addModules( array( 'ext.visualEditor.viewPageTarget.init' ) ); $output->addModuleStyles( array( 'ext.visualEditor.viewPageTarget.noscript' ) ); return true; } /** * Changes the Edit tab and adds the VisualEditor tab. * * This is attached to the MediaWiki 'SkinTemplateNavigation' hook. * * @param SkinTemplate $skin * @param array $links Navigation links * @return boolean */ public static function onSkinTemplateNavigation( &$skin, &$links ) { // Only do this if the user has VE enabled if ( !$skin->getUser()->getOption( 'visualeditor-enable' ) || $skin->getUser()->getOption( 'visualeditor-betatempdisable' ) ) { return true; } $config = ConfigFactory::getDefaultInstance()->makeConfig( 'visualeditor' ); if ( !isset( $links['views']['edit'] ) ) { // There's no edit link, nothing to do return true; } $title = $skin->getRelevantTitle(); if ( defined( 'EP_NS' ) && $title->inNamespace( EP_NS ) ) { return true; } $tabMessages = $config->get( 'VisualEditorTabMessages' ); // Rebuild the $links['views'] array and inject the VisualEditor tab before or after // the edit tab as appropriate. We have to rebuild the array because PHP doesn't allow // us to splice into the middle of an associative array. $newViews = array(); foreach ( $links['views'] as $action => $data ) { if ( $action === 'edit' ) { // Build the VisualEditor tab $existing = $title->exists() || ( $title->getNamespace() == NS_MEDIAWIKI && $title->getDefaultMessageText() !== false ); $action = $existing ? 'edit' : 'create'; $veParams = $skin->editUrlOptions(); unset( $veParams['action'] ); // Remove action=edit $veParams['veaction'] = 'edit'; // Set veaction=edit $veTabMessage = $tabMessages[$action]; $veTabText = $veTabMessage === null ? $data['text'] : wfMessage( $veTabMessage )->setContext( $skin->getContext() )->text(); $veTab = array( 'href' => $title->getLocalURL( $veParams ), 'text' => $veTabText, 'primary' => true, 'class' => '', ); // Alter the edit tab $editTab = $data; if ( $title->inNamespace( NS_FILE ) && WikiPage::factory( $title ) instanceof WikiFilePage && !WikiPage::factory( $title )->isLocal() ) { $editTabMessage = $tabMessages[$action . 'localdescriptionsource']; } else { $editTabMessage = $tabMessages[$action . 'source']; } if ( $editTabMessage !== null ) { $editTab['text'] = wfMessage( $editTabMessage )->setContext( $skin->getContext() )->text(); } // Inject the VE tab before or after the edit tab if ( $config->get( 'VisualEditorTabPosition' ) === 'before' ) { $editTab['class'] .= ' collapsible'; $newViews['ve-edit'] = $veTab; $newViews['edit'] = $editTab; } else { $veTab['class'] .= ' collapsible'; $newViews['edit'] = $editTab; $newViews['ve-edit'] = $veTab; } } else { // Just pass through $newViews[$action] = $data; } } $links['views'] = $newViews; return true; } /** * Called when the normal wikitext editor is shown. * Inserts a 'veswitched' hidden field if requested by the client * * @param $editPage EditPage * @param $output OutputPage * @return boolean true */ public static function onEditPageShowEditFormFields( EditPage $editPage, OutputPage $output ) { $request = $output->getRequest(); if ( $request->getBool( 'veswitched' ) ) { $output->addHTML( Xml::input( 'veswitched', false, '1', array( 'type' => 'hidden' ) ) ); } return true; } /** * Called when an edit is saved * Adds 'visualeditor-switched' tag to the edit if requested * * @param $article WikiPage * @param $user User * @param $content Content * @param $summary string * @param $isMinor boolean * @param $isWatch boolean * @param $section int * @param $flags int * @param $revision Revision|null * @param $status Status * @param $baseRevId int|boolean * @return boolean true */ public static function onPageContentSaveComplete( $article, $user, $content, $summary, $isMinor, $isWatch, $section, $flags, $revision, $status, $baseRevId ) { $request = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest(); if ( $request->getBool( 'veswitched' ) && $revision ) { ChangeTags::addTags( 'visualeditor-switched', null, $revision->getId() ); } return true; } /** * Changes the section edit links to add a VE edit link. * * This is attached to the MediaWiki 'DoEditSectionLink' hook. * * @param $skin Skin * @param $title Title * @param $section string * @param $tooltip string * @param $result string HTML * @param $lang Language * @return bool true */ public static function onDoEditSectionLink( $skin, $title, $section, $tooltip, &$result, $lang ) { // Only do this if the user has VE enabled // (and we're not in parserTests) // (and we're not on a foreign file description page) if ( isset( $GLOBALS[ 'wgVisualEditorInParserTests' ] ) || !$skin->getUser()->getOption( 'visualeditor-enable' ) || $skin->getUser()->getOption( 'visualeditor-betatempdisable' ) || ( $title->inNamespace( NS_FILE ) && WikiPage::factory( $title ) instanceof WikiFilePage && !WikiPage::factory( $title )->isLocal() ) ) { return; } $config = ConfigFactory::getDefaultInstance()->makeConfig( 'visualeditor' ); $tabMessages = $config->get( 'VisualEditorTabMessages' ); $veEditSection = $tabMessages['editsection'] !== null ? $tabMessages['editsection'] : 'editsection'; $sourceEditSection = $tabMessages['editsectionsource'] !== null ? $tabMessages['editsectionsource'] : 'editsection'; // Code mostly duplicated from Skin::doEditSectionLink() :( $attribs = array(); if ( !is_null( $tooltip ) ) { # Bug 25462: undo double-escaping. $tooltip = Sanitizer::decodeCharReferences( $tooltip ); $attribs['title'] = wfMessage( 'editsectionhint' )->rawParams( $tooltip ) ->inLanguage( $lang )->text(); } $veLink = Linker::link( $title, wfMessage( $veEditSection )->inLanguage( $lang )->text(), $attribs + array( 'class' => 'mw-editsection-visualeditor' ), array( 'veaction' => 'edit', 'vesection' => $section ), array( 'noclasses', 'known' ) ); $sourceLink = Linker::link( $title, wfMessage( $sourceEditSection )->inLanguage( $lang )->text(), $attribs, array( 'action' => 'edit', 'section' => $section ), array( 'noclasses', 'known' ) ); $veFirst = $config->get( 'VisualEditorTabPosition' ) === 'before'; $result = '' . '[' . ( $veFirst ? $veLink : $sourceLink ) . '' . wfMessage( 'pipe-separator' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text() . '' . ( $veFirst ? $sourceLink : $veLink ) . ']' . ''; return true; } /** * Convert a namespace index to the local text for display to the user. * * @param $nsIndex int * @return string */ private static function convertNs( $nsIndex ) { global $wgLang; if ( $nsIndex ) { return $wgLang->convertNamespace( $nsIndex ); } else { return wfMessage( 'blanknamespace' )->text(); } } public static function onGetPreferences( User $user, array &$preferences ) { global $wgLang; if ( !array_key_exists( 'visualeditor-enable', $preferences ) ) { $namespaces = ConfigFactory::getDefaultInstance() ->makeConfig( 'visualeditor' ) ->get( 'VisualEditorNamespaces' ); $preferences['visualeditor-enable'] = array( 'type' => 'toggle', 'label-message' => array( 'visualeditor-preference-enable', $wgLang->commaList( array_map( array( 'self', 'convertNs' ), $namespaces ) ), count( $namespaces ) ), 'section' => 'editing/editor' ); } $preferences['visualeditor-betatempdisable'] = array( 'type' => 'toggle', 'label-message' => 'visualeditor-preference-betatempdisable', 'section' => 'editing/editor' ); $preferences['visualeditor-hidebetawelcome'] = array( 'type' => 'api' ); return true; } public static function onGetBetaPreferences( User $user, array &$preferences ) { $coreConfig = RequestContext::getMain()->getConfig(); $iconpath = $coreConfig->get( 'ExtensionAssetsPath' ) . "/VisualEditor"; $veConfig = ConfigFactory::getDefaultInstance()->makeConfig( 'visualeditor' ); $preferences['visualeditor-enable'] = array( 'version' => '1.0', 'label-message' => 'visualeditor-preference-core-label', 'desc-message' => 'visualeditor-preference-core-description', 'screenshot' => array( 'ltr' => "$iconpath/betafeatures-icon-VisualEditor-ltr.svg", 'rtl' => "$iconpath/betafeatures-icon-VisualEditor-rtl.svg", ), 'info-message' => 'visualeditor-preference-core-info-link', 'discussion-message' => 'visualeditor-preference-core-discussion-link', 'requirements' => array( 'javascript' => true, 'blacklist' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorBrowserBlacklist' ), 'skins' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorSupportedSkins' ), ) ); $preferences['visualeditor-enable-language'] = array( 'version' => '1.0', 'label-message' => 'visualeditor-preference-language-label', 'desc-message' => 'visualeditor-preference-language-description', 'screenshot' => array( 'ltr' => "$iconpath/betafeatures-icon-VisualEditor-language-ltr.svg", 'rtl' => "$iconpath/betafeatures-icon-VisualEditor-language-rtl.svg", ), 'info-message' => 'visualeditor-preference-language-info-link', 'discussion-message' => 'visualeditor-preference-language-discussion-link', 'requirements' => array( 'betafeatures' => array( 'visualeditor-enable', ), ), ); /* Disabling Beta Features option for generic content for now $preferences['visualeditor-enable-mwalienextension'] = array( 'version' => '1.0', 'label-message' => 'visualeditor-preference-mwalienextension-label', 'desc-message' => 'visualeditor-preference-mwalienextension-description', 'screenshot' => array( 'ltr' => "$iconpath/betafeatures-icon-VisualEditor-alien-ltr.svg", 'rtl' => "$iconpath/betafeatures-icon-VisualEditor-alien-rtl.svg", ), 'info-message' => 'visualeditor-preference-mwalienextension-info-link', 'discussion-message' => 'visualeditor-preference-mwalienextension-discussion-link', 'requirements' => array( 'betafeatures' => array( 'visualeditor-enable', ), ), ); */ } public static function onListDefinedTags( &$tags ) { $tags[] = 'visualeditor'; $tags[] = 'visualeditor-needcheck'; $tags[] = 'visualeditor-switched'; return true; } /** * Adds extra variables to the page config. */ public static function onMakeGlobalVariablesScript( array &$vars, OutputPage $out ) { $pageLanguage = $out->getTitle()->getPageLanguage(); $vars['wgVisualEditor'] = array( 'isPageWatched' => $out->getUser()->isWatched( $out->getTitle() ), 'pageLanguageCode' => $pageLanguage->getHtmlCode(), 'pageLanguageDir' => $pageLanguage->getDir(), 'svgMaxSize' => $out->getConfig()->get( 'SVGMaxSize' ), 'namespacesWithSubpages' => $out->getConfig()->get( 'NamespacesWithSubpages' ) ); return true; } /** * Adds extra variables to the global config */ public static function onResourceLoaderGetConfigVars( array &$vars ) { $coreConfig = RequestContext::getMain()->getConfig(); $defaultUserOptions = $coreConfig->get( 'DefaultUserOptions' ); $thumbLimits = $coreConfig->get( 'ThumbLimits' ); $veConfig = ConfigFactory::getDefaultInstance()->makeConfig( 'visualeditor' ); $vars['wgVisualEditorConfig'] = array( 'disableForAnons' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorDisableForAnons' ), 'preferenceModules' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorPreferenceModules' ), 'namespaces' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorNamespaces' ), 'pluginModules' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorPluginModules' ), 'defaultUserOptions' => array( 'betatempdisable' => $defaultUserOptions['visualeditor-betatempdisable'], 'enable' => $defaultUserOptions['visualeditor-enable'], 'defaultthumbsize' => $thumbLimits[ $defaultUserOptions['thumbsize'] ] ), 'blacklist' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorBrowserBlacklist' ), 'skins' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorSupportedSkins' ), 'tabPosition' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorTabPosition' ), 'tabMessages' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorTabMessages' ), 'showBetaWelcome' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorShowBetaWelcome' ), 'enableTocWidget' => $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorEnableTocWidget' ) ); foreach ( $veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorPreferenceModules' ) as $pref => $module ) { $vars['wgVisualEditorConfig']['defaultUserOptions'][$pref] = $defaultUserOptions[$pref]; } return true; } /** * Conditionally register the and jquery.i18n modules, in case they've already * been registered by the UniversalLanguageSelector extension. * * @param ResourceLoader $resourceLoader * @return boolean true */ public static function onResourceLoaderRegisterModules( ResourceLoader &$resourceLoader ) { $resourceModules = $resourceLoader->getConfig()->get( 'ResourceModules' ); $veResourceTemplate = ConfigFactory::getDefaultInstance() ->makeConfig( 'visualeditor')->get( 'VisualEditorResourceTemplate' ); $libModules = array( '' => $veResourceTemplate + array( 'scripts' => array( 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.uls/src/', 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.uls/src/', ), 'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ), ), 'jquery.i18n' => $veResourceTemplate + array( 'scripts' => array( 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/jquery.i18n.js', 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/jquery.i18n.messagestore.js', 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/jquery.i18n.parser.js', 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/jquery.i18n.emitter.js', 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/jquery.i18n.language.js', ), 'dependencies' => 'mediawiki.libs.pluralruleparser', 'languageScripts' => array( 'bs' => 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/languages/bs.js', 'dsb' => 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/languages/dsb.js', 'fi' => 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/languages/fi.js', 'ga' => 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/languages/ga.js', 'he' => 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/languages/he.js', 'hsb' => 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/languages/hsb.js', 'hu' => 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/languages/hu.js', 'hy' => 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/languages/hy.js', 'la' => 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/languages/la.js', 'ml' => 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/languages/ml.js', 'os' => 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/languages/os.js', 'ru' => 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/languages/ru.js', 'sl' => 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/languages/sl.js', 'uk' => 'lib/ve/lib/jquery.i18n/src/languages/uk.js', ), 'targets' => array( 'desktop', 'mobile' ), ), ); $addModules = array(); foreach ( $libModules as $name => $data ) { if ( !isset( $resourceModules[$name] ) && !$resourceLoader->getModule( $name ) ) { $addModules[$name] = $data; } } $resourceLoader->register( $addModules ); return true; } public static function onResourceLoaderTestModules( array &$testModules, ResourceLoader &$resourceLoader ) { $testModules['qunit']['ext.visualEditor.test'] = array( 'styles' => array( // jsdifflib 'lib/ve/lib/jsdifflib/diffview.css', ), 'scripts' => array( // MW config preload 'modules/ve-mw/tests/mw-preload.js', // jsdifflib 'lib/ve/lib/jsdifflib/diffview.js', 'lib/ve/lib/jsdifflib/difflib.js', // QUnit plugin 'lib/ve/tests/ve.qunit.js', // VisualEditor Tests 'lib/ve/tests/ve.test.utils.js', 'modules/ve-mw/tests/ve.test.utils.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ve.test.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ve.Document.test.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ve.Node.test.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ve.BranchNode.test.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ve.LeafNode.test.js', // VisualEditor DataModel Tests 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/nodes/', 'modules/ve-mw/tests/dm/nodes/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'modules/ve-mw/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'modules/ve-mw/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'modules/ve-mw/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/lineardata/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/lineardata/', 'lib/ve/tests/dm/lineardata/', 'modules/ve-mw/tests/dm/', 'modules/ve-mw/tests/dm/', 'modules/ve-mw/tests/dm/', // VisualEditor ContentEditable Tests 'lib/ve/tests/ce/ve.ce.test.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/ve.ce.Document.test.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/ve.ce.Surface.test.js', 'modules/ve-mw/tests/ce/ve.ce.Document.test.js', 'modules/ve-mw/tests/ce/ve.ce.Surface.test.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/ve.ce.NodeFactory.test.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/ve.ce.Node.test.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/ve.ce.BranchNode.test.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/ve.ce.ContentBranchNode.test.js', 'modules/ve-mw/tests/ce/ve.ce.ContentBranchNode.test.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/ve.ce.LeafNode.test.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/nodes/ve.ce.TextNode.test.js', // VisualEditor Actions Tests 'lib/ve/tests/ui/actions/ve.ui.AnnotationAction.test.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ui/actions/ve.ui.FormatAction.test.js', 'modules/ve-mw/tests/ui/actions/ve.ui.FormatAction.test.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ui/actions/ve.ui.IndentationAction.test.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ui/actions/ve.ui.ListAction.test.js', // VisualEditor initialization Tests 'lib/ve/tests/init/ve.init.Platform.test.js', 'modules/ve-mw/tests/init/targets/', // IME tests 'lib/ve/tests/ce/ve.ce.TestRunner.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/ve.ce.imetests.test.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/backspace-chromium-ubuntu-none.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/backspace-firefox-ubuntu-none.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/backspace-ie-win-none.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/input-chrome-win-chinese-traditional-handwriting.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/input-chrome-win-greek.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/input-chrome-win-welsh.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/input-chromium-ubuntu-ibus-chinese-cantonese.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/input-chromium-ubuntu-ibus-japanese-anthy-' . '-hiraganaonly.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/input-chromium-ubuntu-ibus-korean-korean.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/input-chromium-ubuntu-ibus-malayalam-swanalekha.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/input-firefox-ubuntu-ibus-chinese-cantonese.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/input-firefox-ubuntu-ibus-japanese-anthy--hiraganaonly.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/input-firefox-ubuntu-ibus-korean-korean.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/input-firefox-ubuntu-ibus-malayalam.swanalekha.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/input-firefox-win-chinese-traditional-handwriting.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/input-firefox-win-greek.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/input-firefox-win-welsh.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/input-ie-win-chinese-traditional-handwriting.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/input-ie-win-greek.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/input-ie-win-korean.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/input-ie-win-welsh.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/leftarrow-chromium-ubuntu-none.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/leftarrow-firefox-ubuntu-none.js', 'lib/ve/tests/ce/imetests/leftarrow-ie-win-none.js', ), 'dependencies' => array( 'unicodejs', 'ext.visualEditor.standalone', 'ext.visualEditor.core', 'ext.visualEditor.mwcore', 'ext.visualEditor.mwformatting', 'ext.visualEditor.mwlink', 'ext.visualEditor.mwgallery', 'ext.visualEditor.mwimage', 'ext.visualEditor.mwmeta', 'ext.visualEditor.mwreference', 'ext.visualEditor.mwtransclusion', 'ext.visualEditor.experimental', 'ext.visualEditor.viewPageTarget.init', 'ext.visualEditor.viewPageTarget', ), 'localBasePath' => __DIR__, 'remoteExtPath' => 'VisualEditor', ); return true; } /** * Ensures that we know whether we're running inside a parser test. */ public static function onParserTestGlobals( array &$settings ) { $settings['wgVisualEditorInParserTests'] = true; } /** * @param Array $redirectParams Parameters preserved on special page redirects * to wiki pages * @return bool Always true */ public static function onRedirectSpecialArticleRedirectParams( &$redirectParams ) { array_push( $redirectParams, 'veaction', 'vesection' ); return true; } /** * If the user has specified that they want to edit the page with VE, suppress any redirect. * @param Title $title Title being used for request * @param Article|null $article * @param OutputPage $output * @param User $user * @param WebRequest $request * @param MediaWiki $mediaWiki * @return bool Always true */ public static function onBeforeInitialize( Title $title, $article, OutputPage $output, User $user, WebRequest $request, MediaWiki $mediaWiki ) { if ( $request->getVal( 'veaction' ) === 'edit' ) { $request->setVal( 'redirect', 'no' ); } return true; } }