} */ public function getPageHtml( RevisionRecord $revision, ?Bcp47Code $targetLanguage ): array; /** * Transform HTML to wikitext via Parsoid * * @param PageIdentity $page The page the content belongs to * @param Bcp47Code $targetLanguage The desired output language * @param string $html The HTML of the page to be transformed * @param ?int $oldid What oldid revision, if any, to base the request from (default: `null`) * @param ?string $etag The ETag to set in the HTTP request header * * @return array An array mimicking a RESTbase server's response, with keys: 'headers' and 'body' * @phan-return array{body:string,headers:array} */ public function transformHTML( PageIdentity $page, Bcp47Code $targetLanguage, string $html, ?int $oldid, ?string $etag ): array; /** * Transform wikitext to HTML via Parsoid. * * @param PageIdentity $page The page the content belongs to * @param Bcp47Code $targetLanguage The desired output language * @param string $wikitext The wikitext fragment to parse * @param bool $bodyOnly Whether to provide only the contents of the `` tag * @param ?int $oldid What oldid revision, if any, to base the request from (default: `null`) * @param bool $stash Whether to stash the result in the server-side cache (default: `false`) * * @return array An array mimicking a RESTbase server's response, with keys: 'headers' and 'body' * @phan-return array{body:string,headers:array} */ public function transformWikitext( PageIdentity $page, Bcp47Code $targetLanguage, string $wikitext, bool $bodyOnly, ?int $oldid, bool $stash ): array; }