/*global rangy */ /*! * VisualEditor ContentEditable Surface class. * * @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /** * ContentEditable surface observer. * * @class * @mixins ve.EventEmitter * * @constructor * @param {ve.ce.Document} documentView Document to observe */ ve.ce.SurfaceObserver = function VeCeSurfaceObserver( documentView ) { // Mixin constructors ve.EventEmitter.call( this ); // Properties this.documentView = documentView; this.domDocument = null; this.polling = false; this.locked = false; this.timeoutId = null; this.frequency = 250; // ms // Initialization this.clear(); }; /* Inheritance */ ve.mixinClass( ve.ce.SurfaceObserver, ve.EventEmitter ); /* Events */ /** * When #poll sees a change this event is emitted (before the * properties are updated). * * @event contentChange * @param {HTMLElement} node DOM node the change occured in * @param {Object} previous Old data * @param {Object} previous.text Old plain text content * @param {Object} previous.hash Old DOM hash * @param {ve.Range} previous.range Old selection * @param {Object} next New data * @param {Object} next.text New plain text content * @param {Object} next.hash New DOM hash * @param {ve.Range} next.range New selection */ /** * When #poll observes a change in the document and the new * selection does not equal as the last known selection, this event * is emitted (before the properties are updated). * * @event selectionChange * @param {ve.Range} oldRange * @param {ve.Range} newRange */ /* Methods */ /** * Clear polling data. * * @method * @param {ve.Range} range Initial range to use */ ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.clear = function ( range ) { this.rangyRange = null; this.range = range || null; this.node = null; this.text = null; this.hash = null; }; /** * Start the setTimeout synchronisation loop * * @method */ ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.startTimerLoop = function () { this.domDocument = this.documentView.getDocumentNode().getElementDocument(); this.polling = true; this.timerLoop( true ); // will not sync immediately, because timeoutId should be null }; /** * Loop once with `setTimeout` * @method * @param {boolean} firstTime Wait before polling */ ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.timerLoop = function ( firstTime ) { if ( this.timeoutId ) { // in case we're not running from setTimeout clearTimeout( this.timeoutId ); this.timeoutId = null; } if ( !firstTime && !this.locked ) { this.pollOnce(); } // only reach this point if pollOnce does not throw an exception this.timeoutId = setTimeout( ve.bind( this.timerLoop, this ), this.frequency ); }; /** * Stop polling * * @method */ ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.stopTimerLoop = function () { if ( this.polling === true ) { this.polling = false; clearTimeout( this.timeoutId ); this.timeoutId = null; } }; /** * Poll for changes. * * TODO: fixing selection in certain cases, handling selection across multiple nodes in Firefox * * FIXME: Does not work well (selectionChange is not emitted) when cursor is placed inside a slug * with a mouse. * * @method * @emits contentChange * @emits selectionChange */ ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.pollOnce = function () { this.pollOnceInternal( true ); }; /** * Poll to update SurfaceObserver, but don't emit change events * * @method */ ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.pollOnceNoEmit = function () { this.pollOnceInternal( false ); }; /** * Poll for changes. * * TODO: fixing selection in certain cases, handling selection across multiple nodes in Firefox * * FIXME: Does not work well (selectionChange is not emitted) when cursor is placed inside a slug * with a mouse. * * @method * @private * @param {boolean} emitChanges Emit change events if selection changed * @emits contentChange * @emits selectionChange */ ve.ce.SurfaceObserver.prototype.pollOnceInternal = function ( emitChanges ) { var $nodeOrSlug, node, text, hash, range, rangyRange; range = this.range; node = this.node; rangyRange = ve.ce.DomRange.newFromDomSelection( rangy.getSelection( this.domDocument ) ); if ( !rangyRange.equals( this.rangyRange ) ) { this.rangyRange = rangyRange; node = null; $nodeOrSlug = $( rangyRange.anchorNode ).closest( '.ve-ce-branchNode, .ve-ce-branchNode-slug' ); if ( $nodeOrSlug.length ) { range = rangyRange.getRange(); if ( !$nodeOrSlug.hasClass( 've-ce-branchNode-slug' ) ) { node = $nodeOrSlug.data( 'view' ); } } } if ( this.node !== node ) { if ( node === null ) { this.text = null; this.hash = null; this.node = null; } else { this.text = ve.ce.getDomText( node.$[0] ); this.hash = ve.ce.getDomHash( node.$[0] ); this.node = node; } } else if ( node !== null ) { text = ve.ce.getDomText( node.$[0] ); hash = ve.ce.getDomHash( node.$[0] ); if ( this.text !== text || this.hash !== hash ) { if ( emitChanges ) { this.emit( 'contentChange', node, { 'text': this.text, 'hash': this.hash, 'range': this.range }, { 'text': text, 'hash': hash, 'range': range } ); } this.text = text; this.hash = hash; } } // Only emit selectionChange event if there's a meaningful range difference if ( ( this.range && range ) ? !this.range.equals( range ) : ( this.range !== range ) ) { if ( emitChanges ) { this.emit( 'selectionChange', this.range, range ); } this.range = range; } };