/** * Creates an ve.ui.Context object. * * @class * @constructor * @param {jQuery} $overlay DOM selection to add nodes to */ ve.ui.Context = function( surfaceView, $overlay ) { // Inheritance if ( !surfaceView ) { return; } // Properties this.surfaceView = surfaceView; this.inspectors = {}; this.inspector = null; this.position = null; this.clicking = false; this.$ = $( '
' ).appendTo( $overlay || $( 'body' ) ); this.$toolbar = $( '
' ); this.$inspectors = $( '' ) .attr({ 'frameborder': '0' }) .appendTo( this.$ ); this.$icon = $( '
' ).appendTo( this.$ ); this.toolbarView = new ve.ui.Toolbar( this.$toolbar, this.surfaceView, [{ 'name': 'textStyle', 'items' : [ 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'clear' ] }] ); this.menuView = new ve.ui.Menu( [ // Example menu items { 'name': 'tools', '$': this.$toolbar } ], null, this.$ ); // Events this.$icon.bind( { 'mousedown': ve.proxy( this.onMouseDown, this ), 'mouseup': ve.proxy( this.onMouseUp, this ) } ); this.surfaceView.getDocument().getDocumentNode().$.on( { 'focus': ve.proxy( this.onDocumentFocus, this ), 'blur': ve.proxy( this.onDocumentBlur, this ) } ); // Intitialization this.addInspector( 'link', new ve.ui.LinkInspector( this.toolbarView, this ) ); }; /* Methods */ ve.ui.Context.prototype.onDocumentFocus = function( event ) { $( window ).bind( 'resize.ve-ui-context scroll.ve-ui-context', ve.proxy( this.set, this ) ); }; ve.ui.Context.prototype.onDocumentBlur = function( event ) { $( window ).unbind( 'resize.ve-ui-context scroll.ve-ui-context' ); }; ve.ui.Context.prototype.onMouseDown = function( event ) { this.clicking = true; event.preventDefault(); return false; }; ve.ui.Context.prototype.onMouseUp = function( event ) { if ( this.clicking && event.which === 1 ) { if ( this.inspector ) { this.closeInspector(); } else { if ( this.isMenuOpen() ) { this.closeMenu(); } else { this.openMenu(); } } } this.clicking = false; }; ve.ui.Context.prototype.getSurfaceView = function() { return this.surfaceView; }; ve.ui.Context.prototype.openMenu = function() { this.menuView.open(); }; ve.ui.Context.prototype.closeMenu = function() { this.menuView.close(); }; ve.ui.Context.prototype.isMenuOpen = function() { return this.menuView.isOpen(); }; ve.ui.Context.prototype.set = function() { this.positionIcon(); if ( this.position ) { this.positionOverlay( this.menuView.$ ); if ( this.inspector ) { this.positionOverlay ( this.$inspectors ); } } }; ve.ui.Context.prototype.positionIcon = function() { this.$.removeClass( 'es-contextView-position-start es-contextView-position-end' ); var selection = this.surfaceView.model.getSelection(), selectionRect = this.surfaceView.getSelectionRect(); if( selection.to > selection.from ) { this.position = new ve.Position( selectionRect.end.x, selectionRect.end.y ); this.$.addClass( 'es-contextView-position-end' ); } else { this.position = new ve.Position( selectionRect.start.x, selectionRect.start.y ); this.$.addClass( 'es-contextView-position-start' ); } this.$.css( { 'left': this.position.left, 'top': this.position.top } ); this.$icon.fadeIn( 'fast' ); }; ve.ui.Context.prototype.positionOverlay = function( $overlay ) { this.$.removeClass( 'es-contextView-position-below es-contextView-position-above' ); var overlayMargin = 5, overlayWidth = $overlay.outerWidth(), overlayHeight = $overlay.outerHeight(), $window = $( window ), windowWidth = $window.width(), windowHeight = $window.height(), windowScrollTop = $window.scrollTop(), selection = this.surfaceView.model.getSelection(); // Center align overlay var overlayLeft = -Math.round( overlayWidth / 2 ); // Adjust overlay left or right depending on viewport if ( ( this.position.left - overlayMargin ) + overlayLeft < 0 ) { // Move right a bit past center overlayLeft -= this.position.left + overlayLeft - overlayMargin; } else if ( ( overlayMargin + this.position.left ) - overlayLeft > windowWidth ) { // Move left a bit past center overlayLeft += windowWidth - overlayMargin - ( this.position.left - overlayLeft ); } $overlay.css( 'left', overlayLeft ); // Position overlay on top or bottom depending on viewport if ( selection.from < selection.to && this.position.top + overlayHeight + ( overlayMargin * 2 ) < windowHeight + windowScrollTop ) { this.$.addClass( 'es-contextView-position-below' ); } else { this.$.addClass( 'es-contextView-position-above' ); } }; ve.ui.Context.prototype.clear = function() { if ( this.inspector ) { this.closeInspector(); } this.$icon.hide(); this.menuView.close(); }; ve.ui.Context.prototype.openInspector = function( name ) { if ( !( name in this.inspectors ) ) { throw 'Missing inspector error. Can not open nonexistent inspector: ' + name; } this.inspectors[name].open(); this.resizeInspectorFrame( this.inspectors[name] ); this.positionOverlay( this.$inspectors ); this.inspector = name; }; ve.ui.Context.prototype.closeInspector = function( accept ) { if ( this.inspector ) { this.inspectors[this.inspector].close( accept ); this.hideInspectorFrame(); this.inspector = null; } }; ve.ui.Context.prototype.getInspector = function( name ) { if ( name in this.inspectors ) { return this.inspectors[name]; } return null; }; ve.ui.Context.prototype.addInspector = function( name, inspector ) { var _this = this; if ( name in this.inspectors ) { throw 'Duplicate inspector error. Previous registration with the same name: ' + name; } inspector.$.hide(); this.inspectors[name] = inspector; // Iframe build code below. // TODO: Rework this to allow multiple inspectors $styleLink = $('') .attr({ 'rel': 'stylesheet', 'type': 'text/css', 'href': ve.ui.getStylesheetPath() + 've.ui.Inspector.css' }); var inspectorDoc = this.$inspectors.prop( 'contentWindow' ).document; var inspectorContent = '
'; inspectorDoc.write( inspectorContent ); inspectorDoc.close(); $( 'head', inspectorDoc ).append( $styleLink ); $( '#ve-inspector-wrapper', inspectorDoc ).append( inspector.$ ); $( 'body', inspectorDoc ).css( { 'padding': '0px 5px 10px 5px', 'margin': 0 } ); this.hideInspectorFrame(); }; ve.ui.Context.prototype.hideInspectorFrame = function ( inspector ) { this.$inspectors.css({ 'width': 0, 'height': 0 }); }; ve.ui.Context.prototype.resizeInspectorFrame = function( inspector ){ this.$inspectors.css( { 'width': inspector.$.outerWidth( true ) + 10, 'height': inspector.$.outerHeight( true ) + 10 } ); }; ve.ui.Context.prototype.removeInspector = function( name ) { if ( name in this.inspectors ) { throw 'Missing inspector error. Can not remove nonexistent inspector: ' + name; } this.inspectors[name].detach(); delete this.inspectors[name]; this.inspector = null; };