/*! * VisualEditor UserInterface FragmentInspector tests. * * @copyright 2011-2020 VisualEditor Team and others; see http://ve.mit-license.org */ QUnit.module( 've.ui.FragmentInspector (MW)', ve.test.utils.mwEnvironment ); /* Tests */ QUnit.test( 'Wikitext link inspector', function ( assert ) { var done = assert.async(), surface = ve.init.target.createSurface( ve.dm.converter.getModelFromDom( ve.createDocumentFromHtml( '
Foo [[bar]] [[Quux|baz]] x
' + 'wh]]ee
' ) ), { mode: 'source' } ), cases = [ { msg: 'Collapsed selection expands to word', name: 'wikitextLink', range: new ve.Range( 2 ), expectedRange: new ve.Range( 1, 8 ), expectedData: function ( data ) { data.splice( 1, 3, '[', '[', 'F', 'o', 'o', ']', ']' ); } }, { msg: 'Collapsed selection in word (noExpand)', name: 'wikitextLink', range: new ve.Range( 2 ), setupData: { noExpand: true }, expectedRange: new ve.Range( 2 ), expectedData: function () {} }, { msg: 'Cancel restores original data & selection', name: 'wikitextLink', range: new ve.Range( 2 ), expectedRange: new ve.Range( 2 ), expectedData: function () {}, actionData: {} }, { msg: 'Collapsed selection inside existing link', name: 'wikitextLink', range: new ve.Range( 5 ), expectedRange: new ve.Range( 5, 12 ), expectedData: function () {} }, { msg: 'Selection inside existing link', name: 'wikitextLink', range: new ve.Range( 19, 20 ), expectedRange: new ve.Range( 13, 25 ), expectedData: function () {} }, { msg: 'Selection spanning existing link', name: 'wikitextLink', range: new ve.Range( 3, 8 ), expectedRange: new ve.Range( 3, 8 ), expectedData: function () {} }, { msg: 'Selection with whitespace is trimmed', name: 'wikitextLink', range: new ve.Range( 1, 5 ), expectedRange: new ve.Range( 1, 8 ) }, { msg: 'Link insertion', name: 'wikitextLink', range: new ve.Range( 26 ), input: function () { this.annotationInput.getTextInputWidget().setValue( 'quux' ); }, expectedRange: new ve.Range( 34 ), expectedData: function ( data ) { data.splice.apply( data, [ 26, 0 ].concat( '[[quux]]'.split( '' ) ) ); } }, { msg: 'Link insertion to file page', name: 'wikitextLink', range: new ve.Range( 26 ), input: function () { this.annotationInput.getTextInputWidget().setValue( 'File:foo.jpg' ); }, expectedRange: new ve.Range( 43 ), expectedData: function ( data ) { data.splice.apply( data, [ 26, 0 ].concat( '[[:File:foo.jpg]]'.split( '' ) ) ); } }, { msg: 'Link insertion with no input is no-op', name: 'wikitextLink', range: new ve.Range( 26 ), expectedRange: new ve.Range( 26 ), expectedData: function () {} }, { msg: 'Link modified', name: 'wikitextLink', range: new ve.Range( 5, 12 ), input: function () { this.annotationInput.getTextInputWidget().setValue( 'quux' ); }, expectedRange: new ve.Range( 5, 17 ), expectedData: function ( data ) { data.splice.apply( data, [ 7, 3 ].concat( 'Quux|bar'.split( '' ) ) ); } }, { msg: 'Link modified with initial selection including whitespace', name: 'wikitextLink', range: new ve.Range( 4, 13 ), input: function () { this.annotationInput.getTextInputWidget().setValue( 'quux' ); }, expectedRange: new ve.Range( 5, 17 ), expectedData: function ( data ) { data.splice.apply( data, [ 7, 3 ].concat( 'Quux|bar'.split( '' ) ) ); } }, { msg: 'Piped link modified', name: 'wikitextLink', range: new ve.Range( 16 ), input: function () { this.annotationInput.getTextInputWidget().setValue( 'whee' ); }, expectedRange: new ve.Range( 13, 25 ), expectedData: function ( data ) { data.splice.apply( data, [ 15, 4 ].concat( 'Whee'.split( '' ) ) ); } }, { msg: 'Link modified', name: 'wikitextLink', range: new ve.Range( 30, 36 ), input: function () { this.annotationInput.getTextInputWidget().setValue( 'foo' ); }, expectedRange: new ve.Range( 30, 61 ), expectedData: function ( data ) { data.splice.apply( data, [ 30, 6 ].concat( '[[Foo|wh