/*! * VisualEditor MediaWiki-specific ContentEditable Surface tests. * * @copyright 2011-2020 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ QUnit.module( 've.ce.Surface (MW)', ve.test.utils.mwEnvironment ); /* Tests */ QUnit.test( 'handleLinearDelete', function ( assert ) { var done = assert.async(), promise = Promise.resolve(), blocklength = ve.dm.mwExample.MWBlockImage.data.length, cases = [ // This asserts that getRelativeRange (via getRelativeOffset) doesn't try to // enter a handleOwnChildren node { htmlOrDoc: ve.dm.mwExample.MWBlockImage.html + '<ul><li><p>Foo</p></li><li><p>Bar</p></li></ul>', rangeOrSelection: new ve.Range( blocklength + 3 ), keys: [ 'BACKSPACE' ], expectedData: function ( data ) { // remove the first list item, and replace its wrapped paragraph outside // the start of the list data.splice( blocklength, 8, { type: 'paragraph' }, 'F', 'o', 'o', { type: '/paragraph' }, { type: 'list', attributes: { style: 'bullet' } } ); }, expectedRangeOrSelection: new ve.Range( blocklength + 1 ), msg: 'Backspace in a list next to a block image doesn\'t merge into the caption' }, { htmlOrDoc: ve.dm.mwExample.MWBlockImage.html + '<ul><li><p></p></li></ul>', rangeOrSelection: new ve.Range( blocklength + 3 ), keys: [ 'BACKSPACE' ], expectedData: function ( data ) { data.splice( blocklength, 6, { type: 'paragraph' }, { type: '/paragraph' } ); }, expectedRangeOrSelection: new ve.Range( blocklength + 1 ), msg: 'Backspace in an empty list next to a block image removes the list' } ]; cases.forEach( function ( caseItem ) { promise = promise.then( function () { return ve.test.utils.runSurfaceHandleSpecialKeyTest( assert, caseItem ); } ); } ); promise.finally( function () { done(); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'beforePaste/afterPaste', function ( assert ) { var cases = [ { documentHtml: '<p></p>', rangeOrSelection: new ve.Range( 1 ), pasteHtml: '<span typeof="mw:Entity" id="mwAB">-</span><span typeof="mw:Entity" id="mw-reference-cite">-</span>', fromVe: true, expectedRangeOrSelection: new ve.Range( 5 ), expectedHtml: '<p><span typeof="mw:Entity">-</span><span typeof="mw:Entity" id="mw-reference-cite">-</span></p>', msg: 'RESTBase IDs stripped' }, { documentHtml: '<p></p>', rangeOrSelection: new ve.Range( 1 ), pasteHtml: '<span typeof="mw:Entity" id="mwAB">-</span><span typeof="mw:Entity" id="mw-reference-cite">-</span>', pasteTargetHtml: '<span>-</span><span>-</span>', fromVe: true, expectedRangeOrSelection: new ve.Range( 5 ), expectedHtml: '<p><span typeof="mw:Entity">-</span><span typeof="mw:Entity" id="mw-reference-cite">-</span></p>', msg: 'RESTBase IDs still stripped if used when important attributes dropped' }, { documentHtml: '<p></p>', rangeOrSelection: new ve.Range( 1 ), pasteHtml: 'a<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference"><a href="./Article#cite_note-1">[1]</a></sup>b', expectedRangeOrSelection: new ve.Range( 3 ), expectedHtml: '<p>ab</p>', msg: 'Read mode references stripped' }, { documentHtml: '<p></p>', rangeOrSelection: new ve.Range( 1 ), pasteHtml: 'a<sup typeof="mw:Extension/ref" data-mw="{}" class="mw-ref" about="#mwt1" id="cite_ref-foo-0" rel="dc:references"><a href="./Article#cite_note-foo-0"><span class="mw-reflink-text ve-pasteProtect">[1]</span></a></sup>b', expectedRangeOrSelection: new ve.Range( 5 ), expectedHtml: '<p>a<sup typeof="mw:Extension/ref" data-mw="{"name":"ref"}" class="mw-ref"><a style="counter-reset: mw-Ref 1;"><span class="mw-reflink-text">[1]</span></a></sup>b</p>', msg: 'VE references not stripped' } ]; cases.forEach( ve.test.utils.runSurfacePasteTest.bind( this, assert ) ); } );