Have created builders for insertion, removal, and single element replacement.
In adding Document.getMetadata which is nearly identical to Document.getData,
the two functions have been refactored to use a common static method
getDataSlice, with this.data/this.metadata as an argument.
Document.spliceMetadata has been added. It is essentially spliceData with
the data/metadata synchronisation issue.
Metadata cursor position is now tracked in the TransactionProcessor. Cursor
advancement has been moved to a function so the metadata cursor can be reset
every time the data cursor is moved.
There were unhit bugs in the TransactionProcessor run test section, where
the data being loaded into the test documents wasn't always being deep-copied,
and the assert was looking at getData instead of getFulldata (which wouldn't
be able to test metadata changes).
Change-Id: Ieb20ab3e7827bc7ff04148f147da6728eb1eb666
The normalize method doesn't need to be explicitly called anymore because there's not any code that changes the properties of a range directly anymore.
A good way to prove it's not needed anymore is to move the normalization logic to the constructor and then add "console.log(this.from <= this.to );" to the normalize method - you will find that it's never actually doing anything at all because the range was normalized by the constructor.
* Moved normalization logic to constructor
* Removed calls to normalize method
* Removed normalize method
* Simplified documentation for flip method
* Whitespace fixes
ve.Document, ve.dm.Transaction, ve.dm.Surface, ve.dm.Document, ve.ce.Surface
* Removed calls to range.normalize
* Switched to using range.isCollapsed instead of comparing properties directly
Change-Id: I80bfd06f88579c34dce2083c2b70d63ab92f1275
* Made method descriptions imperative: "Do this" rather than "Does this"
* Changed use of "this object" to "the object" in method documentation
* Added missing documentation
* Fixed incorrect documentation
* Fixed incorrect debug method names (as in those VeDmClassName tags we add to functions so they make sense when dumped into in the console)
* Normalized use of package names throughout
* Normalized class descriptions
* Removed incorrect @abstract tags
* Added missing @method tags
* Lots of other minor cleanup
Change-Id: I4ea66a2dd107613e2ea3a5f56ff54d675d72957e
See CODING.md for how to run it.
Mistakes fixed:
* Warning: Unknown type function
-> Function
* Warning: Unknown type DOMElement
-> HTMLElement
* Warning: Unknown type DOM Node
-> HTMLElement
* Warning: Unknown type Integer
-> Mixed
* Warning: Unknown type Command
-> ve.Command
* Warning: Unknown type any
-> number
* Warning: Unknown type ve.Transaction
-> ve.dm.Transaction
* Warning: Unknown type ve.dm.AnnotationSet
-> ve.AnnotationSet
* Warning: Unknown type false
-> boolean
* Warning: Unknown type ve.dm.AlienNode
ve.dm doesn't have a generic AlienNode like ve.ce
-> Unknown type ve.dm.AlienInlineNode|ve.dm.AlienBlockNode
* Warning: Unknown type ve.ve.Surface
-> ve.ce.Surface
* ve.example.lookupNode:
-> Last @param should be @return
* ve.dm.Transaction.prototype.pushReplace:
-> @param {Array] should be @param {Array}
* Warning: ve.BranchNode.js:27: {@link ve.Node#hasChildren} links to non-existing member
-> (removed)
* Warning: ve.LeafNode.js:21: {@link ve.Node#hasChildren} links to non-existing member
-> (removed)
Differences fixed:
* Variadic arguments are like @param {Type...} [name]
instead of @param {Type} [name...]
* Convert all file headers from /** to /*! because JSDuck tries
to parse all /** blocks and fails to parse with all sorts of
errors for "Global property", "Unnamed property", and
"Duplicate property".
Find: \/\*\*([^@]+)(@copyright)
Replace: /*!$1$2
* Indented blocks are considered code examples.
A few methods had documentation with numbered lists that were
indented, which have now been updated to not be intended.
* The free-form text descriptions are parsed with Markdown,
which requires lists to be separated from paragraphs by an
empty line.
And we should use `backticks` instead of {braces} for inline
code in text paragraphs.
* Doc blocks for classes and their constructor have to be
in the correct order (@constructor, @param, @return must be
before @class, @abstract, @extends etc.)
* `@extends Class` must not have Class {wrapped}
* @throws must start with a {Type}
* @example means something else. It is used for an inline demo
iframe, not code block. For that simply indent with spaces.
* @member means something else.
Non-function properties are marked with @property, not @member.
* To create a link to a class or member, in most cases the name
is enough to create a link. E.g. Foo, Foo.bar, Foo.bar#quux,
where a hash stands for "instance member", so Foo.bar#quux,
links to Foo.bar.prototype.quux (the is not supported, as
"prototype" is considered an implementation detail, it only
indexes class name and method name).
If the magic linker doesn't work for some case, the
verbose syntax is {@link #target label}.
* @property can't have sub-properties (nested @param and @return
values are supported, only @static @property can't be nested).
We only have one case of this, which can be worked around by
moving those in a new virtual class. The code is unaltered
(only moved down so that it isn't with the scope of the main
@class block). ve.dm.TransactionProcessor.processors.
* @mixins: Classes mixed into the current class.
* @event: Events that can be emitted by a class. These are also
inherited by subclasses. (+ @param, @return and @preventable).
So ve.Node#event-attach is inherited to ve.dm.BreakNode,
just like @method is.
* @singleton: Plain objects such as ve, ve.dm, ve.ce were missing
documentation causing a tree error. Documented those as a
JSDuck singleton, which they but just weren't documented yet.
NB: Members of @singleton don't need @static (if present,
triggers a compiler warning).
* @chainable: Shorthand for "@return this". We were using
"@return {classname}" which is ambiguous (returns the same
instance or another instance?), @chainable is specifically
for "@return this". Creates proper labels in the generated
HTML pages.
* @mixin: (not to be confused with @mixins). Not supported by
JSDuck. Every class is standalone anyway. Where needed marked
them @class + @abstract instead.
Change-Id: I6a7c9e8ee8f995731bc205d666167874eb2ebe23
The transaction builder would step around inline content elements when
building annotation transactions. This is now fixed.
I also tweaked the processor to tolerate attempts to annotate inline
closings. This allows the builder to generate simpler transactions,
because it doesn't have to step around the closing.
Change-Id: I1e0d7f95b38bad1b35b3e125a53350d2d126a7de
The contextChange event is fired when:
* Changes to insertion annotations
* Changes to which nodes are selected (start/end nodes have changed)
* Attributes have changed on any element (it's probably more expensive to detect if the changes are relevant than to just emit the event and let listeners do their thing)
This fixes most of the strange behavior with the toolbar not updating properly.
Change-Id: I5321d2e30bebd80987e0c779a9d8e061d8aa80bc
* Add map of change markers per offset to Transaction
* Map is populated by TransactionProcessor
* Markers are reversed on rollback
* Removals aren't marked, Parsoid can detect these using DSR
Change-Id: I2290886ab411c6ad6162044ed85c091313613e51
* Store the applied state in the Transaction
* Store the Transaction in the TransactionProcessor (previously, only
its operations were stored)
* Have commit() and rollback() throw exceptions when passed transactions
with the wrong applied state
* Add tests for this behavior
Change-Id: I27b7a96fdf4d3555d78f64c05a03702ea560c802
Previously, Undo used a transaction's lengthDifference to calculate the selection to display after the transaction was undone. Now, translateOffset with the reversed boolean set to true will properly translate the inverse of a transaction's selection change. Fixes bug #40538
Change-Id: I110bc0cbb5824547842efd391b9f2948b037b758
* For the most common case:
- replace ve.extendClass with ve.inheritClass (chose slightly
different names to detect usage of the old/new one, and I
like 'inherit' better).
- move it up to below the constructor, see doc block for why.
* Cases where more than 2 arguments were passed to
ve.extendClass are handled differently depending on the case.
In case of a longer inheritance tree, the other arguments
could be omitted (like in "ve.ce.FooBar, ve.FooBar,
ve.Bar". ve.ce.FooBar only needs to inherit from ve.FooBar,
because ve.ce.FooBar inherits from ve.Bar).
In the case of where it previously had two mixins with
ve.extendClass(), either one becomes inheritClass and one
a mixin, both to mixinClass().
No visible changes should come from this commit as the
instances still all have the same visible properties in the
end. No more or less than before.
* Misc.:
- Be consistent in calling parent constructors in the
same order as the inheritance.
- Add missing @extends and @param documentation.
- Replace invalid {Integer} type hint with {Number}.
- Consistent doc comments order:
@class, @abstract, @constructor, @extends, @params.
- Fix indentation errors
A fairly common mistake was a superfluous space before the
identifier on the assignment line directly below the
documentation comment.
$ ack "^ [^*]" --js modules/ve
- Typo "Inhertiance" -> "Inheritance".
- Replacing the other confusing comment "Inheritance" (inside
the constructor) with "Parent constructor".
- Add missing @abstract for ve.ui.Tool.
- Corrected ve.FormatDropdownTool to ve.ui.FormatDropdownTool.js
- Add function names to all @constructor functions. Now that we
have inheritance it is important and useful to have these
functions not be anonymous.
Example of debug shot: http://cl.ly/image/1j3c160w3D45
Makes the difference between
< documentNode;
> ve_dm_DocumentNode
: ve_dm_BranchNode
: ve_dm_Node
: ve_dm_Node
: Object
without names (current situation):
< documentNode;
> Object
: Object
: Object
: Object
: Object
though before this commit, it really looks like this
(flattened since ve.extendClass really did a mixin):
< documentNode;
> Object
Pattern in Sublime (case-sensitive) to find nameless
constructor functions:
"^ve\..*\.([A-Z])([^\.]+) = function \("
Change-Id: Iab763954fb8cf375900d7a9a92dec1c755d5407e
Introduced the ve.AnnotationSet class to manage sets of annotations. This
is a generalization of ve.OrderedHashSet, a class that manages a set
using an array and an object keyed by hash.
Converted everything that stores, tracks or passes around annotations to
use ve.AnnotationSet. In particular, this means the linear model now
contains AnnotationSets instead of hash-keyed objects.
This allows us to maintain the order of annotations in the linear model,
and will help fix bugs with annotation ordering and splitting.
Change-Id: I50975b0a95f4cc33017a0b59fdede9ed1eff0124
ce/ve.ce.Surface.js: line 670, col 9, Too many var statements.
ce/ve.ce.Surface.js: line 695, col 6, Missing semicolon.
ce/ve.ce.Surface.js: line 726, col 22, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='.
ce/ve.ce.Surface.js: line 726, col 41, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='.
ce/ve.ce.Surface.js: line 733, col 13, Too many var statements.
ce/ve.ce.Surface.js: line 734, col 24, Expected '===' and instead saw '=='.
ce/ve.ce.Surface.js: line 1013, col 13, Too many var statements.
ce/ve.ce.Surface.js: line 1019, col 17, Too many var statements.
ce/ve.ce.Surface.js: line 1023, col 18, Too many ar statements.
ce/ve.ce.Surface.js: line 1027, col 13, Too many var statements.
dm/annotations/ve.dm.LinkAnnotation.js: line 70, col 52, Insecure '.'.
dm/ve.dm.Converter.js: line 383, col 29, Empty block.
dm/ve.dm.Converter.js: line 423, col 33, Empty block.
* jshint .
* ack '(if|else|function|switch|for|while)\('
* Sublime Text 2:
Find(*): (if|else|function|switch|for|while)\(
Replace: $1 (
* ack ' ' -Q # double spaces, except in certain comments
Change-Id: I8e34bf2924bc8688fdf8acef08bbc4f6707e93be
This will cause ve.dm.SurfaceFragment.prototype.insertContent() to place
the selection after the insertion as well.
Change-Id: Ifa7e627daceb90408422eb58c110d475f34ba1e2
Also added some checks in content branch conversion to make sure that converting from and to the same thing results in a no-op
Change-Id: Ie47520d666e45a77d12c7ebb9457aef7ab6b8097
Stack traces, line numbers, etc. All the approaches I've seen are bad hacks. This is the best way to go.
Change-Id: Ib12e9d2ecfe610bcc89d046005e35cc13efa3d99
Throwing strings is bad because it doesn't include a lot of important
information that an error object does, such as a stack trace or where
the error was actually thrown from.
ve.Error inherits directly from Error. In the future we may create
more specific subclasses and/or do custom stuff.
Some interesting reading on the subject:
* http://www.devthought.com/2011/12/22/a-string-is-not-an-error/
Change-Id: Ib7c568a1dcb98abac44c6c146e84dde5315b2826
* Removed a lot of dead code in Surface that was used in the now dead and gone sandbox.
* Changed from throwing an exception when calling getBalancedData on a range that produces no results from selectNodes to just returning []
Change-Id: Icf27094724eae5b90eec21308f9e26afe877e3ee
This license change is aimed at maximizing the reusability of this code
in other projects. VisualEditor is more than just an awesome editor for
MediaWiki, it's the new editor for the entire internet.
Added license and author files, plus mentions of the license to all
VisualEditor PHP, JavaScript and CSS files. Parser files have not been
modified but are effectively re-licensed since there's no overriding
license information. 3rd party libraries are not changed, but are all
already MIT licensed.
Change-Id: I895b256325db7c8689756edab34523de4418b0f2
* "onevar" warning sometimes solved by just merging var statements
other times solved by making it a function declaration instead
of a function expression.
* Also fixed several '_this' variable names in ve.es.Surface to
more descriptive names, and enabled warnings for dangling _
in identifiers.
Change-Id: I7d411881e3e06cf9a7fe56d689c29375881a81de