/** * Converter between HTML DOM and VisualEditor linear data. * * @author Gabriel Wicke * @author Roan Kattouw * @author Christian Williams * @author Inez Korczynski * @author Trevor Parscal * * @class * @constructor * @param {Object} options Conversion options */ ve.dm.HTMLConverter = function( options ) { this.options = options || {}; }; /* Static Members */ /** * HTML DOM node types. * * If this will be used more than once in a method, it should be aliased locally to avoid excessive * lookups. * * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/nodeType */ ve.dm.HTMLConverter.Node = { 'ELEMENT_NODE': 1, 'ATTRIBUTE_NODE': 2, 'TEXT_NODE': 3, 'CDATA_SECTION_NODE': 4, 'ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE': 5, 'ENTITY_NODE': 6, 'PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE': 7, 'COMMENT_NODE': 8, 'DOCUMENT_NODE': 9, 'DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE': 10, 'DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE': 11, 'NOTATION_NODE': 12 }; /** * Object mapping HTML DOM node names to linear model element names. * * 'leafNode': Type of model tree node used to represent this element * - If true, it's a leaf node (can not contain children) * - If false, it's a branch node (can contain children) * 'type': Symbolic name of element in VisualEditor linear data. * 'attributes': Additional attributes to set for this element (optional) */ ve.dm.HTMLConverter.elementTypes = { 'p': { 'leafNode': true, 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'h1': { 'leafNode': true, 'type': 'heading', 'attributes': { 'level': 1 } }, 'h2': { 'leafNode': true, 'type': 'heading', 'attributes': { 'level': 2 } }, 'h3': { 'leafNode': true, 'type': 'heading', 'attributes': { 'level': 3 } }, 'h4': { 'leafNode': true, 'type': 'heading', 'attributes': { 'level': 4 } }, 'h5': { 'leafNode': true, 'type': 'heading', 'attributes': { 'level': 5 } }, 'h6': { 'leafNode': true, 'type': 'heading', 'attributes': { 'level': 6 } }, 'li': { 'leafNode': false, 'type': 'listItem' }, 'dt': { 'leafNode': false, 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'style': 'term' } }, 'dd': { 'leafNode': false, 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'style': 'definition' } }, 'pre': { 'leafNode': true, 'type': 'preformatted' }, 'table': { 'leafNode': false, 'type': 'table' }, 'tr': { 'leafNode': false, 'type': 'tableRow' }, 'th': { 'leafNode': false, 'type': 'tableHeading' }, 'td': { 'leafNode': false, 'type': 'tableCell' }, 'ul': { 'leafNode': false, 'type': 'list', 'attributes': { 'style': 'bullet' } }, 'ol': { 'leafNode': false, 'type': 'list', 'attributes': { 'style': 'number' } }, 'dl': { 'leafNode': false, 'type': 'definitionList' } // Missing types that will end up being alien nodes (not a complete list): // div, center, blockquote, caption, tbody, thead, tfoot, horizontalRule, br, img, video, audio }; /** * Object mapping HTML DOM node names to linear model annotation types. * * The value can either be a string, or a function that takes the relevant HTML DOM node and returns * a string. */ ve.dm.HTMLConverter.annotationTypes = { 'i': 'textStyle/italic', 'b': 'textStyle/bold', 'small': 'textStyle/small', 'span': 'textStyle/span', 'a': function( node ) { // FIXME: the parser currently doesn't output this data this way // Internal links get 'linkType': 'internal' in the data-mw-rt attrib, while external links // currently get nothing var atype = node.getAttribute( 'data-type' ); if ( atype ) { return 'link/' + atype; } else { return 'link/unknown'; } }, 'template': 'object/template', 'ref': 'object/hook', 'includeonly': 'object/includeonly' }; /** * List of HTML DOM attributes that should be passed through verbatim by convertAttributes() rather * than being prefixed with 'html/' * * TODO: Add href to this list? */ ve.dm.HTMLConverter.attributeWhitelist = [ 'title' ]; /* Static Methods */ /** * Convert the attributes of an HTML DOM node to linear model attributes. * * - Attributes prefixed with data-json- will have the prefix removed and their * value JSON-decoded. * - Attributes prefixed with data- will have the prefix removed. * - Attributes in attributeWhitelist are passed through unchanged * - All other attribuetes are prefixed with html/ * * @param {Object} node HTML DOM node * @returns {Object} Converted attribute map */ ve.dm.HTMLConverter.convertAttributes = function( node ) { var original = node.attributes, converted = {}, attrib, name, i; if ( !original ) { return {}; } for ( i = 0; i < original.length; i++ ) { attrib = original.item( i ); name = attrib.name; if ( name.substr( 0, 10 ) == 'data-json-' ) { // Strip data-json- prefix and decode converted[name.substr( 10 )] = JSON.parse( attrib.value ); } else if ( name.substr( 0, 5 ) == 'data-' ) { // Strip data- prefix converted[name.substr( 5 )] = attrib.value; } else if ( ve.dm.HTMLConverter.attributeWhitelist.indexOf( name ) != -1 ) { // Pass through a few whitelisted keys converted[name] = attrib.value; } else { // Prefix key with 'html/' converted['html/' + name] = attrib.value; } } return converted; }; /** * Check if an HTML DOM node represents an annotation, and if so, build an * annotation object for it. * * The annotation object looks like {'type': 'type', data: {'attrKey': 'attrValue', ...}} * * @param {node} HTML DOM node * @returns {Object|false} Annotation object, or false if this node is not an annotation */ ve.dm.HTMLConverter.getAnnotation = function( node ) { var name = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(), type = ve.dm.HTMLConverter.annotationTypes[name]; if ( !type ) { // Not an annotation return false; } if ( typeof type == 'function' ) { type = type( node ); } return { 'type': type, 'data': ve.dm.HTMLConverter.convertAttributes( node ) }; }; /** * Convert a string to (possibly annotated) linear model data * * @param {String} content String to convert * @param {Array} annotations Array of annotation objects to apply * @returns {Array} Linear model data, one element per character */ ve.dm.HTMLConverter.generateAnnotatedContent = function( content, annotations ) { var characters = content.split( '' ), annoationMap = {}, i; if ( !annotations || annotations.length === 0 ) { return characters; } for ( i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++ ) { annoationMap[JSON.stringify( annotations[i] )] = annotations[i]; } for ( i = 0; i < characters.length; i++ ) { characters[i] = [characters[i], annoationMap]; } return characters; }; /** * Recursively convert an HTML DOM node to a linear model array. * * This is the main function. * * @param {Object} node HTML DOM node * @param {Array} [annotations] Annotations to apply. Only used for recursion. * @param {Object} [typeData] Information about the linear model element type corresponding to this * node. Only used for recursion. This data usually comes from elementTypes. All keys are optional. * Keys are: * 'type': If set, add an opening and a closing element with this type and with the DOM * node's attributes. * 'attributes': If set and type is set, these attributes will be added to the element's * attributes. * 'leafNode': If set and set to true, this element is supposed to be a leaf node in the * linear model. This means that any content in this node will be put in the output * directly rather than being wrapped in paragraphs, and that any child nodes that are * elements will not be descended into. * @returns {Array} Linear model data */ ve.dm.HTMLConverter.prototype.convert = function( node, annotations, typeData ) { var data = [], types = ve.dm.HTMLConverter.Node, i, child, annotation, paragraphOpened = false, element, attributes, childTypeData; annotations = annotations || []; typeData = typeData || {}; if ( typeData.type ) { element = { 'type': typeData.type }; attributes = ve.dm.HTMLConverter.convertAttributes( node.attributes ); if ( typeData.attributes ) { attributes = $.extend( attributes, typeData.attributes ); } if ( !$.isEmptyObject( attributes ) ) { element.attributes = attributes; } data.push( element ); } for ( i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++ ) { child = node.childNodes[i]; switch ( child.nodeType ) { case types.ELEMENT_NODE: // Check if this is an annotation annotation = ve.dm.HTMLConverter.getAnnotation( child ); if ( annotation ) { // If we have annotated text within a branch node, open a paragraph // Leaf nodes don't need this because they're allowed to contain content if ( !paragraphOpened && !typeData.leafNode ) { data.push( { 'type': 'paragraph' } ); paragraphOpened = true; } // Recurse into this node data = data.concat( ve.dm.HTMLConverter.convert( child, annotations.concat( [ annotation ] ), { 'leafNode': true } ) ); } else { if ( typeData.leafNode ) { // We've found an element node *inside* a leaf node. // This is illegal, so warn and skip it console.warn( 'HTML DOM to linear model conversion error: ' + 'found element node (' + child.nodeName + ') inside ' + 'leaf node (' + node.nodeName + ')' ); break; } // Close the last paragraph, if still open if ( paragraphOpened ) { data.push( { 'type': '/paragraph' } ); paragraphOpened = false; } // Get the typeData for this node childTypeData = ve.dm.HTMLConverter.elementTypes[child.nodeName.toLowerCase()]; if ( childTypeData ) { // Recurse into this node // Don't pass annotations through; we should never have those here // anyway because only leaves can have them. data = data.concat( ve.dm.HTMLConverter.convert( child, [], childTypeData ) ); } else { console.warn( 'HTML DOM to linear model conversion error: unknown node with name ' + child.nodeName + ' and content ' + child.innerHTML ); } } break; case types.TEXT_NODE: // If we have annotated text within a branch node, open a paragraph // Leaf nodes don't need this because they're allowed to contain content if ( !paragraphOpened && typeData && !typeData.leafNode ) { data.push( { 'type': 'paragraph' } ); paragraphOpened = true; } // Annotate the text and output it data = data.concat( ve.dm.HTMLConverter.generateAnnotatedContent( child.data, annotations ) ); break; case types.COMMENT_NODE: // Comment, do nothing break; default: console.warn( 'HTML DOM to linear model conversion error: unknown node of type ' + child.nodeType + ' with content ' + child.innerHTML ); } } // Close the last paragraph, if still open if ( paragraphOpened ) { data.push( { 'type': '/paragraph' } ); } if ( typeData && typeData.type ) { data.push( { 'type': '/' + typeData.type } ); } return data; }; /** * Recursively convert a linear model array to HTML DOM. * This function is not yet written. */ ve.dm.HTMLConverter.prototype.unconvert = function() { // TODO: Implement };