Turned saveDialog-body into slide-based swapper.
Moved footer into saveDiaog-body so that the license text doesn't
stay under the diff-slide (and move body bottom padding to foot
Wrapped buttons and title in a saveDialog-header and converted
closeButton from absolutely positioned to a floated layout.
This way the title doesn't need to be repositioned but will scooch
over if the prevButton gets shown/hidden.
Update API "diff" action to include table wrapper and table
header. Without it the mediawiki CSS for diff doesn't work
properly (needs colgroups for proper width of the "-" and "+" column etc)
Renamed -saving class to -disabled for consistency.
Set prop.disabled to really lock/unlock buttons, not just visual
(otherwise the click handlers are still triggered on click, can
potentially cause actions to be triggered when not expected)
Using a ve message for "Show your changes" title instead of
re-using core tooltip-savepage in a different context.
Diff slide triggers "auto width" on dialog (inline undo of width: 29em), keeping min-width, to allow it to expand as wide as needed.
Functions that I copied as base for onShowChanges and
onShowChangeError had some incorrect argument descriptions. Fixed
in both.
* Pass function to .off(), so that only that one is unbound
instead of any "resize" handler on the page (by other extensions
or gadgets or core)
* NB: ve.bind ($.proxy) preserves internal guid, so that $.Event
can find the bound function by the original reference.
* keydown has an anonymous function, should either moved to
prototype or namespaced, did latter for now, save enough and
better than destructive .off('keydown')
Change-Id: I9d05ef6e3e2461bdcf363232f7b0fbad5e24f506
* Moved icons into Illustrator (used to be in Photoshop)
* Added SVG icons too
* Added support for devices with pixel ratio > 1 (they use SVG)
* Cleaned up icons (little rendering errors here and there)
* Organized icons into their own folder
* Increased the horizontal margin of the down arrows in the formatting (in the toolbar) and location (in the link inspector) drop down menus
Change-Id: I29b7084c9b1145051b2a76f514cfca9826d53ddb