/*! * VisualEditor OrderedHashSet class. * * @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /** * Ordered hash set. * * Objects are treated as equal if their hashes are equal. This means that you can't add two objects * with the same hash, and it also means that you can search for one object and get a different one * back that has the same hash. * * The second parameter to this constructor can be an array of objects, or an existing * ve.OrderedHashSet object. In both cases, the new Set will be a shallow copy: object references * to the individual objects will be maintained, but references to the original array or * ve.OrderedHashSet will not be. * * @abstract * @constructor * @param {Function} hash Hash function * @param {Array|ve.OrderedHashSet} [items] Items to populate the set with */ ve.OrderedHashSet = function VeOrderedHashSet( hash, items ) { var i; this.hash = hash; // Array of object references this.arr = []; // Object mapping object hashes to object references this.map = {}; // HACK HACK HACK // We should fix our inheritance so instanceof works if ( items instanceof ve.OrderedHashSet || items instanceof ve.AnnotationSet ) { this.map = ve.extendObject( {}, items.map ); this.arr = items.arr.slice( 0 ); } else if ( ve.isArray( items ) && items.length > 0 ) { this.arr = items.slice( 0 ); for ( i = 0; i < this.arr.length; i++ ) { this.map[this.hash( this.arr[i] )] = this.arr[i]; } } }; /* Methods */ /** * Create a clone of the set, with the same hash function and the same contents. * * @method * @returns {ve.OrderedHashSet} */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.clone = function () { return new ve.OrderedHashSet( this.hash, this ); }; /** * Get a value or all values from the set. * * set.get( 5 ) returns the object at index 5, set.get() returns an array with all objects in * the entire set. * * @method * @param {number} [index] If set, only get the element at the index * @returns {Array|Object|undefined} The object at index, or an array of all objects in the set */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.get = function ( index ) { if ( index !== undefined ) { return this.arr[index]; } else { return this.arr.slice(); } }; /** * Get the length of the set. * * @method * @returns {number} The number of objects in the set */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.getLength = function () { return this.arr.length; }; /** * Check if the set is empty. * * @method * @returns {boolean} True if the set is empty, false otherwise */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.isEmpty = function () { return this.arr.length === 0; }; /** * Check whether a given value occurs in the set. * * Values are compared by hash. * * @method * @returns {boolean} There is an object in the set with the same hash as value */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.contains = function ( value ) { return this.hash( value ) in this.map; }; /** * Check whether the set contains any of the values in another set. * * @method * @param {ve.OrderedHashSet} set Set to compare the set with * @returns {boolean} There is at least one value in set that is also in the set */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.containsAnyOf = function ( set ) { var key; for ( key in set.map ) { if ( key in this.map ) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * Check whether the set contains all of the values in another set. * * @method * @param {ve.OrderedHashSet} set Set to compare the set with * @returns {boolean} All values in set are also in the set */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.containsAllOf = function ( set ) { var key; for ( key in set.map ) { if ( !( key in this.map ) ) { return false; } } return true; }; /** * Get the index of a given value in the set. * * @method * @param {Object} value Value to search for * @returns {number} Index of value in the set, or -1 if value is not in the set */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.indexOf = function ( value ) { var hash = this.hash( value ); if ( hash in this.map ) { return ve.indexOf( this.map[hash], this.arr ); } else { return -1; } }; /** * Filter the set by an item property. * * This returns a new set with all values in the set for which value.property matches filter (if * filter is a RegExp) or is equal to filter, * * @method * @param {string} property Property to check * @param {Mixed|RegExp} filter Regular expression or value to filter for * @param {boolean} [returnBool] For internal use only * @returns {ve.OrderedHashSet} New set containing only the matching values */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.filter = function ( property, filter, returnBool ) { var i, result; if ( !returnBool ) { // TODO: Consider alternative ways to instantiate a new set of the same type as the subclass result = this.clone(); // TODO: Should we be returning this on all methods that modify the original? Might help // with chainability, but perhaps it's also confusing because most chainable methods return // a new hash set. result.removeAll(); } for ( i = 0; i < this.arr.length; i++ ) { if ( ( filter instanceof RegExp && filter.test( this.arr[i][property] ) ) || ( typeof filter === 'string' && this.arr[i][property] === filter ) ) { if ( returnBool ) { return true; } else { result.push( this.arr[i] ); } } } return returnBool ? false : result; }; /** * Check if the set contains at least one value where a given property matches a given filter. * * This is equivalent to (but more efficient than) `!this.filter( .. ).isEmpty()`. * * @see ve.OrderedHashSet#filter * * @method * @param {string} property * @param {Mixed|RegExp} filter * @returns {boolean} True if at least one value matches, false otherwise */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.containsMatching = function ( property, filter ) { return this.filter( property, filter, true ); }; /** * Add a value to the set. * * If the value is already present in the set, nothing happens. * * The value will be inserted before the value that is currently at the given index. If index is * negative, it will be counted from the end (i.e. index -1 is the last item, -2 the second-to-last, * etc.). If index is out of bounds, the value will be added to the end of the set. * * @method * @param {Object} value Value to add * @param {number} index Index to add the value at */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.add = function ( value, index ) { var hash; if ( index < 0 ) { index = this.arr.length + index; } if ( index >= this.arr.length ) { this.push( value ); return; } hash = this.hash( value ); if ( !( hash in this.map ) ) { this.arr.splice( index, 0, value ); this.map[hash] = value; } }; /** * Add all values in the given set to the end of the set. * * Values from the other set that are already in the set will not be added again. * * @method * @param {ve.OrderedHashSet} set Set to add to the set */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.addSet = function ( set ) { var i; for ( i = 0; i < set.arr.length; i++ ) { this.push( set.arr[i] ); } }; /** * Add a value at the end of the set. * * If the value is already present in the set, nothing happens. * * @method * @param {Object} value Value to add */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.push = function ( value ) { var hash = this.hash( value ); if ( !( hash in this.map ) ) { this.arr.push( value ); this.map[hash] = value; } }; /** * Remove the value at a given index. * * @method * @param {number} index Index to remove item at. If negative, the counts from the end, see add() * @throws {Error} Index out of bounds */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.removeAt = function ( index ) { if ( index < 0 ) { index = this.arr.length + index; } if ( index >= this.arr.length ) { throw new Error( 'Index out of bounds' ); } delete this.map[this.hash( this.arr[index] )]; this.arr.splice( index, 1 ); }; /** * Remove a given value from the set. * * If the value isn't in the set, nothing happens. * * @method * @param {Object} value Value to remove */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.remove = function ( value ) { var index, hash = this.hash( value ); if ( hash in this.map ) { index = ve.indexOf( this.map[hash], this.arr ); delete this.map[hash]; this.arr.splice( index, 1 ); } }; /** * Remove all values. * * @method */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.removeAll = function () { var i = this.arr.length; while ( i-- ) { this.remove( this.arr[i] ); } }; /** * Remove all values in a given set from the set. * * Values that aren't in the set are ignored. * * @method * @param {ve.OrderedHashSet} set Set to remove from the set */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.removeSet = function ( set ) { var i; for ( i = 0; i < set.arr.length; i++ ) { this.remove( set.arr[i] ); } }; /** * Remove all values that are not also in a given other set from the set. * * @method * @param {ve.OrderedHashSet} set Set to intersect with the set */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.removeNotInSet = function ( set ) { var i; for ( i = this.arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { if ( !set.contains( this.arr[i] ) ) { this.removeAt( i ); } } }; /** * Reverse the set. * * This returns a copy, the original set is not modified. * * @method * @returns {ve.OrderedHashSet} Copy of the set with the order reversed */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.reversed = function () { var newSet = this.clone(); newSet.arr.reverse(); return newSet; }; /** * Merge another set into the set. * * This returns a copy, the original set is not modified. * * @method * @param {ve.OrderedHashSet} set Other set * @returns {ve.OrderedHashSet} Set containing all values in the set as well as all values in set */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.mergeWith = function ( set ) { var newSet = this.clone(); newSet.addSet( set ); return newSet; }; /** * Get the difference between the set and another set. * * @method * @param {ve.OrderedHashSet} set Other set * @returns {ve.OrderedHashSet} New set containing all values that are in the set but not in set */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.diffWith = function ( set ) { var newSet = this.clone(); newSet.removeSet( set ); return newSet; }; /** * Get the intersection of the set with another set. * * @method * @param {ve.OrderedHashSet} set Other set * @returns {ve.OrderedHashSet} New set containing all values that are both in the set and in set */ ve.OrderedHashSet.prototype.intersectWith = function ( set ) { var newSet = this.clone(); newSet.removeNotInSet( set ); return newSet; };