@firefox @login Feature: Language Screenshot @language_screenshot Scenario: VisualEditor_Toolbar_Headings Given I am editing the language screenshots page When I click the down arrow on the Headings menu Then I should see Headings pull-down menu @language_screenshot Scenario: VisualEditor_Toolbar_Formatting Given I am editing the language screenshots page When I click the text style menu Then I should see Formatting pull-down menu @language_screenshot Scenario: VisualEditor_More_Settings Given I am editing the language screenshots page When I click the hamburger menu Then I should see pull-down menu containing Page Settings @language_screenshot Scenario: VisualEditor_Insert_Menu Given I am editing the language screenshots page When I click on the Insert menu Then I should see Insert pull-down menu @language_screenshot Scenario: VisualEditor_Toolbar_SpecialCharacters Given I am editing the language screenshots page When I click on the Special character option in Insert menu Then I should see Special character Insertion window @language_screenshot Scenario: VisualEditor_save_dialog Given I am logged in And I edit language screenshot page with Testing Save When I click Save page Then I should see save changes dialog box @language_screenshot Scenario: VisualEditor_Page_Settings Given I am editing the language screenshots page And I click the hamburger menu When I click on Page settings option Then I should see Page settings dialog box @language_screenshot Scenario: VisualEditor_Toolbar_Lists_and_indentation Given I go to the "Indent Outdent Screenshot" page with source content "Indent Outdent Screenshot" And I make the text "Indent Outdent" be selected When I click Bullets And I click on list and indentation dropdown Then I should see list and indentation dropdown Scenario: VisualEditor_External_link Given I go to the "Links VisualEditor Screenshot" page with source content "Links VisualEditor Screenshot" And I click in the editable part And I click the Link button When I enter http://www.mediawiki.org into link Content box Then I should see link Content box with dropdown options Scenario: VisualEditor_Link_editing_inline Given I go to the "Links VisualEditor Screenshot" page with source content "Links VisualEditor Screenshot" And I click in the editable part And I click the Link button When I enter VisualEditor into link Content box Then I should see link Content box with dropdown options Scenario: VisualEditor_Link_editing_inline_icon Given I go to the "Links VisualEditor LanguageScreenshot Test" page with source content "[[VisualEditor]] is a extension." And I click in the editable part Then I should see link icon Scenario: VisualEditor_Media_editing Given I go to the "Media Interface Screenshot" page with source content "Media Interface Screenshot" And I click in the editable part And I click Media When I enter San Francisco into media Search box Then I should see media editing dialog box Scenario: VisualEditor_Media_caption_editing Given I go to the "Media Interface Screenshot" page with source content "Media Interface Screenshot" And I select an image by searching San Francisco in Media option And I click Use this image And I enter "San Francisco" in alternative text When I enter "San Francisco is located on the West Coast of the United States" in caption text box Then I should see media caption dialog box Scenario: VisualEditor_Media_advanced_settings Given I go to the "Media Interface Screenshot" page with source content "Media Interface Screenshot" And I select an image by searching San Francisco in Media option And I click Use this image When I click on Advanced Settings tab Then I should see media advanced settings dialog box Scenario: VisualEditor_Media_icon Given I go to the "Media Interface Screenshot" page which has a media image And I select the image in VisualEditor Then I should see media in VisualEditor @language_screenshot Scenario: VisualEditor_Cite_Pulldown Given I am editing the language screenshots page Then I should see the Cite button Scenario: VisualEditor_References_icon Given I go to "Reference VisualEditor Screenshot" page which has references When I send right arrow times 39 Then I should see Reference icon Scenario: VisualEditor_References_edit Given I go to the "Reference VisualEditor Screenshot" page with source content "VisualEditor is a MediaWiki extension" And I click the Cite button When I click on Basic Reference in Cite menu dropdown Then I should see Basic Reference dialog box @language_screenshot Scenario: VisualEditor_edit_tab Given I am logged in When I go to language screenshot page Then I should see the Edit source tab at the top of the page And I should see the Edit tab at the top of the page @language_screenshot Scenario: VisualEditor_toolbar Given I am logged in And I am editing the language screenshots page Then I should see the VisualEditor tool-bar @language_screenshot Scenario: VisualEditor_category_editing Given I am editing the language screenshots page When I click on category in hamburger menu Then I should see category dialog box @language_screenshot Scenario: VisualEditor_formula Given I go to the "Formula Screenshot" page with source content "" When I click on Formula option in Insert menu And I type a formula Then I should see the formula insertion menu @language_screenshot Scenario: VisualEditor_toolbar_actions Given I am logged in When I edit language screenshot page with Testing toolbar Then I should see action buttons in the end of the VisualEditor toolbar Scenario: VisualEditor_references_list Given I go to the "Reference VisualEditor Screenshot" page with source content "VisualEditor is a MediaWiki extension" When I click on References list in Insert menu Then I should see References list dialog box