module( '' ); /* Tests */ test( 'commit/rollback', function() { var cases = { 'no operations': { 'calls': [], 'expected': function( data ) {} }, 'retaining': { 'calls': [['pushRetain', 38]], 'expected': function( data ) {} }, 'annotating content': { 'calls': [ ['pushRetain', 1], ['pushStartAnnotating', 'set', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' }], ['pushRetain', 1], ['pushStopAnnotating', 'set', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' }], ['pushRetain', 1], ['pushStartAnnotating', 'clear', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic' }], ['pushStartAnnotating', 'set', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' }], ['pushStartAnnotating', 'set', { 'type': 'textStyle/underline' }], ['pushRetain', 1], ['pushStopAnnotating', 'clear', { 'type': 'textStyle/italic' }], ['pushStopAnnotating', 'set', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' }], ['pushStopAnnotating', 'set', { 'type': 'textStyle/underline' }] ], 'expected': function( data ) { var b = { '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}': { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' } }, u = { '{"type":"textStyle/underline"}': { 'type': 'textStyle/underline' } }; data[1] = ['a', b]; data[2] = ['b', b]; data[3] = ['c', ve.extendObject( {}, b, u )]; } }, 'annotating content and leaf elements': { 'calls': [ ['pushRetain', 36], ['pushStartAnnotating', 'set', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' }], ['pushRetain', 2], ['pushStopAnnotating', 'set', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' }] ], 'expected': function( data ) { var b = { '{"type":"textStyle/bold"}': { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' } }; data[36] = ['h', b]; data[37].annotations = b; } }, 'using an annotation method other than set or clear throws an exception': { 'calls': [ ['pushStartAnnotating', 'invalid-method', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' }], ['pushRetain', 1], ['pushStopAnnotating', 'invalid-method', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' }] ], 'exception': /^Invalid annotation method/ }, 'annotating branch element throws an exception': { 'calls': [ ['pushStartAnnotating', 'set', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' }], ['pushRetain', 1], ['pushStopAnnotating', 'set', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' }] ], 'exception': /^Invalid transaction, can not annotate a branch element$/ }, 'setting duplicate annotations throws an exception': { 'calls': [ ['pushRetain', 2], ['pushStartAnnotating', 'set', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' }], ['pushRetain', 1], ['pushStopAnnotating', 'set', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' }] ], 'exception': /^Invalid transaction, annotation to be set is already set$/ }, 'removing non-existent annotations throws an exception': { 'calls': [ ['pushRetain', 1], ['pushStartAnnotating', 'clear', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' }], ['pushRetain', 1], ['pushStopAnnotating', 'clear', { 'type': 'textStyle/bold' }] ], 'exception': /^Invalid transaction, annotation to be cleared is not set$/ }, 'changing, removing and adding attributes': { 'calls': [ ['pushReplaceElementAttribute', 'level', 1, 2], ['pushRetain', 11], ['pushReplaceElementAttribute', 'style', 'bullet', 'number'], ['pushReplaceElementAttribute', 'test', undefined, 'abcd'], ['pushRetain', 26], ['pushReplaceElementAttribute', 'html/src', 'image.png', undefined] ], 'expected': function( data ) { data[0].attributes.level = 2; data[11] = 'number'; data[11].attributes.test = 'abcd'; delete data[37].attributes['html/src']; } }, 'changing attributes on non-element data throws an exception': { 'calls': [ ['pushRetain', 1], ['pushReplaceElementAttribute', 'foo', 23, 42] ], 'exception': /^Invalid element error, can not set attributes on non-element data$/ }, 'replacing content': { 'calls': [ ['pushRetain', 1], ['pushReplace', ['a'], ['F', 'O', 'O']] ], 'expected': function( data ) { data.splice( 1, 1, 'F', 'O', 'O' ); } }, 'converting an element': { 'calls': [ [ 'pushReplace', [{ 'type': 'heading', 'attributes': { 'level': 1 } }], [{ 'type': 'paragraph' }] ], ['pushRetain', 3], ['pushReplace', [{ 'type': '/heading' }], [{ 'type': '/paragraph' }]] ], 'expected': function( data ) { data[0].type = 'paragraph'; delete data[0].attributes; data[4].type = '/paragraph'; } }, 'splitting an element': { 'calls': [ ['pushRetain', 2], [ 'pushReplace', [], [{ 'type': '/heading' }, { 'type': 'heading', 'attributes': { 'level': 1 } }] ] ], 'expected': function( data ) { data.splice( 2, 0, { 'type': '/heading' }, { 'type': 'heading', 'attributes': { 'level': 1 } } ); } } }; // Run tests for ( var msg in cases ) { var doc = new ve.copyArray( ) ), tx = new; for ( var i = 0; i < cases[msg].calls.length; i++ ) { tx[cases[msg].calls[i][0]].apply( tx, cases[msg].calls[i].slice( 1 ) ); } if ( 'expected' in cases[msg] ) { doc, tx ); var expected = ve.copyArray( ); cases[msg].expected( expected ); deepEqual( doc.getData(), expected, 'commit: ' + msg ); doc, tx ); deepEqual( doc.getData(),, 'rollback: ' + msg ); } else if ( 'exception' in cases[msg] ) { /*jshint loopfunc:true */ raises( function() { doc, tx ); }, cases[msg].exception, 'commit: ' + msg ); } } } );