/*! * VisualEditor DataModel Model class. * * @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /** * Base class for DM models. * * @abstract * @constructor * @param {Object} element Reference to plain object in linear model */ ve.dm.Model = function VeDmModel( element ) { // Properties this.element = element || { 'type': this.constructor.static.name, 'attributes': {} }; }; ve.dm.Model.static = {}; /** * Symbolic name for this model class. Must be set to a unique string by every subclass. * @static * @property {string} [static.name=null] * @inheritable */ ve.dm.Model.static.name = null; /** * Array of HTML tag names that this model should be a match candidate for. * Empty array means none, null means any. * For more information about element matching, see ve.dm.ModelRegistry. * @static * @property {string[]} static.matchTagNames * @inheritable */ ve.dm.Model.static.matchTagNames = null; /** * Array of RDFa types that this model should be a match candidate for. * Empty array means none, null means any. * For more information about element matching, see ve.dm.ModelRegistry. * @static * @property {Array} static.matchRdfaType Array of strings or regular expressions * @inheritable */ ve.dm.Model.static.matchRdfaTypes = null; /** * Optional function to determine whether this model should match a given element. * Takes an HTMLElement and returns true or false. * This function is only called if this model has a chance of "winning"; see * ve.dm.ModelRegistry for more information about element matching. * If set to null, this property is ignored. Setting this to null is not the same as unconditionally * returning true, because the presence or absence of a matchFunction affects the model's * specificity. * * NOTE: This function is NOT a method, within this function "this" will not refer to an instance * of this class (or to anything reasonable, for that matter). * @static * @property {Function} static.matchFunction * @inheritable */ ve.dm.Model.static.matchFunction = null; /** * Static function to convert a DOM element or set of sibling DOM elements to a linear model element * for this model type. * * This function is only called if this model "won" the matching for the first DOM element, so * domElements[0] will match this model's matching rule. There is usually only one DOM node in * domElements[]. Multiple elements will only be passed if this model supports about groups. * If there are multiple nodes, the nodes are all adjacent siblings in the same about group * (i.e. they are grouped together because they have the same value for the about attribute). * * The converter has some state variables that can be obtained by this function: * - if converter.isExpectingContent() returns true, the converter expects a content element * - if converter.isInWrapper() returns true, the returned element will be put in a wrapper * paragraph generated by the converter (this is only relevant if isExpectingContent() is true) * - converter.canCloseWrapper() returns true if the current wrapper paragraph can be closed, * and false if it can't be closed or if there is no active wrapper * * This function is allowed to return a content element when context indicates that a non-content * element is expected or vice versa. If that happens, the converter deals with it in the following way: * * - if a non-content element is expected but a content element is returned: * - open a wrapper paragraph * - put the returned element in the wrapper * - if a content element is expected but a non-content element is returned: * - if we are in a wrapper paragraph: * - if we can close the wrapper: * - close the wrapper * - insert the returned element right after the end of the wrapper * - if we can't close the wrapper: * - alienate the element * - if we aren't in a wrapper paragraph: * - alienate the element * * For these purposes, annotations are considered content. Meta-items can occur anywhere, so if * a meta-element is returned no special action is taken. Note that "alienate" always means an alien * *node* (ve.dm.AlienNode) will be generated, never an alien meta-item (ve.dm.AlienMetaItem), * regardless of whether the subclass attempting the conversion is a node or a meta-item. * * The returned linear model element must have a type property set to a registered model name * (usually the model's own .static.name, but that's not required). It may optionally have an attributes * property set to an object with key-value pairs. Any other properties are not allowed. * * This function may return a single linear model element, or an array of balanced linear model * data. If this function needs to recursively convert a DOM node (e.g. a child of one of the * DOM elements passed in), it can call converter.getDataFromDomRecursion( domElement ). Note that * if an array is returned, the converter will not descend into the DOM node's children; the model * will be assumed to have handled those children. * * @static * @inheritable * @method * @param {HTMLElement[]} domElements DOM elements to convert. Usually only one element * @param {ve.dm.Converter} converter Converter object * @returns {Object|Array|null} Linear model element, or array with linear model data, or null to alienate */ ve.dm.Model.static.toDataElement = function ( /*domElements, converter*/ ) { throw new Error( 've.dm.Model subclass must implement toDataElement' ); }; /** * Static function to convert a linear model data element for this model type back to one or more * DOM elements. * * If this model is a node with .handlesOwnChildren set to true, dataElement will be an array of * the linear model data of this node and all of its children, rather than a single element. * In this case, this function way want to recursively convert linear model data to DOM, which can * be done with converter.getDomSubtreeFromData( store, data, containerElement ); * * NOTE: If this function returns multiple DOM elements, the DOM elements produced by the children * of this model (if it's a node and has children) will be attached to the first DOM element in the array. * For annotations, only the first element is used, and any additional elements are ignored. * * @static * @inheritable * @method * @param {Object|Array} dataElement Linear model element or array of linear model data * @param {HTMLDocument} doc HTML document for creating elements * @param {ve.dm.Converter} converter Converter object to optionally call .getDomSubtreeFromData() on * @returns {HTMLElement[]} DOM elements */ ve.dm.Model.static.toDomElements = function ( /*dataElement, doc, converter*/ ) { throw new Error( 've.dm.Model subclass must implement toDomElements' ); }; /** * Whether this model supports about grouping. When a DOM element matches a model type that has * about grouping enabled, the converter will look for adjacent siblings with the same value for * the about attribute, and ask toDataElement() to produce a single data element for all of those * DOM nodes combined. * * The converter doesn't descend into about groups, i.e. it doesn't convert the children of the * DOM elements that make up the about group. This means the resulting linear model element will * be childless. * * @static * @property {boolean} static.enableAboutGrouping * @inheritable */ ve.dm.Model.static.enableAboutGrouping = false; /** * Whether HTML attributes should be preserved for this model type. If true, the HTML attributes * of the DOM elements will be stored as linear model attributes. The attribute names will be * html/i/attrName, where i is the index of the DOM element in the domElements array, and attrName * is the name of the attribute. * * This should generally be enabled, except for model types that store their entire HTML in an * attribute. * * @static * @property {boolean} static.storeHtmlAttributes * @inheritable */ ve.dm.Model.static.storeHtmlAttributes = true; /* Methods */ /** * Get a reference to the linear model element * * @method * @returns {Object} Linear model element passed to the constructor, by reference */ ve.dm.Model.prototype.getElement = function () { return this.element; }; /** * Get the symbolic name of this model's type * * @method * @returns {string} Type name */ ve.dm.Model.prototype.getType = function () { return this.constructor.static.name; }; /** * Get the value of an attribute. * * Return value is by reference if array or object. * * @method * @param {string} key Name of attribute to get * @returns {Mixed} Value of attribute, or undefined if no such attribute exists */ ve.dm.Model.prototype.getAttribute = function ( key ) { return this.element && this.element.attributes ? this.element.attributes[key] : undefined; }; /** * Get a copy of all attributes. * * Values are by reference if array or object, similar to using the getAttribute method. * * @method * @param {string} prefix Only return attributes with this prefix, and remove the prefix from them * @returns {Object} Attributes */ ve.dm.Model.prototype.getAttributes = function ( prefix ) { var key, filtered, attributes = this.element && this.element.attributes ? this.element.attributes : {}; if ( prefix ) { filtered = {}; for ( key in attributes ) { if ( key.indexOf( prefix ) === 0 ) { filtered[key.substr( prefix.length )] = attributes[key]; } } return filtered; } return ve.extendObject( {}, attributes ); }; /** * Check if the model has certain attributes. * * If an array of keys is provided only the presence of the attributes will be checked. If an object * with keys and values is provided both the presence of the attributes and their values will be * checked. Comparison of values is done by casting to strings unless the strict argument is used. * * @method * @param {string[]|Object} attributes Array of keys or object of keys and values * @param {boolean} strict Use strict comparison when checking if values match * @returns {boolean} Model has attributes */ ve.dm.Model.prototype.hasAttributes = function ( attributes, strict ) { var key, i, len, ourAttributes = this.getAttributes() || {}; if ( ve.isPlainObject( attributes ) ) { // Node must have all the required attributes for ( key in attributes ) { if ( !( key in ourAttributes ) || ( strict ? attributes[key] !== ourAttributes[key] : String( attributes[key] ) !== String( ourAttributes[key] ) ) ) { return false; } } } else if ( ve.isArray( attributes ) ) { for ( i = 0, len = attributes.length; i < len; i++ ) { if ( !( attributes[i] in ourAttributes ) ) { return false; } } } return true; }; /** * Get a clone of the model's linear model element. * * The attributes object will be deep-copied. * * @returns {Object} Cloned element object */ ve.dm.Model.prototype.getClonedElement = function () { return ve.copyObject( this.element ); };