* Added modules/syntaxhighlight to csslintignore because
it is broken right now, so it's hard to fix those warnings
without being able to verify it.
* Fixed a typo in the grunt-watch config that accessed an
inexistent property.
Change-Id: Ib81572506786b6a1203c454d1b2b91bb6ae2a3de
* Generate the edit tabs and the section edit links in PHP, with a
fallback in JS for cases where we don't have them yet due to
caching. But only change things if VE is enabled, and have the JS
correct the state if the wrong cached HTML comes through.
* Make the order of the tabs/links and the messages to use as captions
* Make the edit tabs and section edit links always be present in the
page (regardless of namespace, user prefs, etc.) but be hidden and
have JS unhide them (using if appropriate
* Add appendix messages so we can do a superscript "beta" even in places
where we can't use HTML in the message
* Add new hook registrations
* Remove edit link caption messages from the init init module because
they're now added dynamically in VisualEditor.hooks.php
* Add a noscript CSS module so we can hide some things in JS-less
* Remove $wgVisualEditorTabLayout and replace it with
* Add config vars for link captions, with null causing us to use
the default caption
* Add config vars for link caption appendices. Too many config vars
but we'll clean that up later
* Dynamically add tab messages to the init init module
* Remove unused globals in onBeforePageDisplay()
* Add noscript CSS module
* Add a SkinTemplateNavigation hook that changes and reorders the edit
tabs as appropriate
* Add a DoEditSectionLink hook that overwrites the edit section links
* Export the new config variables to JS
* Add beta appendix message
* Add a message for the default VE edit section link
* Remove the animation on the edit section links
* Darken the color of the brackets and the pipe from #ccc to #555
* Style the beta message to be superscript-like (but not real <sup> to
avoid moving the baseline)
* Hide the VE edit tab, the pipe and the VE edit section link initally
unless and until JS unhides
* Toggle .ve-not-available / .ve-available
* Edit tabs
** Only generate the the edit tabs if they're not already there from PHP
** Rewrite the edit tab generation to mirror what's being done in PHP
* Section edit links
** Same as for edit tabs
** Also add mw-visualeditor-expanded to pad the brackets
* #ca-ve-edit is now always the VE tab (and #ca-edit always the
edit source tab) so update the .selected behavior accordingly
Change-Id: Idcb15faea7fabe5fe7578b1508079969b27d2469