Work in progress. :) Please see for some information on how to get started with these tests and the current parser architecture. Needed npm modules: * pegjs * colors * html5 * jquery * jsdom * diff * libxmljs (requires native compilation) * optimist (for argument handling) * webworker (not needed for parserTests) == Running parserTests.js == For parserTests, you also need MediaWiki's parser test cases (parserTests.txt) either in a phase3 checkout parallel to extensions (tried by default). You can also specify a test case file as an argument. Then, in this directory, try: node ./parserTests.js Several options are available for parserTests: node ./parserTests.js --help Enjoy! == Running roundtrip tests == Round-trip tests are not yet ported to the current parser architecture. The focus so far has been on parserTests and getting the parser architecture in shape, but we'll get back to round-trip tests eventually.