/*! * VisualEditor MediaWiki Initialization class. * * @copyright 2011-2015 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /** * Initialization MediaWiki Target Analytics. * * @class * * @constructor * @param {ve.init.mw.Target} target Target class to log events for */ ve.init.mw.TargetEvents = function ( target ) { this.target = target; this.timings = { saveRetries: 0 }; // Events this.target.connect( this, { saveWorkflowBegin: 'onSaveWorkflowBegin', saveWorkflowEnd: 'onSaveWorkflowEnd', saveInitiated: 'onSaveInitated', save: 'onSaveComplete', saveReview: 'onSaveReview', saveErrorEmpty: [ 'trackSaveError', 'empty' ], saveErrorSpamBlacklist: [ 'trackSaveError', 'spamblacklist' ], saveErrorAbuseFilter: [ 'trackSaveError', 'abusefilter' ], saveErrorBadToken: [ 'trackSaveError', 'badtoken' ], saveErrorNewUser: [ 'trackSaveError', 'newuser' ], saveErrorPageDeleted: [ 'trackSaveError', 'pagedeleted' ], saveErrorCaptcha: [ 'trackSaveError', 'captcha' ], saveErrorUnknown: [ 'trackSaveError', 'unknown' ], editConflict: [ 'trackSaveError', 'editconflict' ], surfaceReady: 'onSurfaceReady', showChanges: 'onShowChanges', showChangesError: 'onShowChangesError', noChanges: 'onNoChanges', serializeComplete: 'onSerializeComplete', serializeError: 'onSerializeError' } ); }; /** * Target specific ve.track wrapper * * @param {string} topic Event name * @param {Object} data Additional data describing the event, encoded as an object */ ve.init.mw.TargetEvents.prototype.track = function ( topic, data ) { data.targetName = this.target.constructor.static.name; ve.track( 'mwtiming.' + topic, data ); if ( topic.indexOf( 'performance.system.serializeforcache' ) === 0 ) { // HACK: track serializeForCache duration here, because there's no event for that this.timings.serializeForCache = data.duration; } }; /** * Track when user begins the save workflow */ ve.init.mw.TargetEvents.prototype.onSaveWorkflowBegin = function () { this.timings.saveWorkflowBegin = ve.now(); this.track( 'behavior.lastTransactionTillSaveDialogOpen', { duration: this.timings.saveWorkflowBegin - this.timings.lastTransaction } ); ve.track( 'mwedit.saveIntent' ); }; /** * Track when user ends the save workflow */ ve.init.mw.TargetEvents.prototype.onSaveWorkflowEnd = function () { this.track( 'behavior.saveDialogClose', { duration: ve.now() - this.timings.saveWorkflowBegin } ); this.timings.saveWorkflowBegin = null; }; /** * Track when document save is initiated */ ve.init.mw.TargetEvents.prototype.onSaveInitated = function () { this.timings.saveInitiated = ve.now(); this.timings.saveRetries++; this.track( 'behavior.saveDialogOpenTillSave', { duration: this.timings.saveInitiated - this.timings.saveWorkflowBegin } ); ve.track( 'mwedit.saveAttempt' ); }; /** * Track when the save is complete * @param {string} content * @param {string} categoriesHtml * @param {number} newRevId */ ve.init.mw.TargetEvents.prototype.onSaveComplete = function ( content, categoriesHtml, newRevId ) { this.track( 'performance.user.saveComplete', { duration: ve.now() - this.timings.saveInitiated } ); this.timings.saveRetries = 0; ve.track( 'mwedit.saveSuccess', { timing: ve.now() - this.timings.saveInitiated + ( this.timings.serializeForCache || 0 ), 'page.revid': newRevId } ); }; /** * Track a save error by type * * @method * @param {string} type Text for error type */ ve.init.mw.TargetEvents.prototype.trackSaveError = function ( type ) { var key, // Maps mwtiming types to mwedit types typeMap = { badtoken: 'userBadToken', newuser: 'userNewUser', abusefilter: 'extensionAbuseFilter', captcha: 'extensionCaptcha', spamblacklist: 'extensionSpamBlacklist', empty: 'responseEmpty', unknown: 'responseUnknown', pagedeleted: 'editPageDeleted', editconflict: 'editConflict' }, // Types that are logged as performance.user.saveError.{type} // (for historical reasons; this sucks) specialTypes = [ 'editconflict' ]; key = 'performance.user.saveError'; if ( specialTypes.indexOf( type ) !== -1 ) { key += '.' + type; } this.track( key, { duration: ve.now() - this.timings.saveInitiated, retries: this.timings.saveRetries, type: type } ); ve.track( 'mwedit.saveFailure', { type: typeMap[type] || 'responseUnknown', timing: ve.now() - this.timings.saveInitiated + ( this.timings.serializeForCache || 0 ) } ); }; /** * Record the time of the last transaction in response to a 'transact' event on the document. */ ve.init.mw.TargetEvents.prototype.recordLastTransactionTime = function () { this.timings.lastTransaction = ve.now(); }; /** * Track time elapsed from beginning of save workflow to review */ ve.init.mw.TargetEvents.prototype.onSaveReview = function () { this.timings.saveReview = ve.now(); this.track( 'behavior.saveDialogOpenTillReview', { duration: this.timings.saveReview - this.timings.saveWorkflowBegin } ); }; ve.init.mw.TargetEvents.prototype.onSurfaceReady = function () { this.track( 'performance.system.activation', { duration: ve.now() - this.timings.activationStart } ); this.target.surface.getModel().getDocument().connect( this, { transact: 'recordLastTransactionTime' } ); }; /** * Track when the user enters the review workflow */ ve.init.mw.TargetEvents.prototype.onShowChanges = function () { this.track( 'performance.user.reviewComplete', { duration: ve.now() - this.timings.saveReview } ); }; /** * Track when the diff request fails in the review workflow */ ve.init.mw.TargetEvents.prototype.onShowChangesError = function () { this.track( 'performance.user.reviewError', { duration: ve.now() - this.timings.saveReview } ); }; /** * Track when the diff request detects no changes */ ve.init.mw.TargetEvents.prototype.onNoChanges = function () { this.track( 'performance.user.reviewComplete', { duration: ve.now() - this.timings.saveReview } ); }; /** * Track whe serilization is complete in review workflow */ ve.init.mw.TargetEvents.prototype.onSerializeComplete = function () { this.track( 'performance.user.reviewComplete', { duration: ve.now() - this.timings.saveReview } ); }; /** * Track when there is a serlization error */ ve.init.mw.TargetEvents.prototype.onSerializeError = function () { if ( this.timings.saveWorkflowBegin ) { // This function can be called by the switch to wikitext button as well, so only log // reviewError if we actually got here from the save workflow this.track( 'performance.user.reviewError', { duration: ve.now() - this.timings.saveReview } ); } };