/*! * VisualEditor UserInterface MWLinkTargetInputWidget class. * * @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /*global mw*/ /** * Creates an ve.ui.MWLinkTargetInputWidget object. * * @class * @extends ve.ui.LinkTargetInputWidget * @mixins ve.ui.LookupInputWidget * * @constructor * @param {Object} [config] Config options */ ve.ui.MWLinkTargetInputWidget = function VeUiMWLinkTargetInputWidget( config ) { // Config intialization config = config || {}; // Parent constructor ve.ui.LinkTargetInputWidget.call( this, config ); // Mixin constructors ve.ui.LookupInputWidget.call( this, this, config ); // Events this.lookupMenu.connect( this, { 'select': 'onLookupMenuItemSelect' } ); // Initialization this.$.addClass( 've-ui-mwLinkTargetInputWidget' ); this.lookupMenu.$.addClass( 've-ui-mwLinkTargetInputWidget-menu' ); }; /* Inheritance */ ve.inheritClass( ve.ui.MWLinkTargetInputWidget, ve.ui.LinkTargetInputWidget ); ve.mixinClass( ve.ui.MWLinkTargetInputWidget, ve.ui.LookupInputWidget ); /* Methods */ /** * Handle menu item select event. * * @method * @param {ve.ui.MenuItemWidget} item Selected item */ ve.ui.MWLinkTargetInputWidget.prototype.onLookupMenuItemSelect = function ( item ) { if ( item ) { this.setAnnotation( item.getData() ); } }; /** * Gets a new request object of the current lookup query value. * * @method * @returns {jqXHR} AJAX object without success or fail handlers attached */ ve.ui.MWLinkTargetInputWidget.prototype.getLookupRequest = function () { return $.ajax( { 'url': mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ), 'data': { 'format': 'json', 'action': 'opensearch', 'search': this.value, 'namespace': 0, 'suggest': '' }, 'dataType': 'json' } ); }; /** * Get lookup cache item from server response data. * * @method * @param {Mixed} data Response from server */ ve.ui.MWLinkTargetInputWidget.prototype.getLookupCacheItemFromData = function ( data ) { return ve.isArray( data ) && data.length ? data[1] : []; }; /** * Get list of menu items from a server response. * * @param {Object} data Query result * @returns {ve.ui.MenuItemWidget[]} Menu items */ ve.ui.MWLinkTargetInputWidget.prototype.getLookupMenuItemsFromData = function ( data ) { var i, len, menu$$ = this.lookupMenu.$$, items = [], matchingPages = data, // If not found, run value through mw.Title to avoid treating a match as a // mismatch where normalisation would make them matching (bug 48476) pageExists = ve.indexOf( this.value, matchingPages ) !== -1 || ve.indexOf( new mw.Title( this.value ).getPrefixedText(), matchingPages ) !== -1; // External link if ( ve.init.platform.getExternalLinkUrlProtocolsRegExp().test( this.value ) ) { items.push( new ve.ui.MenuSectionItemWidget( 'externalLink', { '$$': menu$$, 'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-linkinspector-suggest-external-link' ) } ) ); items.push( new ve.ui.MenuItemWidget( this.getExternalLinkAnnotationFromUrl( this.value ), { '$$': menu$$, 'rel': 'externalLink', 'label': this.value } ) ); } // Internal link if ( !pageExists ) { items.push( new ve.ui.MenuSectionItemWidget( 'newPage', { '$$': menu$$, 'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-linkinspector-suggest-new-page' ) } ) ); items.push( new ve.ui.MenuItemWidget( this.getInternalLinkAnnotationFromTitle( this.value ), { '$$': menu$$, 'rel': 'newPage', 'label': this.value } ) ); } // Matching pages if ( matchingPages && matchingPages.length ) { items.push( new ve.ui.MenuSectionItemWidget( 'matchingPages', { '$$': menu$$, 'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-linkinspector-suggest-matching-page' ) } ) ); for ( i = 0, len = matchingPages.length; i < len; i++ ) { items.push( new ve.ui.MenuItemWidget( this.getInternalLinkAnnotationFromTitle( matchingPages[i] ), { '$$': menu$$, 'rel': 'matchingPage', 'label': matchingPages[i] } ) ); } } return items; }; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.ui.MWLinkTargetInputWidget.prototype.initializeLookupMenuSelection = function () { var item; // Parent method ve.ui.LookupInputWidget.prototype.initializeLookupMenuSelection.call( this ); // Update annotation to match selected item item = this.lookupMenu.getSelectedItem(); if ( item ) { // Set annotation directly, bypassing re-setting the value of the input this.annotation = item.getData(); } }; /** * Set the value of the input. * * Overrides setValue to keep annotations in sync. * * @method * @param {string} value New value */ ve.ui.MWLinkTargetInputWidget.prototype.setValue = function ( value ) { // Keep annotation in sync with value by skipping parent and calling grandparent method ve.ui.TextInputWidget.prototype.setValue.call( this, value ); }; /** * Gets an internal link annotation. * * File: or Category: links will be prepended with a colon so they are interpreted as a links rather * than image inclusions or categorizations. * * @method * @param {string} target Page title * @returns {ve.dm.MWInternalLinkAnnotation} */ ve.ui.MWLinkTargetInputWidget.prototype.getInternalLinkAnnotationFromTitle = function ( target ) { var title; try { title = new mw.Title( target ); if ( title.getNamespaceId() === 6 || title.getNamespaceId() === 14 ) { target = ':' + target; } } catch ( e ) { } return new ve.dm.MWInternalLinkAnnotation( { 'type': 'link/mwInternal', 'attributes': { 'title': target, 'normalizedTitle': ve.dm.MWInternalLinkAnnotation.static.normalizeTitle( target ) } } ); }; /** * Gets an external link annotation. * * @method * @param {string} target Web address * @returns {ve.dm.MWExternalLinkAnnotation} */ ve.ui.MWLinkTargetInputWidget.prototype.getExternalLinkAnnotationFromUrl = function ( target ) { return new ve.dm.MWExternalLinkAnnotation( { 'type': 'link/mwExternal', 'attributes': { 'href': target } } ); }; /** * Gets a target from an annotation. * * @method * @param {ve.dm.MWExternalLinkAnnotation|ve.dm.MWInternalLinkAnnotation} annotation Annotation * @returns {string} Target */ ve.ui.MWLinkTargetInputWidget.prototype.getTargetFromAnnotation = function ( annotation ) { if ( annotation instanceof ve.dm.MWExternalLinkAnnotation ) { return annotation.getAttribute( 'href' ); } else if ( annotation instanceof ve.dm.MWInternalLinkAnnotation ) { return annotation.getAttribute( 'title' ); } return ''; };