Commit graph

10 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Ed Sanders 972c9a46b7 Make the save dialog an actual dialog
Major changes:
* Create a MW specific save dialog class
* Widgetize save dialog elements
* Simplification of viewPageTarget

Minor changes:
* Added getWindow method to windowSet and setTitle methods to window class
* Add transition css properties to dialog styles

Bug: 48566
Bug: 50722
Bug: 51918
Bug: 52175
Bug: 53313
Change-Id: I8c0db01fb8477a9b3d3dfe2a6073ac67869ce40e
2013-10-07 15:59:00 -07:00
Trevor Parscal 6ec34a3dee Toolbar action widgetization and UI refactoring

* Use widgets to render toolbar actions
* Remove labels next to help notices and edit notices buttons
* Add a close button to the help notices and edit notices


* ve.ui.ButtonWidget is now abstract, use ve.ui.PushButtonWidget instead
* ve.ui.IconButtonWidget now inherits from ve.ui.ButtonWidget
* ve.ui.PopupWidget's display method no longer takes x and y arguments
* Fixup naming issues in MWCategoryPopupWidget
* Fixup naming issues with some ve-init-mw CSS classes
* Rename ve-mw/ui/styles/ve.ui.Widget.css to ve.ui.MWWidget.css
* Change uses of "callout" to "tail"
* Add hyperlink functionality to buttons
* Make buttons accessible through focusing, but make unfocusable by
* Add head option to popup for rendering a title and close button

Bug: 52386
Change-Id: Iea2c8df1be64d40f9c039873d89ee540cc56e687
2013-10-04 16:26:13 -07:00
Trevor Parscal 0c42e51c8f Improve welcome dialog support for large fonts

* Make the welcome dialog work with smaller fonts by increasing its
  size a bit, and also making its contents scroll vertically if needed


* Move content into a scrollable and padded panel layout element

* Remove padding, now provided by panel layout

* Remove min-height override, inherited value is fine
* Use max width and height instead of setting them directly

Bug: 52667
Change-Id: Ie35b041e13ef18ffcacef6d9e70439e4e1351e0a
2013-09-04 22:58:52 +00:00
Ed Sanders 4a3cc06ac5 Increase line height in beta warning
See bug for screenshots.

Bug: 53045
Change-Id: Ia4e97f42786cb8ced9ab1c94b1cce9f4abd17750
2013-08-19 20:22:18 +01:00
Rob Moen 5231d05bbe Beta welcome dialog
For configured wikis, show a dialog that welcomes the user to the
amazing and fantabulous world of VisualEditing, which is not only full of
wonderment and joy but also may lead to increased popularity and love.

The dialog only shows up once (uses a cookie).

Change-Id: I8e7c4dc2c63b36594378a543b9d66291395eebcf
2013-08-01 21:08:15 -07:00
Trevor Parscal dc606823e2 Use ve.ui.SurfaceWidget for image captions

* Make use of the new ve.ui.SurfaceWidget.js for image caption editing


* Remove styles that are no longer needed
** -body class isn't needed if you contain the content in a layout and
   configure it to be padded
** Toolbar styles are now part of surface widget

* Wrap caption fieldset in an editPanel (also nice because we may merge
  this dialog with MediaInsert and use a stack panel layout in the future
* Replace surface and toolbar with surface widget which manages both

Change-Id: I1b7e0e2ec1cfa30879360a7ebde2b0f35d26aca5
2013-07-18 21:35:22 +00:00
Trevor Parscal 61ba07d409 Reference dialog commingling

* Merge reference insert and edit dialogs
* Change workflow to put editing/creating a new reference first
* Add secondary page in dialog for selecting an existing reference


* Cleanup unused files/messages

* In the footer; make primary, constructive and destructive buttons
  appear on the right; all others on the left

* Fix documentation
* Remove create option and reuse section header items

* Merge reference button tools

* Remove body styles, use padded option of layout instead
* Update selectors as per merging of dialogs

* Merge reference dialogs
* Add buttons to switch between edit and select mode
* Update reference button name as per merging of tools

* New widget!
* Encapsulates a "sub-surface"

Bug: 51152
Bug: 50458
Change-Id: I8265febf4fd8f64d2ac40470ff033bac68b24d99
2013-07-18 14:14:14 -07:00
Roan Kattouw e9ca44c86c Transplant CSS from the main document to each iframe
We previously manually loaded CSS into these frames, which is flawed
because it completely bypasses ResourceLoader (so CSSJanus didn't flip
them, necessitating a bunch of hacks for RTL), and doesn't pull in
MediaWiki styles (so templates inside references don't render correctly).
Instead, this commit copies all styles from the main document into each
frame's document, inlining what it can.

Loading all styles in dialogs and inspectors caused some problems,
initially. We didn't namespace our styles for dialogs vs. inspectors
at all; the only reason inspector styles weren't being applied to dialogs
and vice versa was because we controlled which files were being loaded
in which context. This commit namespaces the inspector and dialog styles
where needed so they don't conflict and try to override each other.

Tested in Vector and Monobook, but not in Apex and not in RTL.*.css:
* Namespace styles that are only intended for the main document
* Undo Monobook's font-size: x-small; in frames

* Remove addLocalStylesheet() calls, we don't need those any more
** ve.ui.MWDialog seems to be unneeded now, we may want to remove it

* Remove @noflip-ped RTL rules where they were just flipped versions of
  their LTR counterparts

ve.ui.Dialog.css, ve.ui.Inspector.css:
* Namespace styles with .ve-ui-dialog-content / .ve-ui-inspector-content

* Move the margin:0 and padding:0 here (were in the frame <body>'s style
  attribute) and add background:none to prevent frames from getting
  the skin's background (grey in Vector, a book in Monobook)

ve.ui.Dialog.js, ve.ui.Inspector.js:
* Add ve-ui-dialog-content / ve-ui-inspector-content class to the
  frame's content <div> so we can restrict styles to only apply in
  dialogs / inspectors

* Replace infrastructure for @import-ing stylesheets with transplantation
* Remove code polling to see when the stylesheets were loaded
** We can't do this in the new approach AFAIK, since all styles in the
   frame are either inlined or inaccessible due to the same-origin policy
** We also shouldn't need it because the browser should have cached the
   styles when it loaded the main document
* Apply ve-ui-frame-body class to the frame's <body> so we can style it
** Move inline padding:0;margin:0; into ve.ui.Frame.css
** Move the ve-ltr/ve-rtl class up to the <body>

* Remove infrastructure registering stylesheet URLs to load

Change-Id: I4a37115301811ad860f4578344a04873ea8c2b69
2013-07-09 16:13:28 -07:00
Moriel Schottlender 1dc21c01e3 Page settings fix-fix
This re-fixes the fix to the frame fix. fix fix.
Two things changed: Background position flipped to the right properly
(was somewhat off before) and text-alignment flipped as well.

Bug: 49613
Change-Id: I0aa317ef674537d20d7ed64e74eaa3cfe8030c8c
2013-07-05 13:44:13 -04:00
Roan Kattouw 92c38eab85 The great directory split of 2013
Move all MW-specific files into the ve-mw directory, in preparation
for moving them out into a separate repo.

All MW-specific files were moved into a parallel directory structure
in modules/ve-mw . Files with both generic and MW-specific things were
split up. Files in ve/init/mw/ were moved to ve-mw/init/ rather than
ve-mw/init/mw ; they're still named* but we should change
that. Some of the test files for core classes had MW-specific test cases,
so those were split up and the test runner was duplicated; we should
refactor our tests to use data providers so we can add cases more easily.

Split files:
* ve.ce.Node.css
* ve.ce.ContentBranchNode.test.js (MWEntityNode)
* ve.ce.Document.test.js (some core test cases genericized)
* (uses mwReference test document)
*, ve.ui.FormatAction.test.js
** Made core tests use heading instead of mwHeading
** Updated core tests because normal headings don't break out of lists
** Moved test runners into ve.test.utils.js
* ve.ui.Icons-*.css
* ve.ui.Dialog.css (MW parts into ve.ui.MWDialog.css)
* ve.ui.Tool.css
* ve.ui.Widget.css (move ve-ui-rtl and ve-ui-ltr to ve.ui.css) Moved runner functions into ve.test.utils.js
* Refactored createExampleDocument so mwExample can use it
* Removed wgExtensionAssetsPath detection, moved into mw-preload.js
* Genericized withMeta example document (original version copied to mwExample)
* Moved references example document to mwExample
* Move withMeta and references example documents from
* Add createExampleDocument function

ve-mw/test/index.php: Runner for MW-specific tests only

ve-mw/test/mw-preload.js: Sets VE_TESTDIR for Special:JavaScriptTest only

* Remove magic path interpolation in addLocalStyleSheets()
* Pass full(er) paths to addLocalStyleSheets(), here and in subclasses

ve.ui.MWDialog.js: Subclass of Dialog that adds MW versions of stylesheets

* Subclass MWDialog rather than Dialog
* Load both core and MW versions of stylesheets that have both

ve.ui.PagedDialog.js: Converted to a mixin rather than an abstract base class
* Don't inherit ve.ui.Dialog
* Rather than overriding initialize(), provide initializePages() which the
  host class is supposed to call from its initialize()
* Rename onOutlineSelect to onPageOutlineSelect

ve.ui.MWMetaDialog.js, ve.ui.MWTransclusionDialog.js:
* Use PagedDialog as a mixin rather than a base class, inherit MWDialog

bullet-icon.png: Unused, deleted

Stuff we should do later:
* Refactor tests to use data providers
* Write utility function for SVG compat check
* Separate omnibus CSS files such as ve.ui.Widget.css
* Separate omnibus RL modules
* Use icon classes in ViewPageTarget

Change-Id: I1b28f8ba7f2d2513e5c634927a854686fb9dd5a5
2013-07-02 20:51:38 -07:00