/*! * VisualEditor UserInterface MWReferenceSearchWidget class. * * @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /** * Creates an ve.ui.MWReferenceSearchWidget object. * * @class * @extends ve.ui.SearchWidget * * @constructor * @param {ve.ui.Surface} [varname] [description] * @param {Object} [config] Config options */ ve.ui.MWReferenceSearchWidget = function VeUiMWReferenceSearchWidget( surface, config ) { // Configuration intialization config = ve.extendObject( {}, config, { 'placeholder': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-reference-input-placeholder' ) } ); // Parent constructor ve.ui.SearchWidget.call( this, config ); // Properties this.surface = surface; this.index = []; // Initialization this.$.addClass( 've-ui-mwReferenceSearchWidget' ); }; /* Inheritance */ ve.inheritClass( ve.ui.MWReferenceSearchWidget, ve.ui.SearchWidget ); /* Events */ /** * @event select * @param {Object|string|null} data Reference node attributes, command string (e.g. 'create') or * null if no item is selected */ /* Methods */ /** * Handle select widget select events. * * @method * @param {string} value New value */ ve.ui.MWReferenceSearchWidget.prototype.onQueryChange = function () { // Parent method ve.ui.SearchWidget.prototype.onQueryChange.call( this ); // Populate this.addResults(); }; /** * Handle select widget select events. * * @method * @param {ve.ui.OptionWidget} item Selected item * @emits select */ ve.ui.MWReferenceSearchWidget.prototype.onResultsSelect = function ( item ) { var data; if ( item ) { data = item.getData(); // Resolve indexed values if ( this.index[data] ) { data = this.index[data].attributes; } } else { data = null; } this.emit( 'select', data ); }; /** * Build a serchable index of references. * * @method */ ve.ui.MWReferenceSearchWidget.prototype.buildIndex = function () { var i, iLen, j, jLen, group, groupName, groupNames, view, text, attr, firstNodes, indexOrder, refnode, name, citation, internalList = this.surface.getModel().getDocument().getInternalList(), groups = internalList.getNodeGroups(); function extractAttrs() { text += ' ' + $(this).attr( 'href' ); } this.index = []; groupNames = ve.getObjectKeys( groups ).sort(); for ( i = 0, iLen = groupNames.length; i < iLen; i++ ) { groupName = groupNames[i]; if ( groupName.lastIndexOf( 'mwReference/' ) !== 0 ) { continue; } group = groups[groupName]; firstNodes = group.firstNodes; indexOrder = group.indexOrder; for ( j = 0, jLen = indexOrder.length; j < jLen; j++ ) { refnode = firstNodes[indexOrder[j]]; attr = ve.copyObject( refnode.getAttributes() ); view = new ve.ce.InternalItemNode( internalList.getItemNode( attr.listIndex ) ); // HACK: PHP parser doesn't wrap single lines in a paragraph if ( view.$.children().length === 1 && view.$.children( 'p' ).length === 1 ) { // unwrap inner view.$.children().replaceWith( view.$.children().contents() ); } citation = ( attr.refGroup.length ? attr.refGroup + ' ' : '' ) + ( j + 1 ); name = attr.listKey && attr.listKey.charAt( 0 ) !== ':' ? attr.listKey : ''; // Make visible text, citation and reference name searchable text = [ view.$.text().toLowerCase(), citation, name ].join( ' ' ); // Make URLs searchable view.$.find( 'a[href]' ).each( extractAttrs ); this.index.push( { '$': view.$.clone().show(), 'text': text, 'attributes': attr, 'citation': citation, 'name': name } ); view.destroy(); } } // Re-populate this.onQueryChange(); }; /** * Handle media query response events. * * @method */ ve.ui.MWReferenceSearchWidget.prototype.addResults = function () { var i, len, item, $citation, $name, value = this.query.getValue(), query = value.toLowerCase(), items = []; items.push( new ve.ui.MWReferenceResultWidget( 'create', { '$$': this.$$, 'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-reference-search-create' ) } ) ); items.push( new ve.ui.MWReferenceResultWidget( 'existing', { '$$': this.$$, 'divider': true, 'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-reference-search-reuse' ) } ) ); for ( i = 0, len = this.index.length; i < len; i++ ) { item = this.index[i]; if ( item.text.indexOf( query ) >= 0 ) { $citation = $( '
' ) .addClass( 've-ui-mwReferenceSearchWidget-citation' ) .text( '[' + item.citation + ']' ); $name = $( '
' ) .addClass( 've-ui-mwReferenceSearchWidget-name' ) .text( item.name ); items.push( new ve.ui.MWReferenceResultWidget( i, { '$$': this.$$, 'label': $citation.add( $name ).add( item.$ ) } ) ); } } this.results.addItems( items ); };