/* * VisualEditor user interface MWTemplateDialog class. * * @copyright 2011-2015 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /** * Dialog for inserting and editing MediaWiki transclusions. * * @class * @abstract * @extends ve.ui.NodeDialog * * @constructor * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog = function VeUiMWTemplateDialog( config ) { // Parent constructor ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.super.call( this, config ); // Properties this.transclusionModel = null; this.loaded = false; this.altered = false; this.preventReselection = false; this.expandedParamList = {}; this.confirmOverlay = new ve.ui.Overlay( { classes: ['ve-ui-overlay-global'] } ); this.confirmDialogs = new ve.ui.WindowManager( { factory: ve.ui.windowFactory, isolate: true } ); this.confirmOverlay.$element.append( this.confirmDialogs.$element ); $( 'body' ).append( this.confirmOverlay.$element ); }; /* Inheritance */ OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog, ve.ui.NodeDialog ); /* Static Properties */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.static.icon = 'template'; ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.static.modelClasses = [ ve.dm.MWTransclusionNode ]; ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.static.actions = [ { action: 'apply', label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-dialog-action-apply' ), flags: [ 'progressive', 'primary' ], modes: 'edit' }, { action: 'insert', label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-dialog-action-insert' ), flags: [ 'primary', 'constructive' ], modes: 'insert' }, { label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-dialog-action-cancel' ), flags: 'safe', modes: [ 'insert', 'edit' ] } ]; /** * Configuration for booklet layout. * * @static * @property {Object} * @inheritable */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.static.bookletLayoutConfig = { continuous: true, outlined: false }; /* Methods */ /** * Handle the transclusion being ready to use. */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.onTransclusionReady = function () { this.loaded = true; this.$element.addClass( 've-ui-mwTemplateDialog-ready' ); this.popPending(); this.bookletLayout.focus( 1 ); }; /** * Called when the transclusion model changes. E.g. parts changes, parameter values changes. */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.onTransclusionModelChange = function () { if ( this.loaded ) { this.altered = true; this.setApplicableStatus(); } }; /** * Handle parts being replaced. * * @param {ve.dm.MWTransclusionPartModel} removed Removed part * @param {ve.dm.MWTransclusionPartModel} added Added part */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.onReplacePart = function ( removed, added ) { var i, len, page, name, names, params, partPage, reselect, addedCount, removePages = []; if ( removed ) { // Remove parameter pages of removed templates partPage = this.bookletLayout.getPage( removed.getId() ); if ( removed instanceof ve.dm.MWTemplateModel ) { params = removed.getParameters(); for ( name in params ) { removePages.push( this.bookletLayout.getPage( params[name].getId() ) ); delete this.expandedParamList[params[name].getId()]; } removed.disconnect( this ); } if ( this.loaded && !this.preventReselection && partPage.isActive() ) { reselect = this.bookletLayout.getClosestPage( partPage ); } removePages.push( partPage ); this.bookletLayout.removePages( removePages ); } if ( added ) { page = this.getPageFromPart( added ); if ( page ) { this.bookletLayout.addPages( [ page ], this.transclusionModel.getIndex( added ) ); if ( reselect ) { // Use added page instead of closest page this.setPageByName( added.getId() ); } // Add existing params to templates (the template might be being moved) if ( added instanceof ve.dm.MWTemplateModel ) { names = added.getParameterNames(); params = added.getParameters(); // Prevent selection changes this.preventReselection = true; for ( i = 0, len = names.length; i < len; i++ ) { this.onAddParameter( params[names[i]] ); } this.preventReselection = false; added.connect( this, { add: 'onAddParameter', remove: 'onRemoveParameter' } ); if ( names.length ) { this.setPageByName( params[names[0]].getId() ); } } // Add required and suggested params to user created templates if ( added instanceof ve.dm.MWTemplateModel && this.loaded ) { // Prevent selection changes this.preventReselection = true; addedCount = added.addPromptedParameters(); this.preventReselection = false; names = added.getParameterNames(); params = added.getParameters(); if ( names.length ) { this.setPageByName( params[names[0]].getId() ); } else if ( addedCount === 0 ) { page.onAddButtonFocus(); } } } } else if ( reselect ) { this.setPageByName( reselect.getName() ); } if ( this.loaded && ( added || removed ) ) { this.altered = true; } this.setApplicableStatus(); this.updateTitle(); }; /** * Respond to showAll event in the placeholder page. * Cache this so we can make sure the parameter list is expanded * when we next load this same pageId placeholder. * * @param {string} pageId Page Id */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.onParameterPlaceholderShowAll = function ( pageId ) { this.expandedParamList[ pageId ] = true; }; /** * Handle add param events. * * @param {ve.dm.MWParameterModel} param Added param */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.onAddParameter = function ( param ) { var page; if ( param.getName() ) { page = new ve.ui.MWParameterPage( param, param.getId() ); } else { page = new ve.ui.MWParameterPlaceholderPage( param, param.getId(), { expandedParamList: !!this.expandedParamList[ param.getId() ] } ) .connect( this, { showAll: 'onParameterPlaceholderShowAll' } ); } this.bookletLayout.addPages( [ page ], this.transclusionModel.getIndex( param ) ); if ( this.loaded ) { if ( !this.preventReselection ) { this.setPageByName( param.getId() ); } this.altered = true; this.setApplicableStatus(); } else { this.onAddParameterBeforeLoad( page ); } // Recalculate tab indexes this.$body.find( '.ve-ui-mwParameterPage' ).each( function ( index ) { $( this ) .find( '.ve-ui-mwParameterPage-field > .oo-ui-textInputWidget > textarea' ) .attr( 'tabindex', index * 3 + 1 ) .end() .find( '.ve-ui-mwParameterPage-infoButton > a' ) .attr( 'tabindex', index * 3 + 2 ) .end() .find( '.ve-ui-mwParameterPage-removeButton > a' ) .attr( 'tabindex', index * 3 + 3 ) .end() .find( '.ve-ui-mwParameterPage-more a' ) .attr( 'tabindex', index * 3 + 4 ); } ); }; /** * Additional handling of parameter addition events before loading. * * @param {ve.ui.MWParameterPage} page Parameter page object */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.onAddParameterBeforeLoad = function () {}; /** * Handle remove param events. * * @param {ve.dm.MWParameterModel} param Removed param */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.onRemoveParameter = function ( param ) { var page = this.bookletLayout.getPage( param.getId() ), reselect = this.bookletLayout.getClosestPage( page ); this.bookletLayout.removePages( [ page ] ); if ( this.loaded ) { if ( !this.preventReselection ) { this.setPageByName( reselect.getName() ); } this.altered = true; this.setApplicableStatus(); } }; /** * Sets transclusion applicable status * * If the transclusion is empty or only contains a placeholder it will not be insertable. * If the transclusion only contains a placeholder it will not be editable. */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.setApplicableStatus = function () { var parts = this.transclusionModel && this.transclusionModel.getParts(); if ( parts.length && !( parts[0] instanceof ve.dm.MWTemplatePlaceholderModel ) ) { this.actions.setAbilities( { apply: this.altered, insert: true } ); } else { // Loading is resolved. We have either: 1) no parts, or 2) the a placeholder as the first part this.actions.setAbilities( { apply: parts.length === 0 && this.altered, insert: false } ); } }; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.getBodyHeight = function () { return 400; }; /** * Get a page for a transclusion part. * * @param {ve.dm.MWTransclusionModel} part Part to get page for * @return {OO.ui.PageLayout|null} Page for part, null if no matching page could be found */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.getPageFromPart = function ( part ) { if ( part instanceof ve.dm.MWTemplateModel ) { return new ve.ui.MWTemplatePage( part, part.getId() ); } else if ( part instanceof ve.dm.MWTemplatePlaceholderModel ) { return new ve.ui.MWTemplatePlaceholderPage( part, part.getId(), { $overlay: this.$overlay } ); } return null; }; /** * Get the label of a template or template placeholder. * * @param {ve.dm.MWTemplateModel|ve.dm.MWTemplatePlaceholderModel} part Part to check * @returns {string} Label of template or template placeholder */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.getTemplatePartLabel = function ( part ) { return part instanceof ve.dm.MWTemplateModel ? part.getSpec().getLabel() : ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-placeholder' ); }; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.getSelectedNode = function ( data ) { var selectedNode = ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.super.prototype.getSelectedNode.call( this ); // Data initialization data = data || {}; // Require template to match if specified if ( selectedNode && data.template && !selectedNode.isSingleTemplate( data.template ) ) { return null; } return selectedNode; }; /** * Set the page by name. * * Page names are always the ID of the part or param they represent. * * @param {string} name Page name */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.setPageByName = function ( name ) { if ( this.bookletLayout.isOutlined() ) { this.bookletLayout.getOutline().selectItemByData( name ); } else { this.bookletLayout.setPage( name ); } }; /** * Update the dialog title. */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.updateTitle = function () { var parts = this.transclusionModel && this.transclusionModel.getParts(); this.title.setLabel( parts && parts.length === 1 && parts[0] ? this.getTemplatePartLabel( parts[0] ) : ve.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-loading' ) ); }; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.initialize = function () { // Parent method ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.super.prototype.initialize.call( this ); // Properties this.panels = new OO.ui.StackLayout(); this.bookletLayout = new OO.ui.BookletLayout( this.constructor.static.bookletLayoutConfig ); // Initialization this.$content.addClass( 've-ui-mwTemplateDialog' ); this.$body.append( this.panels.$element ); this.panels.addItems( [ this.bookletLayout ] ); }; /** * If the user has left blank required parameters, confirm that they actually want to do this. * If no required parameters were left blank, or if they were but the user decided to go ahead * anyway, the returned deferred will be resolved. * Otherwise, the returned deferred will be rejected. * @returns {jQuery.Deferred} */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.checkRequiredParameters = function () { var blankRequired = [], deferred = $.Deferred(); $.each( this.bookletLayout.pages, function () { if ( !( this instanceof ve.ui.MWParameterPage ) ) { return true; } if ( this.parameter.isRequired() && !this.valueInput.getValue() ) { blankRequired.push( mw.msg( 'quotation-marks', this.parameter.template.getSpec().getParameterLabel( this.parameter.getName() ) ) ); } } ); if ( blankRequired.length ) { this.confirmDialogs.openWindow( 'requiredparamblankconfirm', { message: mw.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-required-parameter-is-blank', mw.language.listToText( blankRequired ), blankRequired.length ), title: mw.msg( 'visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-required-parameter-dialog-title', blankRequired.length ) } ).then( function ( opened ) { opened.then( function ( closing ) { closing.then( function ( data ) { if ( data.action === 'ok' ) { deferred.resolve(); } else { deferred.reject(); } } ); } ); } ); } else { deferred.resolve(); } return deferred.promise(); }; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.getActionProcess = function ( action ) { var dialog = this; if ( action === 'apply' || action === 'insert' ) { return new OO.ui.Process( function () { var deferred = $.Deferred(); dialog.checkRequiredParameters().done( function () { var surfaceModel = dialog.getFragment().getSurface(), obj = dialog.transclusionModel.getPlainObject(); if ( dialog.selectedNode instanceof ve.dm.MWTransclusionNode ) { dialog.transclusionModel.updateTransclusionNode( surfaceModel, dialog.selectedNode ); } else if ( obj !== null ) { // Collapse returns a new fragment, so update dialog.fragment dialog.fragment = dialog.getFragment().collapseToEnd(); dialog.transclusionModel.insertTransclusionNode( dialog.getFragment() ); } dialog.close( { action: action } ); } ).always( deferred.resolve ); return deferred; } ); } return ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.super.prototype.getActionProcess.call( this, action ); }; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.getSetupProcess = function ( data ) { data = data || {}; return ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.super.prototype.getSetupProcess.call( this, data ) .next( function () { var template, promise; // Properties this.loaded = false; this.altered = false; this.transclusionModel = new ve.dm.MWTransclusionModel(); // Events this.transclusionModel.connect( this, { replace: 'onReplacePart', change: 'onTransclusionModelChange' } ); // Initialization if ( !this.selectedNode ) { this.actions.setMode( 'insert' ); if ( data.template ) { // New specified template template = ve.dm.MWTemplateModel.newFromName( this.transclusionModel, data.template ); promise = this.transclusionModel.addPart( template ).done( this.initializeNewTemplateParameters.bind( this ) ); } else { // New template placeholder promise = this.transclusionModel.addPart( new ve.dm.MWTemplatePlaceholderModel( this.transclusionModel ) ); } } else { this.actions.setMode( 'edit' ); // Load existing template promise = this.transclusionModel .load( ve.copy( this.selectedNode.getAttribute( 'mw' ) ) ) .done( this.initializeTemplateParameters.bind( this ) ); } this.actions.setAbilities( { apply: false, insert: false } ); this.pushPending(); promise.always( this.onTransclusionReady.bind( this ) ); }, this ); }; /** * Initialize parameters for new template insertion */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.initializeNewTemplateParameters = function () { var i, parts = this.transclusionModel.getParts(); for ( i = 0; i < parts.length; i++ ) { if ( parts[i] instanceof ve.dm.MWTemplateModel ) { parts[i].addPromptedParameters(); } } }; /** * Intentionally empty. This is provided for Wikia extensibility. */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.initializeTemplateParameters = function () {}; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.prototype.getTeardownProcess = function ( data ) { return ve.ui.MWTemplateDialog.super.prototype.getTeardownProcess.call( this, data ) .first( function () { // Cleanup this.$element.removeClass( 've-ui-mwTemplateDialog-ready' ); this.transclusionModel.disconnect( this ); this.transclusionModel.abortRequests(); this.transclusionModel = null; this.bookletLayout.clearPages(); this.content = null; }, this ); };