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Got end of file instead.", "expected-numeric-entity": "Numeric entity expected but none found.", "named-entity-without-semicolon": "Named entity didn't end with ';'.", "expected-named-entity": "Named entity expected. Got none.", "attributes-in-end-tag": "End tag contains unexpected attributes.", "expected-tag-name-but-got-right-bracket": "Expected tag name. Got '>' instead.", "expected-tag-name-but-got-question-mark": "Expected tag name. Got '?' instead. (HTML doesn't " + "support processing instructions.)", "expected-tag-name": "Expected tag name. Got something else instead", "expected-closing-tag-but-got-right-bracket": "Expected closing tag. Got '>' instead. Ignoring ''.", "expected-closing-tag-but-got-eof": "Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file.", "expected-closing-tag-but-got-char": "Expected closing tag. Unexpected character '%(data)' found.", "eof-in-tag-name": "Unexpected end of file in the tag name.", "expected-attribute-name-but-got-eof": "Unexpected end of file. Expected attribute name instead.", "eof-in-attribute-name": "Unexpected end of file in attribute name.", "duplicate-attribute": "Dropped duplicate attribute on tag.", "expected-end-of-tag-name-but-got-eof": "Unexpected end of file. Expected = or end of tag.", "expected-attribute-value-but-got-eof": "Unexpected end of file. Expected attribute value.", "eof-in-attribute-value-double-quote": "Unexpected end of file in attribute value (\").", "eof-in-attribute-value-single-quote": "Unexpected end of file in attribute value (').", "eof-in-attribute-value-no-quotes": "Unexpected end of file in attribute value.", "expected-dashes-or-doctype": "Expected '--' or 'DOCTYPE'. Not found.", "incorrect-comment": "Incorrect comment.", "eof-in-comment": "Unexpected end of file in comment.", "eof-in-comment-end-dash": "Unexpected end of file in comment (-)", "unexpected-dash-after-double-dash-in-comment": "Unexpected '-' after '--' found in comment.", "eof-in-comment-double-dash": "Unexpected end of file in comment (--).", "unexpected-char-in-comment": "Unexpected character in comment found.", "need-space-after-doctype": "No space after literal string 'DOCTYPE'.", "expected-doctype-name-but-got-right-bracket": "Unexpected > character. Expected DOCTYPE name.", "expected-doctype-name-but-got-eof": "Unexpected end of file. Expected DOCTYPE name.", "eof-in-doctype-name": "Unexpected end of file in DOCTYPE name.", "eof-in-doctype": "Unexpected end of file in DOCTYPE.", "expected-space-or-right-bracket-in-doctype": "Expected space or '>'. Got '%(data)'", "unexpected-end-of-doctype": "Unexpected end of DOCTYPE.", "unexpected-char-in-doctype": "Unexpected character in DOCTYPE.", "eof-in-bogus-doctype": "Unexpected end of file in bogus doctype.", "eof-in-innerhtml": "Unexpected EOF in inner html mode.", "unexpected-doctype": "Unexpected DOCTYPE. Ignored.", "non-html-root": "html needs to be the first start tag.", "expected-doctype-but-got-eof": "Unexpected End of file. Expected DOCTYPE.", "unknown-doctype": "Erroneous DOCTYPE.", "expected-doctype-but-got-chars": "Unexpected non-space characters. Expected DOCTYPE.", "expected-doctype-but-got-start-tag": "Unexpected start tag (%(name)). Expected DOCTYPE.", "expected-doctype-but-got-end-tag": "Unexpected end tag (%(name)). Expected DOCTYPE.", "end-tag-after-implied-root": "Unexpected end tag (%(name)) after the (implied) root element.", "expected-named-closing-tag-but-got-eof": "Unexpected end of file. Expected end tag (%(name)).", "two-heads-are-not-better-than-one": "Unexpected start tag head in existing head. Ignored.", "unexpected-end-tag": "Unexpected end tag (%(name)). Ignored.", "unexpected-start-tag-out-of-my-head": "Unexpected start tag (%(name)) that can be in head. Moved.", "unexpected-start-tag": "Unexpected start tag (%(name)).", "missing-end-tag": "Missing end tag (%(name)).", "missing-end-tags": "Missing end tags (%(name)).", "unexpected-start-tag-implies-end-tag": "Unexpected start tag (%(startName)) " + "implies end tag (%(endName)).", "unexpected-start-tag-treated-as": "Unexpected start tag (%(originalName)). Treated as %(newName).", "deprecated-tag": "Unexpected start tag %(name). Don't use it!", "unexpected-start-tag-ignored": "Unexpected start tag %(name). Ignored.", "expected-one-end-tag-but-got-another": "Unexpected end tag (%(gotName). " + "Missing end tag (%(expectedName)).", "end-tag-too-early": "End tag (%(name)) seen too early. Expected other end tag.", "end-tag-too-early-named": "Unexpected end tag (%(gotName)). Expected end tag (%(expectedName).", "end-tag-too-early-ignored": "End tag (%(name)) seen too early. Ignored.", "adoption-agency-1.1": "End tag (%(name) violates step 1, " + "paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.", "adoption-agency-1.2": "End tag (%(name) violates step 1, " + "paragraph 2 of the adoption agency algorithm.", "adoption-agency-1.3": "End tag (%(name) violates step 1, " + "paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.", "unexpected-end-tag-treated-as": "Unexpected end tag (%(originalName)). Treated as %(newName).", "no-end-tag": "This element (%(name)) has no end tag.", "unexpected-implied-end-tag-in-table": "Unexpected implied end tag (%(name)) in the table phase.", "unexpected-implied-end-tag-in-table-body": "Unexpected implied end tag (%(name)) in the table body phase.", "unexpected-char-implies-table-voodoo": "Unexpected non-space characters in " + "table context caused voodoo mode.", "unpexted-hidden-input-in-table": "Unexpected input with type hidden in table context.", "unexpected-start-tag-implies-table-voodoo": "Unexpected start tag (%(name)) in " + "table context caused voodoo mode.", "unexpected-end-tag-implies-table-voodoo": "Unexpected end tag (%(name)) in " + "table context caused voodoo mode.", "unexpected-cell-in-table-body": "Unexpected table cell start tag (%(name)) " + "in the table body phase.", "unexpected-cell-end-tag": "Got table cell end tag (%(name)) " + "while required end tags are missing.", "unexpected-end-tag-in-table-body": "Unexpected end tag (%(name)) in the table body phase. Ignored.", "unexpected-implied-end-tag-in-table-row": "Unexpected implied end tag (%(name)) in the table row phase.", "unexpected-end-tag-in-table-row": "Unexpected end tag (%(name)) in the table row phase. Ignored.", "unexpected-select-in-select": "Unexpected select start tag in the select phase " + "treated as select end tag.", "unexpected-input-in-select": "Unexpected input start tag in the select phase.", "unexpected-start-tag-in-select": "Unexpected start tag token (%(name)) in the select phase. " + "Ignored.", "unexpected-end-tag-in-select": "Unexpected end tag (%(name)) in the select phase. Ignored.", "unexpected-table-element-start-tag-in-select-in-table": "Unexpected table element start tag (%(name))s in the select in table phase.", "unexpected-table-element-end-tag-in-select-in-table": "Unexpected table element end tag (%(name))s in the select in table phase.", "unexpected-char-after-body": "Unexpected non-space characters in the after body phase.", "unexpected-start-tag-after-body": "Unexpected start tag token (%(name))" + "in the after body phase.", "unexpected-end-tag-after-body": "Unexpected end tag token (%(name))" + " in the after body phase.", "unexpected-char-in-frameset": "Unepxected characters in the frameset phase. Characters ignored.", "unexpected-start-tag-in-frameset": "Unexpected start tag token (%(name))" + " in the frameset phase. Ignored.", "unexpected-frameset-in-frameset-innerhtml": "Unexpected end tag token (frameset " + "in the frameset phase (innerHTML).", "unexpected-end-tag-in-frameset": "Unexpected end tag token (%(name))" + " in the frameset phase. Ignored.", "unexpected-char-after-frameset": "Unexpected non-space characters in the " + "after frameset phase. Ignored.", "unexpected-start-tag-after-frameset": "Unexpected start tag (%(name))" + " in the after frameset phase. Ignored.", "unexpected-end-tag-after-frameset": "Unexpected end tag (%(name))" + " in the after frameset phase. Ignored.", "expected-eof-but-got-char": "Unexpected non-space characters. Expected end of file.", "expected-eof-but-got-char": "Unexpected non-space characters. Expected end of file.", "expected-eof-but-got-start-tag": "Unexpected start tag (%(name))" + ". Expected end of file.", "expected-eof-but-got-end-tag": "Unexpected end tag (%(name))" + ". Expected end of file.", "unexpected-end-table-in-caption": "Unexpected end table tag in caption. Generates implied end caption.", "end-html-in-innerhtml": "Unexpected html end tag in inner html mode.", "expected-self-closing-tag": "Expected a > after the /.", "self-closing-end-tag": "Self closing end tag.", "eof-in-table": "Unexpected end of file. Expected table content.", "html-in-foreign-content": "HTML start tag \"%(name)\" in a foreign namespace context.", "unexpected-start-tag-in-table": "Unexpected %(name). Expected table content." }; HTML5.Models = {PCDATA: 0, RCDATA: 1, CDATA: 2, SCRIPT_CDATA: 3}; HTML5.PHASES = PHASES = { initial: require('./parser/initial_phase').Phase, beforeHTML: require('./parser/before_html_phase').Phase, beforeHead: require('./parser/before_head_phase').Phase, inHead: require('./parser/in_head_phase').Phase, afterHead: require('./parser/after_head_phase').Phase, inBody: require('./parser/in_body_phase').Phase, inTable: require('./parser/in_table_phase').Phase, inCaption: require('./parser/in_caption_phase').Phase, inColumnGroup: require('./parser/in_column_group_phase').Phase, inTableBody: require('./parser/in_table_body_phase').Phase, inRow: require('./parser/in_row_phase').Phase, inCell: require('./parser/in_cell_phase').Phase, inSelect: require('./parser/in_select_phase').Phase, inSelectInTable: require('./parser/in_select_in_table_phase').Phase, afterBody: require('./parser/after_body_phase').Phase, inFrameset: require('./parser/in_frameset_phase').Phase, afterFrameset: require('./parser/after_frameset_phase').Phase, afterAfterBody: require('./parser/after_after_body_phase').Phase, afterAfterFrameset: require('./parser/after_after_frameset_phase').Phase, inForeignContent: require('./parser/in_foreign_content_phase').Phase, trailingEnd: require('./parser/trailing_end_phase').Phase, rootElement: require('./parser/root_element_phase').Phase, }; HTML5.TAGMODES = { select: 'inSelect', td: 'inCell', th: 'inCell', tr: 'inRow', tbody: 'inTableBody', thead: 'inTableBody', tfoot: 'inTableBody', caption: 'inCaption', colgroup: 'inColumnGroup', table: 'inTable', head: 'inBody', body: 'inBody', frameset: 'inFrameset' };