Commit graph

37 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Trevor Parscal 7233ea8f1b EventEmitter API cleanup
The EventEmitter API we inherited from Node.js and then bastardized was
getting awkward and cumbersome. The number of uses of ve.bind was getting
out of control, and removing events meant caching the bound method in a
property. Many of the "features" of EventEmitter wasn't even being used,
some causing overhead, others just causing bloat. This change cleans up
how EventEmitter is used throughout the codebase.

The new event emitter API includes:
* emit - identical to the previous API, no longer throws an error if you
  emit error without a handler
* once - identical to the previous API, still introduces a wrapper* on -
  compatible with the previous API but has some new features
* off - identical to removeListener in the previous API
* connect - very similar to addListenerMethods but doesn't wrap callbacks
  in closures anymore
* disconnect - new, basically the opposite of addListenerMethods

Another change that is made in this commit is mixing in rather than
inheriting from EventEmitter.

Finally, there are changes throughout the codebase anywhere
connect/disconnect could be used.

Change-Id: Ic3085d39172a8a719ce7f036690f673e59848d3a
2013-05-02 15:05:59 -07:00
Roan Kattouw 6f2040badf Also respect .static.renderHtmlAttributes when rerendering for attribute changes
Change-Id: I5baa41987e04cb0bee771d530f779df7e4fd86b2
2013-04-30 15:30:18 -07:00
Catrope 2eb77c1298 Add ve.ce.View as a common base class for ce.Node and ce.Annotation
Just like is a common base class for dm.Node, dm.Annotation
and dm.MetaItem.

ce.View abstracts the this.model and this.$ behavior, including liveness,
whitelisted HTML attribute rendering and adding a back reference in
.data(). The back reference has been renamed from .data( 'node' ) to
the more generic .data( 'view' ).

At this point this means ce.Annotation is just a shell around ce.View
(except where it defaults to a span rather than a div), but that could
change in the future.

Change-Id: I0eef5b80718e0b0fcd3f8bba096b452f0bb680d0
2013-04-09 12:05:05 -07:00
Timo Tijhof 4e64187beb Document and clean up events in all the things
* Document them consistently between secetions Inheritance and
  Static Properties under their own (new) section Events.
* Removed any quotes or brackets around the event name in existing
  @emit annotations
  Search: @emit.*['"{}(){}]
* For every call to this.emit() anywhere, added @emits.
* Fixed all warnings for references to undefined events
  (introduced as a result of the previous point).
  Event handler parameter documented based on the emit() call
  and actual handlers using the event. Usually the latter is
  more elaborate.
* Extend coverage of jQuery as needed
  (copied from mwcore/maintenance/jsduck/external.js
  written by me, hereby implicitly and explicitly released under MIT).

* ve.ce.Surface#onContentChange: Fixed type of range from Object to ve.Range.
* ve.ce.SurfaceObserver#poll: Fix syntax for code from {} to `backticks`.
* ve.ui.Toolbar#onContextChange: Doesn't actually emit "clearState" event.
  Removed #onClearState in Tool, ButtonTool and DropdownTool.

Bug: 45872
Change-Id: Id879aa769b2c72d86a0322e75dddeb868211ce28
2013-03-20 09:58:27 -07:00
Ed Sanders d22c7f7773 Correct name of can(Node)HaveGrandchildren functions
Bug: 43893
Change-Id: I9fd2a1fd6e3ee0a7bdfc357b5d4e4e0fd3efa0a5
2013-03-13 23:25:33 +00:00
Ed Sanders edcaaf9edc Use once for ce and dm nodes
Add a property to ce nodes and make sure both ce
and dm nodes always use the property in constructors
and registration calls.

The result of this is that any given node type should now only
appear once in the code as a string.

Bug: 45701
Change-Id: Ibf31de16ab28ad58209c1443cd74f93dda278998
2013-03-07 17:19:39 -08:00
James D. Forrester 82114467f1 Bump copyright notice year range to -2013 over -2012
199 files touched. Whee!

Change-Id: Id82ce4a32f833406db4a1cc585674f2bdb39ba0d
2013-02-19 15:37:34 -08:00
Catrope 591f2e7396 Change the HTML attribute prefix from html/ to html/0/
This means that <p data-foo="bar"> will now be converted to a paragraph
with attributes {"html/0/data-foo":"bar"} rather than {"html/foo":"bar"}

This paves the way for multi-element node (about group) handling in the
node API: nodes representing multiple DOM elements will have html/i/attr
to represent an attribute of the i'th DOM element.

Change-Id: Iea52bdccd721942ca708c8f9f47e934524809845
2013-02-06 12:00:43 -08:00
Trevor Parscal 363961a9e2 Node cleanup
* Removed unused emitUpdate property
* Made traverseUpstream a dynamic method rather than static

ve.ce.Node.js, ve.ce.Surface.js
* Updated calls to traverseUpstream

Change-Id: I28a2dac61aa32668d35854fbdb7712401c42336a
2013-02-01 15:35:48 -08:00
Catrope 12544c9e82 Replace nodeFactory invocations with direct static access
Change-Id: I2629c5fd659bca166237cef425f7cc3aff13ba0e
2013-01-18 14:51:40 -08:00
Catrope 51f4b4be54 Convert node rules to static properties
Change-Id: If7d0159e984d9ccb4d5c31effb62bb9612260fda
2013-01-18 14:51:40 -08:00
Christian Williams 8ec2276bb5 ImageNode Todos
* Removed mousedown handler (dragging is handled in ve.ce.surface)
* Added attribute change handler to ve.ce.Node to keep attribute changes on the model in sync with the DOM

Change-Id: I1d6a7f3dc3136439ce511a4f3eb5a54797c8f996
2013-01-17 15:40:06 -08:00
Trevor Parscal a30e4c325b Cleaned up paste target and surface styles
Resolves a TODO related to the paste target div.

* Added link to ve.Surface.css

* Cleaned up initialization of .ve-surface element
* Removed float clearing div (see ve.Surface.css)
* Removed paste div (moved to ve.ce.Surface)

* Added rule which adds an ":after" element to handle clearing floats

* Cleaned up initialization of DOM elements
* Added paste target div
* Replaced paste element selectors with direct references to this.$pasteTarget

* Changed paste div styles to use a namespaced class instead of a generic ID

* Added link to ve.Surface.css

Change-Id: Ib93d45ac82ae643fc8e659f5a063c02a8ddacdde
2013-01-17 15:02:47 -08:00
Trevor Parscal 8d33a3de0d Major Documentation Cleanup
* Made method descriptions imperative: "Do this" rather than "Does this"
* Changed use of "this object" to "the object" in method documentation
* Added missing documentation
* Fixed incorrect documentation
* Fixed incorrect debug method names (as in those VeDmClassName tags we add to functions so they make sense when dumped into in the console)
* Normalized use of package names throughout
* Normalized class descriptions
* Removed incorrect @abstract tags
* Added missing @method tags
* Lots of other minor cleanup

Change-Id: I4ea66a2dd107613e2ea3a5f56ff54d675d72957e
2013-01-16 15:37:59 -08:00
Trevor Parscal a379e0f91e More {String} -> {string} conversions in documentation
Follow up for I6a7c9e8ee8f995731bc205d666167874eb2ebe23

The first pass that Timo took missed the following cases

* "{Array|String}": string is just one of the values
* "{String[]}": string is followed by [] to indicate an array of strings

Change-Id: I65e595e8d37fb624802d84af9536a2d3c5d73c7d
2013-01-08 13:02:12 -08:00
Timo Tijhof b11bbed7a6 JSDuck: Generated code documentation!
See for how to run it.

Mistakes fixed:
* Warning: Unknown type function
  -> Function
* Warning: Unknown type DOMElement
  -> HTMLElement
* Warning: Unknown type DOM Node
  -> HTMLElement
* Warning: Unknown type Integer
  -> Mixed
* Warning: Unknown type Command
  -> ve.Command
* Warning: Unknown type any
  -> number
* Warning: Unknown type ve.Transaction
* Warning: Unknown type
  -> ve.AnnotationSet
* Warning: Unknown type false
  -> boolean
* Warning: Unknown type doesn't have a generic AlienNode like ve.ce
  -> Unknown type|
* Warning: Unknown type
  -> ve.ce.Surface
* ve.example.lookupNode:
  -> Last @param should be @return
  -> @param {Array] should be @param {Array}
* Warning: ve.BranchNode.js:27: {@link ve.Node#hasChildren} links to non-existing member
  -> (removed)
* Warning: ve.LeafNode.js:21: {@link ve.Node#hasChildren} links to non-existing member
  -> (removed)

Differences fixed:
* Variadic arguments are like @param {Type...} [name]
  instead of @param {Type} [name...]
* Convert all file headers from /** to /*! because JSDuck tries
  to parse all /** blocks and fails to parse with all sorts of
   errors for "Global property", "Unnamed property", and
  "Duplicate property".
  Find: \/\*\*([^@]+)(@copyright)
  Replace: /*!$1$2
* Indented blocks are considered code examples.
  A few methods had documentation with numbered lists that were
  indented, which have now been updated to not be intended.
* The free-form text descriptions are parsed with Markdown,
  which requires lists to be separated from paragraphs by an
  empty line.
  And we should use `backticks` instead of {braces} for inline
  code in text paragraphs.
* Doc blocks for classes and their constructor have to be
  in the correct order (@constructor, @param, @return must be
  before @class, @abstract, @extends etc.)
* `@extends Class` must not have Class {wrapped}
* @throws must start with a {Type}
* @example means something else. It is used for an  inline demo
  iframe, not code block. For that simply indent with spaces.
* @member means something else.
  Non-function properties are marked with @property, not @member.
* To create a link to a class or member, in most cases the name
  is enough to create a link. E.g. Foo,,,
  where a hash stands for "instance member", so,
  links to (the is not supported, as
  "prototype" is considered an implementation detail, it only
  indexes class name and method name).
  If the magic linker doesn't work for some case, the
  verbose syntax is {@link #target label}.
* @property can't have sub-properties (nested @param and @return
  values are supported, only @static @property can't be nested).
  We only have one case of this, which can be worked around by
  moving those in a new virtual class. The code is unaltered
  (only moved down so that it isn't with the scope of the main
  @class block).

* @mixins: Classes mixed into the current class.
* @event: Events that can be emitted by a class. These are also
  inherited by subclasses. (+ @param, @return and @preventable).
  So ve.Node#event-attach is inherited to,
  just like @method is.
* @singleton: Plain objects such as ve,, ve.ce were missing
  documentation causing a tree error. Documented those as a
  JSDuck singleton, which they but just weren't documented yet.
  NB: Members of @singleton don't need @static (if present,
  triggers a compiler warning).
* @chainable: Shorthand for "@return this". We were using
  "@return {classname}" which is ambiguous (returns the same
  instance or another instance?), @chainable is specifically
  for "@return this". Creates proper labels in the generated
  HTML pages.

* @mixin: (not to be confused with @mixins). Not supported by
  JSDuck. Every class is standalone anyway. Where needed marked
  them @class + @abstract instead.

Change-Id: I6a7c9e8ee8f995731bc205d666167874eb2ebe23
2013-01-05 01:16:32 +01:00
Christian Williams 61de058d08 Alien support for IE
We got lucky - the fact that our alien styling choice required phantom overlays had the nice side-effect of preventing the ability to focus the aliens. Therefore, as soon as we started ignoring IE to deliver nice alien handling for standards-compliant browsers, we inadvertently solved(?) the IE alien problem. I've touched up the styling to look nice in IE 9 (solid green phantoms) and IE 10 (stripes). Shield GIF switched to PNG because IE 10 renders the transparent GIF as solid red. Yeah, red.

Change-Id: I3bc69acba9ed883a823cdf722117b90966bc332b
2012-12-07 15:51:15 -08:00
Inez Korczyński a9082e6dde Only apply HTML attributes to DOM nodes that are "safe"
* Added whitelist argument to setDomAttributes which allows filtering of attributes being set
* Added prefix argument to to allow extracting a subset of attributes by name prefix
* Added a whitelist to ve.ce.Node which was extracted from MediaWiki's Sanitizer class
* Replaced attribute copying code with a call to setDomAttributes using the whitelist argument, passing in attributes from a call to using the prefix argument


* Removed comment in constructor of ve.ce.Node, documentation for properties is usually in the getters/setters, and already was in this case
* Renamed ve.setDOMAttributes to ve.setDomAttributes
* Renamed ve.getDOMAttributes to ve.getDomAttributes
* Renamed ve.getDOMText to ve.getDomText
* Renamed ve.getDOMHash to ve.getDomHash
* Updated all callers of renamed methods

Change-Id: Id556172d5d18ea431044b9d402400e1f0e67a293
2012-11-27 14:34:29 -08:00
Inez Korczyński ebbd297841 (bug 42134) Add shields after node is attached to the live DOM
This changeset introduces new variable property of ve.ce.Node called "live", which stores information whether or not given node is attached to the live DOM. When the value of this property changes event "live" is called.

Change-Id: I6d0ce923c25ff2c4015914f367582c9a15e62c65
2012-11-15 14:17:12 -08:00
Inez Korczyński 2da5676fe1 Support for node HTML attributes
Walk through node model attributes and pick just the HTML ones, then apply them to the DOM element

Change-Id: I7e0ffd71023ad692fcad7386b853410747398793
2012-11-14 14:22:03 -08:00
Christian Williams e03cef06a7 Nicely highlightable alien nodes
Browsers handle highlighting of our alien nodes differently. This change normalizes by hiding the native selection on the aliens, inserting blank image "shields" with native highlighting enabled.

Change-Id: Ica3576ef0e3c42b4aeae1da374cd1dc92f203d7d
2012-11-13 10:25:05 -08:00
Catrope 74ed8e8766 Rename ve_foo_bar back to VeFooBar per discussion
Change-Id: Ibf6d4f08c4761727b2e3952a76e474c8221b38f9
2012-09-06 16:15:55 -07:00
Timo Tijhof b1d9c83b5d Object management: Object create/inherit/clone utilities
* For the most common case:
  - replace ve.extendClass with ve.inheritClass (chose slightly
    different names to detect usage of the old/new one, and I
    like 'inherit' better).
  - move it up to below the constructor, see doc block for why.

* Cases where more than 2 arguments were passed to
  ve.extendClass are handled differently depending on the case.

  In case of a longer inheritance tree, the other arguments
  could be omitted (like in "ve.ce.FooBar, ve.FooBar,
  ve.Bar". ve.ce.FooBar only needs to inherit from ve.FooBar,
  because ve.ce.FooBar inherits from ve.Bar).

  In the case of where it previously had two mixins with
  ve.extendClass(), either one becomes inheritClass and one
  a mixin, both to mixinClass().

  No visible changes should come from this commit as the
  instances still all have the same visible properties in the
  end. No more or less than before.

* Misc.:
 - Be consistent in calling parent constructors in the
   same order as the inheritance.
 - Add missing @extends and @param documentation.
 - Replace invalid {Integer} type hint with {Number}.
 - Consistent doc comments order:
   @class, @abstract, @constructor, @extends, @params.
 - Fix indentation errors
   A fairly common mistake was a superfluous space before the
   identifier on the assignment line directly below the
   documentation comment.
   $ ack "^ [^*]" --js modules/ve
 - Typo "Inhertiance" -> "Inheritance".
 - Replacing the other confusing comment "Inheritance" (inside
   the constructor) with "Parent constructor".
 - Add missing @abstract for ve.ui.Tool.
 - Corrected ve.FormatDropdownTool to ve.ui.FormatDropdownTool.js
 - Add function names to all @constructor functions. Now that we
   have inheritance it is important and useful to have these
   functions not be anonymous.

   Example of debug shot:

   Makes the difference between

   < documentNode;
   > ve_dm_DocumentNode
     : ve_dm_BranchNode
       : ve_dm_Node
         : ve_dm_Node
           : Object

   without names (current situation):

   < documentNode;
   > Object
     : Object
       : Object
         : Object
           : Object

   though before this commit, it really looks like this
   (flattened since ve.extendClass really did a mixin):

   < documentNode;
   > Object

   Pattern in Sublime (case-sensitive) to find nameless
   constructor functions:
   "^ve\..*\.([A-Z])([^\.]+) = function \("

Change-Id: Iab763954fb8cf375900d7a9a92dec1c755d5407e
2012-09-06 15:29:31 -07:00
Trevor Parscal d208ca9002 Cleaned up uses of jQuery to create and appendTo/prependTo
* Separated DOM changes from creation of elements
* Always using parsing for element creation with known attributes
* Always using attr or addClass for variable attributes

Change-Id: Id101f56594014786892d382d06c658f416224a9c
2012-08-29 18:43:48 +02:00
Trevor Parscal 255ce870e2 Puttin' em white-spacers where they aught'a be
function() -> function ()
){ -> ) {

Change-Id: I20a85fcf79d7aec64f7f2559e84c0279550d4eea
2012-08-06 18:52:19 -07:00
Catrope 5be1b7798c Split canHaveSlug() into canHaveSlugBefore() and canHaveSlugAfter()
These determine whether a node can have a slug before and after,
respectively. The default implementation in ve.ce.Node is to use the
same rules for both, but individual node types can override this.

I'll need this to suppress slugs after nested lists but not before them.

Change-Id: Id88c0fc98aca7c7f52ce990ed9b8c42181ef6d18
2012-07-20 14:07:53 -07:00
Trevor Parscal 6b34f09df2 Removed some whitespace
And added a license to some files that didn't have it yet

Change-Id: I3a7e60374d1198d369a0475b8f65f7415012a337
2012-07-19 14:25:16 -07:00
Trevor Parscal c40174b60c Changed to use MIT license per agreement with the VisualEditor team
This license change is aimed at maximizing the reusability of this code
in other projects. VisualEditor is more than just an awesome editor for
MediaWiki, it's the new editor for the entire internet.

Added license and author files, plus mentions of the license to all
VisualEditor PHP, JavaScript and CSS files. Parser files have not been
modified but are effectively re-licensed since there's no overriding
license information. 3rd party libraries are not changed, but are all
already MIT licensed.

Change-Id: I895b256325db7c8689756edab34523de4418b0f2
2012-07-19 13:25:45 -07:00
Christian Williams a26708dd6e Removing some logging
Change-Id: I2876e56d2e3680d21877103618e59afec1c81ef9
2012-06-22 15:49:34 -07:00
Trevor Parscal 00c555ebe5 Removed attach and detach methods from ve.ce.Node
Added some needed functionality in ve.Node to make up for this

Change-Id: Ife902aceb4e8535411dc653ae61087aecf67a0c6
2012-06-20 23:40:38 -07:00
Trevor Parscal e175292c07 Typo fixes throughout the codebase
And a missing semicolon

Change-Id: I8487525ae2a7fa8f58e00c92c7dff600d9bd9520
2012-06-20 16:01:02 -07:00
Catrope 6afed5e5cc Move ve2/ back to ve/
Change-Id: Ie51d8e48171fb1f84045d1560ee603cee62b91f6
2012-06-19 18:20:28 -07:00
Trevor Parscal 85b807ed5d Changed to using structured lists
This makes it possible to get identical rendering in the editor, but may make other things more complex. The Wikitext serializer is no longer compatible for rendering lists so it's been stubbed out. Also the way the toolbar works with lists is broken, so that's been disabled. The HTML serializer has been fixed to work correctly and no-longer-used styles have been removed.

Change-Id: If156f55068b1f6d229b3fa789164f28b2e3dfc76
2012-04-05 14:32:08 -07:00
Trevor Parscal a2eee63525 Updated CSS classes and rules for CE, which for the most part uses native elements
* Simplified ve.ce.Surface.getLeafNode, which may be better to just be removed and be used inline in the few places it's being used.
* Removed method wrapper for static function ve.ce.Surface.getLeafNode

Change-Id: I1d4cf0bb7ecc8f07f030753e40a13ebef7d02daa
2012-04-04 11:54:06 -07:00
Alexandre Emsenhuber 62e8312535 svn:eol-style native 2012-03-08 12:27:02 +00:00
Inez Korczynski 2e9ab44719 Update class names, from to ve.cs, and update code that uses those classes 2012-03-06 22:39:43 +00:00
Inez Korczynski 594a0e6d6c Rename bunch of files from* to ve.ce.* (and update references) 2012-03-06 22:35:42 +00:00
Renamed from modules/ve/ce/ (Browse further)