/*global rangy */ /** * VisualEditor content editable Surface class. * * @copyright 2011-2012 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /** * ContentEditable surface. * * @class * @constructor * @extends {ve.EventEmitter} * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {ve.dm.Surface} model Model to observe */ ve.ce.Surface = function VeCeSurface( $container, model ) { // Parent constructor ve.EventEmitter.call( this ); // Properties this.inIme = false; this.model = model; this.documentView = new ve.ce.Document( model.getDocument(), this ); this.contextView = new ve.ui.Context( this ); this.surfaceObserver = new ve.ce.SurfaceObserver( this.documentView ); this.selectionTimeout = null; this.$ = $container; this.$document = $( document ); this.clipboard = {}; this.locked = false; this.sluggable = true; // Events this.surfaceObserver.addListenerMethods( this, { 'contentChange': 'onContentChange', 'selectionChange': 'onSelectionChange' } ); this.model.addListenerMethods( this, { 'change': 'onChange', 'lock': 'onLock', 'unlock': 'onUnlock' } ); this.documentView.getDocumentNode().$.on( { 'focus': ve.bind( this.documentOnFocus, this ), 'blur': ve.bind( this.documentOnBlur, this ) } ); this.$.on( { 'cut': ve.bind( this.onCut, this ), 'copy': ve.bind( this.onCopy, this ), 'paste': ve.bind( this.onPaste, this ), 'dragover drop': function ( e ) { // Prevent content drag & drop e.preventDefault(); return false; } } ); if ( $.browser.msie ) { this.$.on( 'beforepaste', ve.bind( this.onPaste, this ) ); } // Initialization try { document.execCommand( 'enableObjectResizing', false, false ); document.execCommand( 'enableInlineTableEditing', false, false ); } catch ( e ) { /* Silently ignore */ } rangy.init(); ve.ce.Surface.clearLocalStorage(); this.$.append( this.documentView.getDocumentNode().$ ); }; /* Inheritance */ ve.inheritClass( ve.ce.Surface, ve.EventEmitter ); /* Methods */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.handleInsertion = function () { var selection = this.model.getSelection(), slug, data, range, annotations; // Handles removing expanded selection before inserting new text if ( selection.isCollapsed() === false ) { annotations = this.model.documentModel.getAnnotationsFromRange( new ve.Range( selection.start, selection.start + 1 ) ); this.model.change( ve.dm.Transaction.newFromRemoval( this.documentView.model, selection ), new ve.Range( selection.start ) ); this.surfaceObserver.clear(); selection = this.model.getSelection(); this.model.documentModel.insertAnnotations = annotations; } if ( selection.isCollapsed() ) { slug = this.documentView.getSlugAtOffset( selection.start ); // is this a slug or are the annotations to the left different than the insertAnnotations? if ( slug || ( selection.start > 0 && !ve.compareObjects ( this.model.getDocument().getAnnotationsFromOffset( selection.start - 1 ), this.model.documentModel.insertAnnotations ) ) ) { this.model.insertingAnnotations = true; // is this a slug and if so, is this a block slug? if ( slug && ve.dm.Document.isStructuralOffset( this.documentView.model.data, selection.start ) ) { range = new ve.Range( selection.start + 1, selection.start + 2 ); data = [ { 'type' : 'paragraph' }, ['\u2659', this.model.documentModel.insertAnnotations], { 'type' : '/paragraph' } ]; } else { range = new ve.Range( selection.start, selection.start + 1 ); data = [ ['\u2659', this.model.documentModel.insertAnnotations] ]; } this.model.change( ve.dm.Transaction.newFromInsertion( this.documentView.model, selection.start, data ), range ); this.surfaceObserver.clear(); } } this.surfaceObserver.stop( true ); }; /** * Responds to 'contentChange' events emitted in {ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.poll}. * * @method * @param {HTMLElement} node DOM node the change occured in * @param {Object} previous Old data * @param {Object} previous.text Old plain text content * @param {Object} previous.hash Old DOM hash * @param {Object} previous.range Old selection * @param {Object} next New data * @param {Object} next.text New plain text content * @param {Object} next.hash New DOM hash * @param {Object} next.range New selection */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onContentChange = function ( node, previous, next ) { var nodeOffset = node.model.getOffset(), // TODO: call getModel() or add getOffset() to view offsetDiff = ( previous.range.isCollapsed() && next.range.isCollapsed() ) ? next.range.start - previous.range.start : null, lengthDiff = next.text.length - previous.text.length, sameLeadingAndTrailing = offsetDiff !== null && ( // TODO: rewrite to static method with tests ( lengthDiff > 0 && previous.text.substring( 0, previous.range.start - nodeOffset - 1 ) === next.text.substring( 0, previous.range.start - nodeOffset - 1 ) && previous.text.substring( previous.range.start - nodeOffset - 1 ) === next.text.substring( next.range.start - nodeOffset - 1 ) ) || ( lengthDiff < 0 && previous.text.substring( 0, next.range.start - nodeOffset - 1 ) === next.text.substring( 0, next.range.start - nodeOffset - 1 ) && previous.text.substring( previous.range.start - nodeOffset - 1 - lengthDiff + offsetDiff) === next.text.substring( next.range.start - nodeOffset - 1 ) ) ), data, range, len, fromLeft = 0, fromRight = 0, transactions = [], complex; if ( lengthDiff > 0 && offsetDiff === lengthDiff /* && sameLeadingAndTrailing */) { data = next.text.substring( previous.range.start - nodeOffset - 1, next.range.start - nodeOffset - 1 ).split( '' ); // Apply insertAnnotations ve.dm.Document.addAnnotationsToData( data, this.model.getDocument().insertAnnotations ); this.lock(); this.model.change( ve.dm.Transaction.newFromInsertion( this.documentView.model, previous.range.start, data ), next.range ); this.unlock(); } else if ( ( offsetDiff === 0 || offsetDiff === lengthDiff ) && sameLeadingAndTrailing ) { if ( offsetDiff === 0 ) { range = new ve.Range( next.range.start, next.range.start - lengthDiff ); } else { range = new ve.Range( next.range.start, previous.range.start ); } this.lock(); this.model.change( ve.dm.Transaction.newFromRemoval( this.documentView.model, range ), next.range ); this.unlock(); } else { len = Math.min( previous.text.length, next.text.length ); // Count same characters from left while ( fromLeft < len && previous.text[fromLeft] === next.text[fromLeft] ) { ++fromLeft; } // Count same characters from right while ( fromRight < len - fromLeft && previous.text[previous.text.length - 1 - fromRight] === next.text[next.text.length - 1 - fromRight] ) { ++fromRight; } data = next.text.substring( fromLeft, next.text.length - fromRight ).split( '' ); // Get annotations to the left of new content and apply annotations = this.model.getDocument().getAnnotationsFromOffset( nodeOffset + 1 + fromLeft ); if ( annotations.getLength() > 0 ) { ve.dm.Document.addAnnotationsToData( data, annotations ); } this.model.change( ve.dm.Transaction.newFromInsertion( this.documentView.model, nodeOffset + 1 + fromLeft, data ), next.range ); if ( fromLeft + fromRight < previous.text.length ) { this.model.change( ve.dm.Transaction.newFromRemoval( this.documentView.model, new ve.Range( data.length + nodeOffset + 1 + fromLeft, data.length + nodeOffset + 1 + previous.text.length - fromRight ) ), next.range ); } } }; /** * Responds to 'selectionChange' events emitted in {ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.poll}. * * @method */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onSelectionChange = function ( oldRange, newRange ) { // TODO: Explain why we lock here. this.lock(); this.model.change( null, newRange ); this.unlock(); }; /** * Responds to surface lock events. * * @method */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onLock = function () { this.surfaceObserver.stop(); }; /** * Responds to surface lock events. * * @method */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onUnlock = function () { this.surfaceObserver.clear(); this.surfaceObserver.start(); }; /** * Responds to document focus events. * * @method * @param {jQuery.Event} e */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.documentOnFocus = function () { this.$document.off( '.ve-ce-Surface' ); this.$document.on( { 'keydown.ve-ce-Surface': ve.bind( this.onKeyDown, this ), 'keypress.ve-ce-Surface': ve.bind( this.onKeyPress, this ), 'mousedown.ve-ce-Surface': ve.bind( this.onMouseDown, this ), 'mouseup.ve-ce-Surface': ve.bind( this.onMouseUp, this ), 'compositionstart.ve-ce-Surface': ve.bind( this.onCompositionStart, this ), 'compositionend.ve-ce-Surface': ve.bind( this.onCompositionEnd, this ), } ); this.surfaceObserver.start( true ); }; ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onCompositionStart = function () { if ( $.browser.msie === true ) { return; } this.inIme = true; this.handleInsertion(); }; ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onCompositionEnd = function () { this.inIme = false; this.model.insertingAnnotations = false; this.surfaceObserver.start(); }; /** * Responds to document blur events. * * @method * @param {jQuery.Event} e */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.documentOnBlur = function () { this.$document.off( '.ve-ce-Surface' ); this.surfaceObserver.stop( true ); if ( this.contextView && !this.contextView.areChildrenCurrentlyVisible() ) { this.contextView.clear(); } }; /** * Responds to document mouse down events. * * @method * @param {jQuery.Event} e */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onMouseDown = function ( e ) { // Old code to figure out if user clicked inside the document or not - leave it here for now // $( e.target ).closest( '.ve-ce-documentNode' ).length === 0 if ( e.which === 1 ) { this.surfaceObserver.stop( true ); } // Block / prevent triple click if ( e.originalEvent.detail > 2 ) { e.preventDefault(); } }; /** * Responds to document mouse up events. * * @method * @param {jQuery.Event} e */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onMouseUp = function ( e ) { this.surfaceObserver.start(); }; /** * Responds to document key down events. * * @method * @param {jQuery.Event} e */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onKeyDown = function ( e ) { if ( this.inIme === true ) { return; } if ( e.which === 229 && $.browser.msie === true ) { this.inIme = true; this.handleInsertion(); return; } var offset, relativeContentOffset, relativeStructuralOffset, relativeStructuralOffsetNode, hasSlug, newOffset, annotations, annotation; switch ( e.keyCode ) { // Tab Key case 9: // If possible, trigger a list indent/outdent // FIXME this way of checking whether indenting is possible is extremely hacky // Instead, we should allow toolbar tools to subscribe to and intercept keydowns if ( $( '.ve-ui-toolbarButtonTool-indent' ).is( ':not(.ve-ui-toolbarButtonTool-disabled)' ) ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( e.shiftKey ) { ve.ui.IndentationButtonTool.outdentListItem( this.model ); } else { ve.ui.IndentationButtonTool.indentListItem( this.model ); } } break; // Left arrow case 37: offset = this.model.getSelection().start; relativeContentOffset = this.documentView.model.getRelativeContentOffset( offset, -1 ); relativeStructuralOffset = this.documentView.model.getRelativeStructuralOffset( offset - 1, -1, true ); relativeStructuralOffsetNode = this.documentView.documentNode.getNodeFromOffset( relativeStructuralOffset ); hasSlug = this.documentView.getSlugAtOffset( relativeStructuralOffset ) || false; if ( hasSlug ) { if ( relativeContentOffset > offset ) { // If relativeContentOffset returns a greater number, there's nowhere to go toward the left. Go right. newOffset = relativeStructuralOffset; } else { // Move cursor to whichever is nearest to the original offset. newOffset = Math.max( relativeContentOffset, relativeStructuralOffset ); } } else if (relativeContentOffset != offset - 1) { // The closest content offet is further away than just one offset. Don't trust the browser. Move programatically. newOffset = relativeContentOffset; } if ( newOffset ) { this.model.change( null, new ve.Range( newOffset ) ); e.preventDefault(); } break; // Right arrow case 39: offset = this.model.getSelection().start; relativeContentOffset = this.documentView.model.getRelativeContentOffset( offset, 1 ); relativeStructuralOffset = this.documentView.model.getRelativeStructuralOffset( offset + 1, 1, true ); relativeStructuralOffsetNode = this.documentView.documentNode.getNodeFromOffset( relativeStructuralOffset ); hasSlug = this.documentView.getSlugAtOffset( relativeStructuralOffset ) || false; if ( hasSlug ) { if ( relativeContentOffset < offset ) { // If relativeContentOffset returns a lesser number, there's nowhere to go toward the right. Go left. newOffset = relativeStructuralOffset; } else { // Move cursor to whichever is nearest to the original offset. newOffset = Math.min( relativeContentOffset, relativeStructuralOffset ); } } else if ( relativeContentOffset != offset + 1 ) { newOffset = relativeContentOffset; } if ( newOffset ) { this.model.change( null, new ve.Range( newOffset ) ); e.preventDefault(); } break; // Enter case 13: e.preventDefault(); this.handleEnter( e ); break; // Backspace case 8: this.handleDelete( e, true ); break; // Delete case 46: this.handleDelete( e, false ); break; // B case 66: if ( ve.ce.Surface.isShortcutKey( e ) ) { // Ctrl+B / Cmd+B, annotate with bold e.preventDefault(); if ( this.model.getSelection().getLength() ) { annotations = this.documentView.model.getAnnotationsFromRange( this.model.getSelection() ); } else { annotations = this.model.documentModel.insertAnnotations; } annotation = ve.dm.annotationFactory.create( 'textStyle/bold' ); this.model.annotate( annotations.contains( annotation ) ? 'clear' : 'set', annotation ); } break; // I case 73: if ( ve.ce.Surface.isShortcutKey( e ) ) { // Ctrl+I / Cmd+I, annotate with italic e.preventDefault(); if ( this.model.getSelection().getLength() ) { annotations = this.documentView.model.getAnnotationsFromRange( this.model.getSelection() ); } else { annotations = this.model.documentModel.insertAnnotations; } annotation = ve.dm.annotationFactory.create( 'textStyle/italic' ); this.model.annotate( annotations.contains( annotation ) ? 'clear' : 'set', annotation ); } break; // K case 75: if ( ve.ce.Surface.isShortcutKey( e ) ) { if ( this.model.getSelection() && this.model.getSelection().getLength() ) { e.preventDefault(); this.contextView.openInspector( 'link' ); } } break; // Z case 90: if ( ve.ce.Surface.isShortcutKey( e ) ) { if ( e.shiftKey ) { // Ctrl+Shift+Z / Cmd+Shift+Z, redo e.preventDefault(); this.surfaceObserver.stop(); this.showSelection( this.model.redo() ); this.surfaceObserver.clear(); this.surfaceObserver.start(); } else { // Ctrl+Z / Cmd+Z, undo e.preventDefault(); this.surfaceObserver.stop(); this.showSelection( this.model.undo() ); this.surfaceObserver.clear(); this.surfaceObserver.start(); } } break; default: // TODO: Filter (do not call stop and start) for [a-zA-Z0-9] //if ( this.model.getSelection().isCollapsed() === false ) { this.surfaceObserver.stop(true); this.surfaceObserver.start(); //} } }; /** * Responds to copy events. * * @method * @param {jQuery.Event} e */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onCopy = function () { var sel = rangy.getSelection(), $frag = $( sel.getRangeAt(0).cloneContents() ), dataArray = ve.copyArray( this.documentView.model.getData( this.model.getSelection() ) ), key = ''; // Create key from text and element names $frag.contents().each( function () { key += this.textContent || this.nodeName; } ); key = 've-' + key.replace( /\s/gm, '' ); // Set clipboard and localStorage this.clipboard[key] = dataArray; try { localStorage.setItem( key, JSON.stringify( { 'time': new Date().getTime(), 'data': dataArray } ) ); } catch ( e ) { // Silently ignore } }; /** * Responds to cut events. * * @method * @param {jQuery.Event} e */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onCut = function ( e ) { var surface = this; this.surfaceObserver.stop(); this.onCopy( e ); setTimeout( function () { var selection, tx; // We don't like how browsers cut, so let's undo it and do it ourselves. document.execCommand( 'undo', false, false ); selection = surface.model.getSelection(); // Transact surface.lock(); tx = ve.dm.Transaction.newFromRemoval( surface.documentView.model, selection ); surface.model.change( tx, new ve.Range( selection.start ) ); surface.unlock(); surface.surfaceObserver.clear(); surface.surfaceObserver.start(); }, 1 ); }; /** * Responds to paste events. * * @method * @param {jQuery.Event} e */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onPaste = function () { var tx, view = this, selection = this.model.getSelection(); this.surfaceObserver.stop(); // Pasting into a range? Remove first. if ( !rangy.getSelection().isCollapsed ) { tx = ve.dm.Transaction.newFromRemoval( view.documentView.model, selection ); view.model.change( tx ); } $( '#paste' ).html( '' ).show().focus(); setTimeout( function () { var key = '', pasteData, tx; // Create key from text and element names $( '#paste' ).hide().contents().each( function () { key += this.textContent || this.nodeName; } ); key = 've-' + key.replace( /\s/gm, '' ); // Get linear model from clipboard, localStorage, or create array from unknown pasted content if ( view.clipboard[key] ) { pasteData = view.clipboard[key]; } else if ( localStorage.getItem( key ) ) { pasteData = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem( key ) ).data; } else { pasteData = $( '#paste' ).text().split( '' ); } // Transact tx = ve.dm.Transaction.newFromInsertion( view.documentView.model, selection.start, pasteData ); view.model.change( tx, new ve.Range( selection.start + pasteData.length ) ); view.documentView.documentNode.$.focus(); view.surfaceObserver.clear(); view.surfaceObserver.start(); }, 1 ); }; /** * Responds to document key press events. * * @method * @param {jQuery.Event} e */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onKeyPress = function ( e ) { if ( ve.ce.Surface.isShortcutKey( e ) || e.which === 13 ) { return; } this.handleInsertion(); var _this = this; setTimeout( function () { _this.model.insertingAnnotations = false; _this.surfaceObserver.start(); }, 0 ); }; /** * Called from ve.dm.Surface.prototype.change. * * @method * @param {ve.dm.Transaction|null} transaction * @param {ve.Range|undefined} selection */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onChange = function ( transaction, selection ) { if ( selection ) { if ( !this.isLocked() ) { this.showSelection( selection ); } // Responsible for Debouncing the ContextView Icon until select events are finished being // fired. // TODO: Use ve.debounce method to abstract usage of setTimeout clearTimeout( this.selectionTimeout ); this.selectionTimeout = setTimeout( ve.bind( this.updateContextIcon, this ), 250 ); } }; /** * Responds to enter key events. * * @method * @param {jQuery.Event} e */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.handleEnter = function ( e ) { var tx, outerParent, outerChildrenCount, list, selection = this.model.getSelection(), documentModel = this.model.getDocument(), emptyParagraph = [{ 'type': 'paragraph' }, { 'type': '/paragraph' }], advanceCursor = true, node = this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( selection.from ), nodeModel = node.getModel(), cursor = selection.from, contentBranchModel = nodeModel.isContent() ? nodeModel.getParent() : nodeModel, contentBranchModelRange = contentBranchModel.getRange(), stack = [], outermostNode = null; // Stop polling while we work this.surfaceObserver.stop(); // Handle removal first if ( selection.from !== selection.to ) { tx = ve.dm.Transaction.newFromRemoval( documentModel, selection ); selection = tx.translateRange( selection ); this.model.change( tx, selection ); } // Handle insertion if ( contentBranchModel.getType() !== 'paragraph' && ( cursor === contentBranchModelRange.from || cursor === contentBranchModelRange.to ) ) { // If we're at the start/end of something that's not a paragraph, insert a paragraph // before/after if ( cursor === contentBranchModelRange.from ) { tx = ve.dm.Transaction.newFromInsertion( documentModel, contentBranchModel.getOuterRange().from, emptyParagraph ); } else if ( cursor === contentBranchModelRange.to ) { tx = ve.dm.Transaction.newFromInsertion( documentModel, contentBranchModel.getOuterRange().to, emptyParagraph ); } } else { // Split ve.Node.traverseUpstream( node, function ( node ) { if ( !node.canBeSplit() ) { return false; } stack.splice( stack.length / 2, 0, { 'type': '/' + node.type }, node.model.getClonedElement() ); outermostNode = node; if ( e.shiftKey ) { return false; } else { return true; } } ); outerParent = outermostNode.getModel().getParent(); outerChildrenCount = outerParent.getChildren().length; if ( // This is a list item outermostNode.type === 'listItem' && // This is the last list item outerParent.getChildren()[outerChildrenCount - 1] === outermostNode.getModel() && // There is one child outermostNode.children.length === 1 && // The child is empty node.model.length === 0 ) { // Enter was pressed in an empty list item. list = outermostNode.getModel().getParent(); // Remove the list item tx = ve.dm.Transaction.newFromRemoval( documentModel, outermostNode.getModel().getOuterRange() ); this.model.change( tx ); // Insert a paragraph tx = ve.dm.Transaction.newFromInsertion( documentModel, list.getOuterRange().to, emptyParagraph ); advanceCursor = false; } else { // We must process the transaction first because getRelativeContentOffset can't help us // yet tx = ve.dm.Transaction.newFromInsertion( documentModel, selection.from, stack ); } } // Commit the transaction this.model.change( tx ); // Now we can move the cursor forward if ( advanceCursor ) { this.model.change( null, new ve.Range( documentModel.getRelativeContentOffset( selection.from, 1 ) ) ); } else { this.model.change( null, new ve.Range( documentModel.getNearestContentOffset( selection.from ) ) ); } // Reset and resume polling this.surfaceObserver.clear(); this.surfaceObserver.start(); }; /** * Responds to backspace and delete key events. * * @method * @param {Boolean} Key was a backspace */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.handleDelete = function ( e, backspace ) { var selection = this.model.getSelection(), sourceOffset, targetOffset, sourceSplitableNode, targetSplitableNode, tx, cursorAt, sourceNode, targetNode, sourceData, nodeToDelete, adjacentData, adjacentText, adjacentTextAfterMatch, endOffset, i; if ( selection.from === selection.to ) { // Set source and target linmod offsets if ( backspace ) { sourceOffset = selection.to; targetOffset = this.getNearestCorrectOffset( sourceOffset - 1, -1 ); // At the beginning of the document - don't do anything and preventDefault if ( sourceOffset === targetOffset ) { e.preventDefault(); return; } } else { sourceOffset = this.model.getDocument().getRelativeContentOffset( selection.to, 1 ); targetOffset = selection.to; // At the end of the document - don't do anything and preventDefault if ( sourceOffset <= targetOffset ) { e.preventDefault(); return; } } // Set source and target nodes sourceNode = this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( sourceOffset, false ), targetNode = this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( targetOffset, false ); if ( sourceNode.type === targetNode.type ) { sourceSplitableNode = ve.ce.Node.getSplitableNode( sourceNode ); targetSplitableNode = ve.ce.Node.getSplitableNode( targetNode ); } //ve.log(sourceSplitableNode, targetSplitableNode); // Save target location of cursor cursorAt = targetOffset; // Get text from cursor location to end of node in the proper direction adjacentData = null; adjacentText = ''; if ( backspace ) { adjacentData = sourceNode.model.doc.data.slice( sourceNode.model.getOffset() + ( sourceNode.model.isWrapped() ? 1 : 0 ) , sourceOffset ); } else { endOffset = targetNode.model.getOffset() + targetNode.model.getLength() + ( targetNode.model.isWrapped() ? 1 : 0 ); adjacentData = targetNode.model.doc.data.slice( targetOffset, endOffset ); } for ( i = 0; i < adjacentData.length; i++ ) { adjacentText += adjacentData[i][0]; } adjacentTextAfterMatch = adjacentText.match( /[a-zA-Z\-_’'‘ÆÐƎƏƐƔIJŊŒẞÞǷȜæðǝəɛɣijŋœĸſßþƿȝĄƁÇĐƊĘĦĮƘŁØƠŞȘŢȚŦŲƯY̨Ƴąɓçđɗęħįƙłøơşșţțŧųưy̨ƴÁÀÂÄǍĂĀÃÅǺĄÆǼǢƁĆĊĈČÇĎḌĐƊÐÉÈĖÊËĚĔĒĘẸƎƏƐĠĜǦĞĢƔáàâäǎăāãåǻąæǽǣɓćċĉčçďḍđɗðéèėêëěĕēęẹǝəɛġĝǧğģɣĤḤĦIÍÌİÎÏǏĬĪĨĮỊIJĴĶƘĹĻŁĽĿʼNŃN̈ŇÑŅŊÓÒÔÖǑŎŌÕŐỌØǾƠŒĥḥħıíìiîïǐĭīĩįịijĵķƙĸĺļłľŀʼnńn̈ňñņŋóòôöǒŏōõőọøǿơœŔŘŖŚŜŠŞȘṢẞŤŢṬŦÞÚÙÛÜǓŬŪŨŰŮŲỤƯẂẀŴẄǷÝỲŶŸȲỸƳŹŻŽẒŕřŗſśŝšşșṣßťţṭŧþúùûüǔŭūũűůųụưẃẁŵẅƿýỳŷÿȳỹƴźżžẓ]/g ); // If there are "normal" characters in the adjacent text, let the browser handle natively. if ( adjacentTextAfterMatch !== null && adjacentTextAfterMatch.length ) { return; } ve.log('handleDelete programatically'); e.preventDefault(); this.surfaceObserver.stop(); if ( // Source and target are the same node sourceNode === targetNode || ( // Source and target have the same parent (list items) sourceSplitableNode !== undefined && sourceSplitableNode.getParent() === targetSplitableNode.getParent() ) ) { // Simple removal tx = ve.dm.Transaction.newFromRemoval( this.documentView.model, new ve.Range( targetOffset, sourceOffset ) ); this.model.change( tx, new ve.Range( cursorAt ) ); } else if ( sourceNode.getType() === 'document' ) { // Source is a slug - move the cursor somewhere useful this.model.change( null, new ve.Range( cursorAt ) ); } else { // Source and target are different nodes or do not share a parent, perform tricky merge // Get the data for the source node sourceData = this.documentView.model.getData( sourceNode.model.getRange() ); // Find the node that should be completely removed nodeToDelete = sourceNode; ve.Node.traverseUpstream( nodeToDelete, function ( node ) { if ( node.getParent().children.length === 1 ) { nodeToDelete = node.getParent(); return true; } else { return false; } } ); this.model.change( [ // Remove source node or source node ancestor ve.dm.Transaction.newFromRemoval( this.documentView.model, nodeToDelete.getModel().getOuterRange() ), // Append source data to target ve.dm.Transaction.newFromInsertion( this.documentView.model, targetOffset, sourceData ) ], new ve.Range( cursorAt ) ); } } else { // Selection removal ve.log('selection removal - handle programatically'); e.preventDefault(); this.model.change( ve.dm.Transaction.newFromRemoval( this.documentView.model, selection ), new ve.Range( selection.start ) ); } this.surfaceObserver.clear(); this.surfaceObserver.start(); }; /** * Shows the cursor at a given offset. * * @method * @param {Number} offset Offset to show cursor at */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.showCursor = function ( offset ) { this.showSelection( new ve.Range( offset ) ); }; /** * Shows selection on a given range. * * @method * @param {ve.Range} range Range to show selection on */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.showSelection = function ( range ) { var rangySel = rangy.getSelection(), rangyRange = rangy.createRange(), start, end; if ( range.start !== range.end ) { start = this.getNodeAndOffset( range.start ); end = this.getNodeAndOffset( range.end ); if ( false && $.browser.msie ) { if ( range.start === range.from ) { if ( start.node === this.poll.rangySelection.anchorNode && start.offset === this.poll.rangySelection.anchorOffset && end.node === this.poll.rangySelection.focusNode && end.offset === this.poll.rangySelection.focusOffset ) { return; } } else { if ( end.node === this.poll.rangySelection.anchorNode && end.offset === this.poll.rangySelection.anchorOffset && start.node === this.poll.rangySelection.focusNode && start.offset === this.poll.rangySelection.focusOffset ) { return; } } } rangyRange.setStart( start.node, start.offset ); rangyRange.setEnd( end.node, end.offset ); rangySel.removeAllRanges(); rangySel.addRange( rangyRange, range.start !== range.from ); } else { start = end = this.getNodeAndOffset( range.start ); if ( false && $.browser.msie ) { if ( start.node === this.poll.rangySelection.anchorNode && start.offset === this.poll.rangySelection.anchorOffset ) { return; } } rangyRange.setStart( start.node, start.offset ); rangySel.setSingleRange( rangyRange ); } }; /** * Gets the nearest offset that a cursor can actually be placed at. * * TODO: Find a better name and a better place for this method * * @method * @param {Number} offset Offset to start looking at * @param {Number} [direction=-1] Direction to look in, +1 or -1 */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getNearestCorrectOffset = function ( offset, direction ) { var contentOffset, structuralOffset; direction = direction > 0 ? 1 : -1; if ( ve.dm.Document.isContentOffset( this.documentView.model.data, offset ) || this.hasSlugAtOffset( offset ) ) { return offset; } contentOffset = this.documentView.model.getNearestContentOffset( offset, direction ); structuralOffset = this.documentView.model.getNearestStructuralOffset( offset, direction, true ); if ( !this.hasSlugAtOffset( structuralOffset ) ) { return contentOffset; } if ( direction === 1 ) { if ( contentOffset < offset ) { return structuralOffset; } else { return Math.min( contentOffset, structuralOffset ); } } else { if ( contentOffset > offset ) { return structuralOffset; } else { return Math.max( contentOffset, structuralOffset ); } } }; /** * Checks if a given offset is inside a slug. * * TODO: Find a better name and a better place for this method - probably in a document view? * * @method * @param {Number} offset Offset to check for a slug at * @returns {Boolean} A slug exists at the given offset */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.hasSlugAtOffset = function ( offset ) { return this.documentView.getSlugAtOffset( offset ) || false; }; /** * Gets a DOM node and offset that can be used to place a cursor, based on a given offset. * * The results of this function are meant to be used with rangy. * * @method * @param {Number} offset Linear model offset * @returns {Object} Object containing a node and offset property where node is an HTML element and * offset is the position within the element */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getNodeAndOffset = function ( offset ) { var node = this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( offset ), startOffset = this.documentView.getDocumentNode().getOffsetFromNode( node ) + ( ( node.isWrapped() ) ? 1 : 0 ), current = [node.$.contents(), 0], stack = [current], item, $item, length; while ( stack.length > 0 ) { if ( current[1] >= current[0].length ) { stack.pop(); current = stack[ stack.length - 1 ]; continue; } item = current[0][current[1]]; if ( item.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ) { length = item.textContent.length; if ( offset >= startOffset && offset <= startOffset + length ) { return { node: item, offset: offset - startOffset }; } else { startOffset += length; } } else if ( item.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) { $item = current[0].eq( current[1] ); if ( $item.hasClass('ve-ce-slug') ) { if ( offset === startOffset ) { return { node: $item[0], offset: 1 }; } } else if ( $item.is( '.ve-ce-branchNode, .ve-ce-leafNode' ) ) { length = $item.data( 'node' ).model.getOuterLength(); if ( offset >= startOffset && offset < startOffset + length ) { stack.push( [$item.contents(), 0] ); current[1]++; current = stack[stack.length-1]; continue; } else { startOffset += length; } } else { stack.push( [$item.contents(), 0] ); current[1]++; current = stack[stack.length-1]; continue; } } current[1]++; } }; /** * Updates the context icon. * * @method */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.updateContextIcon = function () { var selection = this.model.getSelection(), doc = this.model.getDocument(); if ( this.contextView ) { if ( doc.getText( selection ).length > 0 ) { this.contextView.set(); } else { this.contextView.clear(); } } }; /** * Gets the coordinates of the selection anchor. * * @method */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getSelectionRect = function () { var rangySel = rangy.getSelection(); return { start: rangySel.getStartDocumentPos(), end: rangySel.getEndDocumentPos() }; }; /** * Tests if the modifier key for keyboard shortcuts is pressed. * * @method * @param {jQuery.Event} e */ ve.ce.Surface.isShortcutKey = function ( e ) { if ( e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey ) { return true; } return false; }; /** * Removes localStorage keys for copy and paste after a day. * * @method */ ve.ce.Surface.clearLocalStorage = function () { var i, len, key, time, now, keysToRemove = []; for ( i = 0, len = localStorage.length; i < len; i++ ) { key = localStorage.key( i ); if ( key.indexOf( 've-' ) !== 0 ) { return false; } time = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem( key ) ).time; now = new Date().getTime(); // Offset: 24 days (in miliseconds) if ( now - time > ( 24 * 3600 * 1000 ) ) { // Don't remove keys while iterating. Store them for later removal. keysToRemove.push( key ); } } $.each( keysToRemove, function ( i, val ) { localStorage.removeItem( val ); } ); }; /** * Gets the surface model. * * @method * @returns {ve.dm.Surface} Surface model */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getModel = function () { return this.model; }; /** * Gets the document view. * * @method * @returns {ve.ce.Document} Document view */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getDocument = function () { return this.documentView; }; /** * @method */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.lock = function () { this.locked = true; }; /** * @method */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.unlock = function () { this.locked = false; }; /** * @method */ ve.ce.Surface.prototype.isLocked = function () { return this.locked; };