.template = this.parameter.getTemplate(); this.addParameterSearch = new ve.ui.MWParameterSearchWidget( this.template, { showAll: !!config.expandedParamList } ) .connect( this, { choose: 'onParameterChoose', showAll: 'onParameterShowAll' } ); this.removeButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { framed: false, icon: 'remove', title: ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-remove-param' ), flags: [ 'destructive' ], classes: [ 've-ui-mwTransclusionDialog-removeButton' ] } ) .connect( this, { click: 'onRemoveButtonClick' } ); this.addParameterFieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout( { label: ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-add-param' ), icon: 'parameter', classes: [ 've-ui-mwTransclusionDialog-addParameterFieldset' ], $content: this.addParameterSearch.$element } ); // Initialization this.$element .addClass( 've-ui-mwParameterPlaceholderPage' ) .append( this.addParameterFieldset.$element, this.removeButton.$element ); }; /* Inheritance */ OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.MWParameterPlaceholderPage, OO.ui.PageLayout ); /* Methods */ /** * Respond to the parameter search widget showAll event * * @fires showAll */ ve.ui.MWParameterPlaceholderPage.prototype.onParameterShowAll = function () { this.emit( 'showAll', this.name ); }; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.ui.MWParameterPlaceholderPage.prototype.setOutlineItem = function ( outlineItem ) { // Parent method OO.ui.PageLayout.prototype.setOutlineItem.call( this, outlineItem ); if ( this.outlineItem ) { this.outlineItem .setIcon( 'parameter' ) .setMovable( false ) .setRemovable( true ) .setLevel( 1 ) .setFlags( [ 'placeholder' ] ) .setLabel( ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-add-param' ) ); } }; ve.ui.MWParameterPlaceholderPage.prototype.onParameterChoose = function ( name ) { var param; if ( name ) { param = new ve.dm.MWParameterModel( this.template, name ); this.addParameterSearch.query.setValue( '' ); this.template.addParameter( param ); } }; ve.ui.MWParameterPlaceholderPage.prototype.onRemoveButtonClick = function () { this.parameter.remove(); };