/** * Creates an es.ContextView object. * * @class * @constructor * @param {jQuery} $overlay DOM selection to add nodes to */ es.ContextView = function( surfaceView, $overlay ) { this.surfaceView = surfaceView; this.$ = $( '
' ).appendTo( $overlay || $( 'body' ) ); this.$toolbar = $( '
' ); this.$container = $( '
' ) .appendTo( this.$ ); this.$menu = $( '
' ) .append( this.$toolbar ) .appendTo( this.$container ); this.$panels = $( '
' ) .appendTo( this.$container ); this.$icon = $( '
' ) .appendTo( this.$ ); this.toolbarView = new es.ToolbarView( this.$toolbar, this.surfaceView, [{ 'name': 'textStyle', 'items' : [ 'bold', 'italic', 'formatting', 'clear' ] }] ); // Example menu items this.$menu.append( '
' + '
Link to...
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' ); this.$panels.append( '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' ); // Events var _this = this; this.$icon.click( function() { _this.$container.toggle(); } ); this.$menu.find( '[rel="link"]' ).click( function() { _this.$menu.hide(); _this.$panels.find( '[rel="link"]' ).show(); _this.$panels.find( '[rel="link"] input:first' ).focus(); } ); this.$panels.find( 'button, [href="#cancel"]' ).click( function() { _this.$menu.show(); _this.$panels.children().hide(); _this.$container.toggle(); _this.surfaceView.$input.focus(); return false; } ); }; /* Methods */ es.ContextView.prototype.update = function() { if ( this.$icon.is( ':visible' ) ) { this.set(); } }; es.ContextView.prototype.set = function() { this.$.removeClass( 'es-contextView-position-below es-contextView-position-above ' + 'es-contextView-position-left es-contextView-position-right ' + 'es-contextView-position-start es-contextView-position-end' ); var selection = this.surfaceView.getModel().getSelection(), position, offset; if ( selection.from < selection.to ) { var $lastRange = this.surfaceView.$.find( '.es-contentView-range:visible:last' ); if ( $lastRange.length ) { offset = $lastRange.offset(); position = new es.Position( offset.left + $lastRange.width(), offset.top + $lastRange.height() ); this.$.addClass( 'es-contextView-position-end' ); } } else if ( selection.from > selection.to ) { var $firstRange = this.surfaceView.$.find( '.es-contentView-range:visible:first' ); if ( $firstRange.length ) { offset = $firstRange.offset(); position = new es.Position( offset.left, offset.top ); this.$.addClass( 'es-contextView-position-start' ); } } if ( position ) { if ( position.left + this.$container.width() < $( 'body' ).width() ) { this.$.addClass( 'es-contextView-position-left' ); } else { this.$.addClass( 'es-contextView-position-right' ); } if ( position.top + this.$container.height() < $( window ).height() + $( window ).scrollTop() ) { this.$.addClass( 'es-contextView-position-below' ); } else { this.$.addClass( 'es-contextView-position-above' ); } this.$.css( { 'left': position.left, 'top': position.top } ); this.$icon.fadeIn( 'fast' ); } }; es.ContextView.prototype.clear = function() { this.$icon.hide(); this.$container.hide(); };