addOption( 'target', 'Which target to use ("demo" or "test"). Default: demo', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'indent', 'Indentation prefix to use (number of tabs or a string)', false, true ); $this->addOption( 've-path', 'Override path to "VisualEditor/modules" (no trailing slash). Default by --target', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'write-file', 'Automatically replace the "Generated by" sections in this file. Default: false', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'fixdir', 'Embed the absolute path in require() statements. Defaults to relative path. ' . '(use this if you evaluate the resulting script in php-STDIN instead of from a file)', false, true ); $this->addOption( 'section', 'head, body or both', false, true ); } public function execute() { global $wgResourceModules, $wgHtml5, $wgWellFormedXml; $wgHtml5 = true; $wgWellFormedXml = false; $section = $this->getOption( 'section', 'both' ); $target = $this->getOption( 'target', 'demo' ); $indent = $this->getOption( 'indent', 2 ); $writeFile = $this->getOption( 'write-file', false ); if ( is_numeric( $indent ) ) { $indent = str_repeat( "\t", $indent ); } // Path to /modules/ $vePath = $this->getOption( 've-path', $target === 'demo' // From /demos/ve/index.php ? '../../modules' // From /modules/ve/test/index.html : '../..' ); $wgResourceModules['Dependencies'] = array( 'scripts' => array( 'jquery/jquery.js', 'jquery/jquery.client.js', 'oojs/oo.js', 'rangy/rangy-core-1.3.js', 'rangy/rangy-position-1.3.js', 'unicodejs/unicodejs.js', 'unicodejs/unicodejs.textstring.js', 'unicodejs/unicodejs.graphemebreakproperties.js', 'unicodejs/unicodejs.graphemebreak.js', 'unicodejs/unicodejs.wordbreakproperties.js', 'unicodejs/unicodejs.wordbreak.js', ), ); // If we're running this script from STDIN, // hardcode the full path $i18nScript = $this->getOption( 'fixdir' ) ? dirname( __DIR__ ) . '/VisualEditor.i18n.php' : $vePath . '/../VisualEditor.i18n.php'; // Customized version to init standalone instead of mediawiki platform. $wgResourceModules['ext.visualEditor.base#standalone-init'] = array( 'styles' => array( 've/init/sa/styles/', ), 'headAdd' => '', 'bodyAdd' => '' ) + $wgResourceModules['ext.visualEditor.base']; $baseScripts = &$wgResourceModules['ext.visualEditor.base#standalone-init']['scripts']; $baseScripts = array_filter( $baseScripts, function ( $script ) { return strpos( $script, 've/init/mw/' ) === false; } ); $baseScripts = array_merge( $baseScripts, array( 've/init/sa/', 've/init/sa/', 've/init/sa/', ) ); $self = isset( $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ) ? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] : ( lcfirst( __CLASS__ ) . '.php' ); $head = $body = ''; $modules = array( 'Dependencies', 'ext.visualEditor.base#standalone-init', 'ext.visualEditor.core', 'ext.visualEditor.experimental', ); foreach ( $modules as $module ) { if ( !isset( $wgResourceModules[$module] ) ) { echo "\nError: File group $module\n not found!\n"; exit( 1 ); } $registry = $wgResourceModules[$module]; $headAdd = $bodyAdd = ''; if ( isset( $registry['styles'] ) && $target !== 'test' ){ foreach ($registry['styles'] as $style) { $headAdd .= $indent . Html::element( 'link', array( 'rel' => 'stylesheet', 'href' => "$vePath/$style", ) ) . "\n"; } } if ( isset( $registry['scripts'] ) ) { foreach ($registry['scripts'] as $script) { $bodyAdd .= $indent . Html::element( 'script', array( 'src' => "$vePath/$script" ) ) . "\n"; } } if ( isset( $registry['debugScripts'] ) ) { foreach ($registry['debugScripts'] as $script) { $bodyAdd .= $indent . Html::element( 'script', array( 'src' => "$vePath/$script" ) ) . "\n"; } } if ( isset( $registry['headAdd'] ) ) { $headAdd .= $indent . implode( "\n$indent", explode( "\n", $registry['headAdd'] ) ) . "\n"; } if ( isset( $registry['bodyAdd'] ) ) { $bodyAdd .= $indent . implode( "\n$indent", explode( "\n", $registry['bodyAdd'] ) ) . "\n"; } if ( $headAdd ) { $head .= "$indent\n$headAdd"; } if ( $bodyAdd ) { $body .= "$indent\n$bodyAdd"; } } $head = rtrim( $head ); $body = rtrim( $body ); // Output if ( $writeFile ) { $contents = is_readable( $writeFile ) ? file_get_contents( $writeFile ) : false; if ( !$contents ) { echo "\nError: Write file not readable or empty!\n"; exit( 1 ); } $lines = explode( "\n", $contents . "\n" ); $inHead = $inBody = $inGenerated = false; foreach ( $lines as $i => &$line ) { $text = trim( $line ); if ( $text === '' ) { $inHead = true; $inBody = false; $inGenerated = false; } elseif ( $text === '' ) { $inHead = false; $inBody = true; $inGenerated = false; } elseif ( strpos( $text, '\n$head"; } } } elseif ( $inBody ) { if ( $section === 'both' || $section === 'body' ) { $inGenerated = true; if ( !$body ) { $line = ''; } else { $line = "$indent\n$body"; } } } } elseif ( $text === '' ) { $inGenerated = false; } else { // Strip the lines directly connected to the "\n$head\n\n"; } elseif ( $section === 'head' ) { echo $head; } } if ( $body ) { if ( $section === 'both' ) { echo "\n\n$indent\n$body\n\n\n"; } elseif ( $section === 'body' ) { echo $body; } } } } } $maintClass = 'MakeStaticLoader'; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;