/** * Creates an es.SurfaceView object. * * @class * @constructor * @param {jQuery} $container DOM Container to render surface into * @param {es.SurfaceModel} model Surface model to view */ es.SurfaceView = function( $container, model ) { var _this = this; es.EventEmitter.call( this ); this.$ = $container.addClass( 'es-surfaceView' ); this.$window = $( window ); this.model = model; this.selection = new es.Range(); this.previousSelection = null; this.mac = navigator.userAgent.match(/mac/i) ? true : false; this.model.getDocument().on( 'update', function() { _this.emit( 'update' ); } ); this.emitSelect = function() { if ( _this.previousSelection ) { if ( _this.previousSelection.from !== _this.selection.from || _this.previousSelection.to !== _this.selection.to ) { _this.emit( 'select', _this.selection.clone() ); _this.previousSelection = _this.selection.clone(); } // Mouse movement that doesn't change selection points will terminate here } else { _this.previousSelection = _this.selection.clone(); } }; // Initialize document view this.documentView = new es.DocumentView( this.model.getDocument(), this ); this.$.append( this.documentView.$ ); // Interaction state // There are three different selection modes available for mouse. Selection of: // * 1 - chars // * 2 - words // * 3 - nodes (e.g. paragraph, listitem) // // In case of 2 and 3 selectedRange stores the range of original selection caused by double // or triple mousedowns. this.mouse = { selectingMode: null, selectedRange: null }; this.cursor = { $: $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$ ), interval: null, initialLeft: null, initialBias: false }; this.keyboard = { selecting: false, cursorAnchor: null, keydownTimeout: null, keys: { shift: false, //control: false, //command: false, //alt: false } }; // References for use in closures var surfaceView = this, $document = $( document ); // MouseDown and DoubleClick on surface this.$.on( { 'mousedown' : function(e) { return surfaceView.onMouseDown( e ); } } ); // Hidden input this.$input = $( '' ) .prependTo( this.$ ) .on( { 'focus' : function() { //console.log("focus"); $document.off( '.es-surfaceView' ); $document.on({ 'mousemove.es-surfaceView': function(e) { return surfaceView.onMouseMove( e ); }, 'mouseup.es-surfaceView': function(e) { return surfaceView.onMouseUp( e ); }, 'keydown.es-surfaceView': function( e ) { return surfaceView.onKeyDown( e ); }, 'keyup.es-surfaceView': function( e ) { return surfaceView.onKeyUp( e ); } }); }, 'blur': function( e ) { //console.log("blur"); $document.off( '.es-surfaceView' ); surfaceView.hideCursor(); } } ).focus(); // First render this.documentView.renderContent(); this.dimensions = { width: this.$.width(), height: this.$window.height(), scrollTop: this.$window.scrollTop() }; // Re-render when resizing horizontally this.$window.resize( function() { surfaceView.hideCursor(); surfaceView.dimensions.height = surfaceView.$window.height(); var width = surfaceView.$.width(); if ( surfaceView.dimensions.width !== width ) { surfaceView.dimensions.width = width; surfaceView.documentView.renderContent(); } } ); this.$window.scroll( function() { surfaceView.dimensions.scrollTop = surfaceView.$window.scrollTop(); } ); }; /* Methods */ es.SurfaceView.prototype.onMouseDown = function( e ) { if ( e.button === 0 ) { // left mouse button var offset = this.documentView.getOffsetFromEvent( e ); console.log('onMouseDown; offset: ' + offset); if ( e.originalEvent.detail === 1 ) { // single click this.mouse.selectingMode = 1; // used in mouseMove handler if ( this.keyboard.keys.shift && offset !== this.selection.from ) { // extend current or create new selection this.selection.to = offset; } else { if ( this.selection.to !== this.selection.from ) { // clear the selection if there was any this.documentView.clearSelection(); } this.selection.from = this.selection.to = offset; var position = es.Position.newFromEventPagePosition( e ), nodeView = this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( offset, false ); this.cursor.initialBias = position.left > nodeView.contentView.$.offset().left; } } else if ( e.originalEvent.detail === 2 ) { // double click this.mouse.selectingMode = 2; // used in mouseMove handler var wordRange = this.documentView.model.getWordBoundaries( offset ); if( wordRange ) { this.selection = wordRange; this.mouse.selectedRange = this.selection.clone(); } } else if ( e.originalEvent.detail >= 3 ) { // triple click this.mouse.selectingMode = 3; // used in mouseMove handler var node = this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( offset ); this.selection.from = this.documentView.getOffsetFromNode( node, false ); this.selection.to = this.selection.from + node.getElementLength() - 1; this.mouse.selectedRange = this.selection.clone(); } if ( this.selection.from === this.selection.to ) { this.showCursor(); } else { this.hideCursor(); this.documentView.drawSelection( this.selection ); } } if ( !this.$input.is( ':focus' ) ) { this.$input.focus().select(); } this.cursor.initialLeft = null; this.emitSelect(); return false; }; es.SurfaceView.prototype.onMouseMove = function( e ) { if ( e.button === 0 && this.mouse.selectingMode ) { // left mouse button and in selecting mode var offset = this.documentView.getOffsetFromEvent( e ); if ( this.mouse.selectingMode === 1 ) { // selection of chars this.selection.to = offset; } else if ( this.mouse.selectingMode === 2 ) { // selection of words var wordRange = this.documentView.model.getWordBoundaries( offset ); if ( wordRange ) { if ( wordRange.to <= this.mouse.selectedRange.from ) { this.selection.to = wordRange.from; this.selection.from = this.mouse.selectedRange.to; } else { this.selection.to = wordRange.to; this.selection.from = this.mouse.selectedRange.from; } } else { this.selection.to = offset; } } else if ( this.mouse.selectingMode === 3 ) { var nodeRange = this.documentView.getRangeFromNode( this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( offset ) ); if ( nodeRange.to <= this.mouse.selectedRange.from ) { this.selection.to = nodeRange.from; this.selection.from = this.mouse.selectedRange.to; } else { this.selection.to = nodeRange.to; this.selection.from = this.mouse.selectedRange.from; } } this.documentView.drawSelection( this.selection ); if ( this.selection.from !== this.selection.to ) { this.hideCursor(); } } }; es.SurfaceView.prototype.onMouseUp = function( e ) { if ( e.button === 0 ) { // left mouse button this.mouse.selectingMode = this.mouse.selectedRange = null; } }; es.SurfaceView.prototype.onKeyDown = function( e ) { var tx; switch ( e.keyCode ) { case 16: // Shift this.keyboard.keys.shift = true; this.keyboard.selecting = true; break; case 17: // Control //this.keyboard.keys.control = true; break; case 18: // Alt //this.keyboard.keys.alt = true; break; case 91: // Left Command in WebKit case 93: // Right Command in WebKit case 224: // Command in FireFox //this.keyboard.keys.command = true; break; case 36: // Home this.moveCursor( 'left', 'line' ); break; case 35: // End this.moveCursor( 'right', 'line' ); break; case 37: // Left arrow if ( !this.mac ) { if ( e.ctrlKey ) { this.moveCursor( 'left', 'word' ); } else { this.moveCursor( 'left', 'char' ); } } else { if ( e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey ) { this.moveCursor( 'left', 'line' ); } else if ( e.altKey ) { this.moveCursor( 'left', 'word' ); } else { this.moveCursor( 'left', 'char' ); } } break; case 38: // Up arrow if ( !this.mac ) { if ( e.ctrlKey ) { this.moveCursor( 'up', 'unit' ); } else { this.moveCursor( 'up', 'char' ); } } else { if ( e.altKey ) { this.moveCursor( 'up', 'unit' ); } else { this.moveCursor( 'up', 'char' ); } } break; case 39: // Right arrow if ( !this.mac ) { if ( e.ctrlKey ) { this.moveCursor( 'right', 'word' ); } else { this.moveCursor( 'right', 'char' ); } } else { if ( e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey ) { this.moveCursor( 'right', 'line' ); } else if ( e.altKey ) { this.moveCursor( 'right', 'word' ); } else { this.moveCursor( 'right', 'char' ); } } break; case 40: // Down arrow if ( !this.mac ) { if ( e.ctrlKey ) { this.moveCursor( 'down', 'unit' ); } else { this.moveCursor( 'down', 'char' ); } } else { if ( e.altKey ) { this.moveCursor( 'down', 'unit' ); } else { this.moveCursor( 'down', 'char' ); } } break; case 8: // Backspace this.selection.normalize(); var range; if ( this.selection.from === this.selection.to ) { range = new es.Range( this.documentView.getModel().getRelativeContentOffset( this.selection.from, -1 ), this.selection.from ); } else { this.documentView.clearSelection(); range = this.selection; } var tx = this.documentView.model.prepareRemoval( range ); this.documentView.model.commit ( tx ); this.selection.from = this.selection.to = range.start; this.showCursor(); break; case 46: // Delete this.selection.normalize(); var range; if ( this.selection.from === this.selection.to ) { range = new es.Range( this.documentView.getModel().getRelativeContentOffset( this.selection.from, 1 ), this.selection.from ); } else { this.documentView.clearSelection(); range = this.selection; } var tx = this.documentView.model.prepareRemoval( range ); this.documentView.model.commit ( tx ); this.selection.from = this.selection.to = range.start; this.showCursor(); break; case 13: // Enter if ( this.selection.from === this.selection.to ) { var node = this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( this.selection.to, false ).model, nodeType, stack = []; while ( node ) { nodeType = node.getElementType(); stack.splice( stack.length / 2, 0, { 'type': '/' + nodeType }, { 'type': nodeType, 'attributes': es.copyObject( node.element.attributes ) } ); node = node.getParent(); if ( es.DocumentView.splitRules[ nodeType ].self === true ) { nodeType = node.getElementType(); if ( es.DocumentView.splitRules[ nodeType ].children === true) { break; } } } var tx = this.documentView.model.prepareInsertion( this.selection.to, stack ); this.documentView.model.commit( tx ); this.selection.from = this.selection.to = this.documentView.getModel().getRelativeContentOffset( this.selection.to, 1 ); this.showCursor(); e.preventDefault(); return false; } break; default: // Insert content (maybe) if ( this.keyboard.keydownTimeout ) { clearTimeout( this.keyboard.keydownTimeout ); } var surface = this; this.keyboard.keydownTimeout = setTimeout( function () { surface.insertFromInput(); }, 10 ); break; } return true; }; es.SurfaceView.prototype.insertFromInput = function() { var val = this.$input.val(); this.$input.val( '' ); if ( val.length > 0 ) { var transaction = this.documentView.model.prepareInsertion( this.selection.to, val.split('') ); this.documentView.model.commit ( transaction ); this.selection.from = this.selection.to += val.length; this.showCursor(); } }; es.SurfaceView.prototype.onKeyUp = function( e ) { switch ( e.keyCode ) { case 16: // Shift this.keyboard.keys.shift = false; if ( this.keyboard.selecting ) { this.keyboard.selecting = false; } break; case 17: // Control //this.keyboard.keys.control = false; break; case 18: // Alt //this.keyboard.keys.alt = false; break; case 91: // Left Command in WebKit case 93: // Right Command in WebKit case 224: // Command in FireFox //this.keyboard.keys.command = false; break; default: break; } return true; }; /** * @param {String} direction up | down | left | right * @param {String} unit char | word | line | node | page */ es.SurfaceView.prototype.moveCursor = function( direction, unit ) { console.log('moveCursor; direction: ' + direction + ', unit: ' + unit); if ( direction !== 'up' && direction !== 'down' ) { this.cursor.initialLeft = null; } this.selection.normalize(); var to; switch ( direction ) { case 'left': case 'right': switch ( unit ) { case 'char': case 'word': var offset; if ( this.keyboard.keys.shift || this.selection.from === this.selection.to ) { offset = this.selection.to; } else { offset = direction === 'left' ? this.selection.start : this.selection.end; } to = this.documentView.getModel().getRelativeContentOffset( offset, direction === 'left' ? -1 : 1 ); if ( unit === 'word' ) { var wordRange = this.documentView.model.getWordBoundaries( direction === 'left' ? to : offset ); if ( wordRange ) { to = direction === 'left' ? wordRange.start : wordRange.end; } } break; case 'line': var offset = this.cursor.initialBias ? this.documentView.getModel().getRelativeContentOffset( this.selection.to, -1) : this.selection.to; var range = this.documentView.getRenderedLineRangeFromOffset( offset ); to = direction === 'left' ? range.start : range.end; break; } break; case 'up': case 'down': switch ( unit ) { case 'unit': var toNode = null; this.documentView.model.traverseLeafNodes( function( node ) { if ( toNode === null) { toNode = node; } else { toNode = node; return false; } }, this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( this.selection.to, false ).getModel(), direction === 'up' ? true : false ); to = this.documentView.model.getOffsetFromNode( toNode, false ) + 1; break; case 'char': /* * Looks for the in-document character position that would match up with the * same horizontal position - jumping a few pixels up/down at a time until we * reach the next/previous line */ var position = this.documentView.getRenderedPositionFromOffset( this.selection.to ); if ( this.cursor.initialLeft === null ) { this.cursor.initialLeft = position.left; } var fakePosition = new es.Position( this.cursor.initialLeft, position.top ), i = 0, step = direction === 'up' ? -5 : 5, top = this.$.position().top; do { fakePosition.top += ++i * step; if ( fakePosition.top < top ) { break; } else if (fakePosition.top > top + this.dimensions.height + this.dimensions.scrollTop ) { break; } fakePosition = this.documentView.getRenderedPositionFromOffset( this.documentView.getOffsetFromRenderedPosition( fakePosition ) ); fakePosition.left = this.cursor.initialLeft; } while ( position.top === fakePosition.top ); to = this.documentView.getOffsetFromRenderedPosition( fakePosition ); break; } break; } this.cursor.initialBias = direction === 'right' && unit === 'line' ? true : false; if ( this.keyboard.keys.shift && this.selection.from !== to) { this.selection.to = to; this.documentView.drawSelection( this.selection ); this.hideCursor(); } else { if ( this.selection.from !== this.selection.to ) { this.documentView.clearSelection(); } this.selection.from = this.selection.to = to; this.showCursor(); } this.emitSelect(); }; /** * Shows the cursor in a new position. * * @method * @param offset {Integer} Position to show the cursor at */ es.SurfaceView.prototype.showCursor = function() { var position = this.documentView.getRenderedPositionFromOffset( this.selection.to, this.cursor.initialBias ); this.cursor.$.css( { 'left': position.left, 'top': position.top, 'height': position.bottom - position.top } ).show(); this.$input.css({ 'top': position.top, 'height': position.bottom - position.top }); // cursor blinking if ( this.cursor.interval ) { clearInterval( this.cursor.interval ); } this.cursor.interval = setInterval( function( surface ) { surface.cursor.$.css( 'display', function( index, value ) { return value === 'block' ? 'none' : 'block'; } ); }, 500, this ); }; /** * Hides the cursor. * * @method */ es.SurfaceView.prototype.hideCursor = function() { if( this.cursor.interval ) { clearInterval( this.cursor.interval ); } this.cursor.$.hide(); }; /* Inheritance */ es.extendClass( es.SurfaceView, es.EventEmitter );