/*! * VisualEditor UserInterface ClippableElement class. * * @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /** * Clippable element. * * @class * @abstract * * @constructor * @param {jQuery} $clippable Group element */ ve.ui.ClippableElement = function VeUiClippableElement( $clippable ) { // Properties this.$clippable = $clippable; this.clipping = false; this.clipped = false; this.$clippableContainer = null; this.$clippableScroller = null; this.$clippableWindow = null; this.onClippableContainerScrollHandler = ve.bind( this.clip, this ); this.onClippableWindowResizeHandler = ve.bind( this.clip, this ); // Initialization this.$clippable.addClass( 've-ui-clippableElement-clippable' ); }; /* Methods */ /** * Set clipping. * * @method * @param {boolean} value Enable clipping * @chainable */ ve.ui.ClippableElement.prototype.setClipping = function ( value ) { value = !!value; if ( this.clipping !== value ) { this.clipping = value; if ( this.clipping ) { this.$clippableContainer = this.$$( this.getClosestScrollableElementContainer() ); // If the clippable container is the body, we have to listen to scroll events and check // jQuery.scrollTop on the window because of browser inconsistencies this.$clippableScroller = this.$clippableContainer.is( 'body' ) ? this.$$( ve.Element.getWindow( this.$clippableContainer ) ) : this.$clippableContainer; this.$clippableScroller.on( 'scroll', this.onClippableContainerScrollHandler ); this.$clippableWindow = this.$$( this.getElementWindow() ) .on( 'resize', this.onClippableWindowResizeHandler ); // Initial clip after visible setTimeout( ve.bind( this.clip, this ) ); } else { this.$clippableContainer = null; this.$clippableScroller.off( 'scroll', this.onClippableContainerScrollHandler ); this.$clippableScroller = null; this.$clippableWindow.off( 'resize', this.onClippableWindowResizeHandler ); this.$clippableWindow = null; } } return this; }; /** * Check if the element will be clipped to fit the visible area of the nearest scrollable container. * * @method * @return {boolean} Element will be clipped to the visible area */ ve.ui.ClippableElement.prototype.isClipping = function () { return this.clipping; }; /** * Check if the bottom or right of the element is being clipped by the nearest scrollable container. * * @method * @return {boolean} Part of the element is being clipped */ ve.ui.ClippableElement.prototype.isClipped = function () { return this.clipped; }; /** * Clip element to visible boundaries and allow scrolling when needed. * * Element will be clipped the bottom or right of the element is within 10px of the edge of, or * overlapped by, the visible area of the nearest scrollable container. * * @method * @chainable */ ve.ui.ClippableElement.prototype.clip = function () { if ( !this.clipping ) { // this.$clippableContainer and this.$clippableWindow are null, so the below will fail return this; } var buffer = 10, cOffset = this.$clippable.offset(), ccOffset = this.$clippableContainer.offset() || { 'top': 0, 'left': 0 }, ccHeight = this.$clippableContainer.innerHeight() - buffer, ccWidth = this.$clippableContainer.innerWidth() - buffer, scrollTop = this.$clippableScroller.scrollTop(), scrollLeft = this.$clippableScroller.scrollLeft(), desiredWidth = ( ccOffset.left + scrollLeft + ccWidth ) - cOffset.left, desiredHeight = ( ccOffset.top + scrollTop + ccHeight ) - cOffset.top, naturalWidth = this.$clippable.prop( 'scrollWidth' ), naturalHeight = this.$clippable.prop( 'scrollHeight' ), clipWidth = desiredWidth < naturalWidth, clipHeight = desiredHeight < naturalHeight; if ( clipWidth ) { this.$clippable.css( { 'overflow-x': 'auto', 'width': desiredWidth } ); } else { this.$clippable.css( { 'overflow-x': '', 'width': '' } ); } if ( clipHeight ) { this.$clippable.css( { 'overflow-y': 'auto', 'height': desiredHeight } ); } else { this.$clippable.css( { 'overflow-y': '', 'height': '' } ); } this.clipped = clipWidth || clipHeight; return this; };