module( 've/dm' ); test( '', 11, function() { var tests = { // Test 1 'resize actions adjust node lengths': { 'actual': function( sync ) { var model = sync.getModel(); // Delete bold "b" from first paragraph 2, 1 ); // Push resize action sync.pushResize( model.getChildren()[0], -1 ); // Sync sync.synchronize(); return model.getChildren()[0].getContentLength(); }, 'expected': 2 }, // Test 2 'insert actions can add new nodes in the middle': { 'actual': function( sync ) { var model = sync.getModel(), data = [{ 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'x', { 'type': '/paragraph' }], node = data )[0]; // Insert element after first paragraph ve.insertIntoArray(, 5, data ); // Push insertion action sync.pushInsert( node, 5 ); // Sync sync.synchronize(); return model.getChildren()[1].getContentData(); }, 'expected': ['x'] }, // Test 3 'insert actions can add new nodes at the beginning': { 'actual': function( sync ) { var model = sync.getModel(), data = [{ 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'x', { 'type': '/paragraph' }], node = data )[0]; // Insert element after first paragraph ve.insertIntoArray(, 0, data ); // Push insertion action sync.pushInsert( node, 0 ); // Sync sync.synchronize(); return model.getChildren()[0].getContentData(); }, 'expected': ['x'] }, // Test 4 'insert actions can add new nodes at the end': { 'actual': function( sync ) { var model = sync.getModel(), data = [{ 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'x', { 'type': '/paragraph' }], node = data )[0]; // Insert element after first paragraph ve.insertIntoArray(, 34, data ); // Push insertion action sync.pushInsert( node, 34 ); // Sync sync.synchronize(); return model.getChildren()[3].getContentData(); }, 'expected': ['x'] }, // Test 5 'delete actions can remove nodes from the middle': { 'actual': function( sync ) { var model = sync.getModel(), node = model.getChildren()[1]; // Delete the table 5, 26 ); // Push deletion action sync.pushDelete( node ); // Sync sync.synchronize(); return model.getChildren().length; }, 'expected': 2 }, // Test 6 'delete actions can remove nodes from the beginning': { 'actual': function( sync ) { var model = sync.getModel(), node = model.getChildren()[0]; // Delete the first paragraph 0, 5 ); // Push deletion action sync.pushDelete( node ); // Sync sync.synchronize(); return model.getChildren().length; }, 'expected': 2 }, // Test 7 'delete actions can remove nodes from the end': { 'actual': function( sync ) { var model = sync.getModel(), node = model.getChildren()[2]; // Delete the first paragraph 31, 3 ); // Push deletion action sync.pushDelete( node ); // Sync sync.synchronize(); return model.getChildren().length; }, 'expected': 2 }, // Test 8 'rebuild actions can convert element types': { 'actual': function( sync ) { var model = sync.getModel(), node = model.getChildren()[0]; // Convert the first paragraph to a level 1 heading[0].type = 'heading';[0].attributes = { 'level': 1 };[4].type = '/heading'; // Push rebuild action sync.pushRebuild( new ve.Range( 0, 5 ), new ve.Range( 0, 5 ) ); // Sync sync.synchronize(); return model.getChildren()[0].getElementType(); }, 'expected': 'heading' }, // Test 9 'rebuild actions can replace one node with more than one node': { 'actual': function( sync ) { var model = sync.getModel(), node = model.getChildren()[0], data = [{ 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'x', { 'type': '/paragraph' }]; // Insert element after first paragraph ve.insertIntoArray(, 5, data ); // Push rebuild action with a length adustment of 3 to account for the new element sync.pushRebuild( new ve.Range( 0, 5 ), new ve.Range( 0, 8 ) ); // Sync sync.synchronize(); return model.getChildren()[1].getContentData(); }, 'expected': ['x'] }, // Test 10 'rebuild actions can unwrap and rewrap multiple nodes': { 'actual': function( sync ) { var model = sync.getModel(), retval = {}, i, node = model.getChildren()[1].getChildren()[0].getChildren()[0], unwrappedData = [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'd', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'e', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'g', { 'type': '/paragraph' } ], wrappedData = [ { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'd', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': 'list' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'e', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet', 'bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['number'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'g', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': '/list' } ]; // Unwrap the list in the linear model ve.batchedSplice(, 8, wrappedData.length, unwrappedData ); // Rebuild it sync.pushRebuild( new ve.Range( 8, 8 + wrappedData.length ), new ve.Range( 8, 8 + unwrappedData.length ) ); sync.synchronize(); retval.afterUnwrap = { 'numChildren': node.getChildren().length, 'childContents': [] }; for ( i = 0; i < node.getChildren().length; i++ ) { retval.afterUnwrap.childContents[i] = node.getChildren()[i].getContentData(); } // Rewrap the list in the linear model ve.batchedSplice(, 8, unwrappedData.length, wrappedData ); // Rebuild it sync.pushRebuild( new ve.Range( 8, 8 + unwrappedData.length ), new ve.Range( 8, 8 + wrappedData.length ) ); sync.synchronize(); retval.afterRewrap = { 'numChildren': node.getChildren().length, 'childContents': [] }; for ( i = 0; i < node.getChildren().length; i++ ) { retval.afterRewrap.childContents[i] = node.getChildren()[i].getContentData(); } return retval; }, 'expected': { 'afterUnwrap': { 'numChildren': 4, 'childContents': [ ['d'], ['e'], ['f'], ['g'] ] }, 'afterRewrap': { 'numChildren': 2, 'childContents': [ ['d'], [ { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'e', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['bullet', 'bullet'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'f', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' }, { 'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': { 'styles': ['number'] } }, { 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'g', { 'type': '/paragraph' }, { 'type': '/listItem' } ] ] } } }, // Test 11 'multiple actions can be synchronized together': { 'actual': function( sync ) { var model = sync.getModel(), data = [{ 'type': 'paragraph' }, 'x', { 'type': '/paragraph' }], node = data )[0]; // Delete bold "b" from first paragraph 2, 1 ); // Push resize action sync.pushResize( model.getChildren()[0], -1 ); // Delete the first paragraph (offset adjusted for previous action) 30, 3 ); // Push deletion action sync.pushDelete( model.getChildren()[2] ); // Insert element after last paragraph ve.insertIntoArray(, 30, data ); // Push insertion action (note: using original offset) sync.pushInsert( node, 34 ); // Sync sync.synchronize(); return [ model.getChildren()[0].getContentLength(), model.getChildren().length, model.getChildren()[2].getContentData() ]; }, 'expected': [2, 3, ['x']] } }; // Run tests for ( var test in tests ) { deepEqual( tests[test].actual( new veTest.obj ) ) ), tests[test].expected, test ); } } );