Commit graph

6 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Timo Tijhof e4662a65cd Clean up VisualEditorDataModule and document ve.version
* Check in #getGitHeadHash now ensures a false value is
  cached as well.
* Made being false when invalid more stable
  since we now rely on this as of eeb3ac3b19.
* Added documentation for ve.version.

Change-Id: I164aa9ebaa7f8a4d1e8f2210af76e06b23abef09
2013-09-18 03:40:00 +02:00
Timo Tijhof bedbebd53c Implement Grunt support (grunt jshint,csslint,qunit,watch)
This has no influence on Jenkins but can be used locally to
easily run certain tools. Since we already had `.jshintrc` in
our repo it was already possible to easily run JSHint from
the command-line locally. Taking that as a base the following
are new features:
* `grunt csslint`: Runs CSSLint on all css files
* `grunt qunit`: Runs QUnit (standalone) tests in PhantomJS
* `grunt test`: Runs jshint/csslint/qunit
* `grunt watch`: Runs the "test" command automatically whenever
  a file is changed. You can keep this in the background so
  whenever you save a file in your editor (e.g. Sublime Text)
  it'll run the tests and if there is a failure, it'll throw a
  bash error code causing your Terminal application to beep you
  in whatever way your operating system does so (e.g. for
  Mac OS X a red badge + jumping icon in the Dock). It will
  continue to run in the background even after a failure so no
  need to re-start watch after a failure.
* `grunt`: Runs the default task, which is 'test'.

Previously to use `jshint .` you had to:
* One-time install:
  * install package -- nodejs npm
  * npm install -g jshint
* Usage:
  * cd VisualEditor; jshint .

Now, for grunt:
* One-time install:
  * install package -- nodejs npm
  * npm install -g grunt-cli
  * cd VisualEditor; npm install
* Usage:
  * cd VisualEditor; grunt

Change-Id: I7a4fdf4b6bf3f00cef15dc3e2c81eceb595aec7c
2013-06-05 11:10:23 +00:00
Timo Tijhof e0d7f0ac69 Docs: Add more @source links to external.js
Change-Id: Ibde8eba9d464d1deb1a7a100fcf79f7ebe347621
2013-03-20 20:27:57 +01:00
Timo Tijhof 4e64187beb Document and clean up events in all the things
* Document them consistently between secetions Inheritance and
  Static Properties under their own (new) section Events.
* Removed any quotes or brackets around the event name in existing
  @emit annotations
  Search: @emit.*['"{}(){}]
* For every call to this.emit() anywhere, added @emits.
* Fixed all warnings for references to undefined events
  (introduced as a result of the previous point).
  Event handler parameter documented based on the emit() call
  and actual handlers using the event. Usually the latter is
  more elaborate.
* Extend coverage of jQuery as needed
  (copied from mwcore/maintenance/jsduck/external.js
  written by me, hereby implicitly and explicitly released under MIT).

* ve.ce.Surface#onContentChange: Fixed type of range from Object to ve.Range.
* ve.ce.SurfaceObserver#poll: Fix syntax for code from {} to `backticks`.
* ve.ui.Toolbar#onContextChange: Doesn't actually emit "clearState" event.
  Removed #onClearState in Tool, ButtonTool and DropdownTool.

Bug: 45872
Change-Id: Id879aa769b2c72d86a0322e75dddeb868211ce28
2013-03-20 09:58:27 -07:00
Trevor Parscal 63a5d92612 Added @source links to externals
Change-Id: Ib0c97a194e6abac5beec247a70497cc12a43dad4
2013-01-22 16:15:37 -08:00
Timo Tijhof d4b24865a7 JSDuck: Fix warnings
Warning: modules/ve/test/ve.qunit.js:5: Class QUnit not found
Warning: .docs/categories.json No class found matching a pattern 've.Position' in categories file
Warning: modules/ve/ce/ve.ce.Surface.js:1297: Unknown type MouseEvent
Warning: modules/ve/ce/ve.ce.Surface.js:1297: Unknown type int

* Ic21c9d3f
* Ib521eaa6

Change-Id: I8e371a2d4d91a1f03bd4ef59d18b7df715f23238
2013-01-15 21:15:17 +01:00