Commit graph

13 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Roan Kattouw 92c38eab85 The great directory split of 2013
Move all MW-specific files into the ve-mw directory, in preparation
for moving them out into a separate repo.

All MW-specific files were moved into a parallel directory structure
in modules/ve-mw . Files with both generic and MW-specific things were
split up. Files in ve/init/mw/ were moved to ve-mw/init/ rather than
ve-mw/init/mw ; they're still named* but we should change
that. Some of the test files for core classes had MW-specific test cases,
so those were split up and the test runner was duplicated; we should
refactor our tests to use data providers so we can add cases more easily.

Split files:
* ve.ce.Node.css
* ve.ce.ContentBranchNode.test.js (MWEntityNode)
* ve.ce.Document.test.js (some core test cases genericized)
* (uses mwReference test document)
*, ve.ui.FormatAction.test.js
** Made core tests use heading instead of mwHeading
** Updated core tests because normal headings don't break out of lists
** Moved test runners into ve.test.utils.js
* ve.ui.Icons-*.css
* ve.ui.Dialog.css (MW parts into ve.ui.MWDialog.css)
* ve.ui.Tool.css
* ve.ui.Widget.css (move ve-ui-rtl and ve-ui-ltr to ve.ui.css) Moved runner functions into ve.test.utils.js
* Refactored createExampleDocument so mwExample can use it
* Removed wgExtensionAssetsPath detection, moved into mw-preload.js
* Genericized withMeta example document (original version copied to mwExample)
* Moved references example document to mwExample
* Move withMeta and references example documents from
* Add createExampleDocument function

ve-mw/test/index.php: Runner for MW-specific tests only

ve-mw/test/mw-preload.js: Sets VE_TESTDIR for Special:JavaScriptTest only

* Remove magic path interpolation in addLocalStyleSheets()
* Pass full(er) paths to addLocalStyleSheets(), here and in subclasses

ve.ui.MWDialog.js: Subclass of Dialog that adds MW versions of stylesheets

* Subclass MWDialog rather than Dialog
* Load both core and MW versions of stylesheets that have both

ve.ui.PagedDialog.js: Converted to a mixin rather than an abstract base class
* Don't inherit ve.ui.Dialog
* Rather than overriding initialize(), provide initializePages() which the
  host class is supposed to call from its initialize()
* Rename onOutlineSelect to onPageOutlineSelect

ve.ui.MWMetaDialog.js, ve.ui.MWTransclusionDialog.js:
* Use PagedDialog as a mixin rather than a base class, inherit MWDialog

bullet-icon.png: Unused, deleted

Stuff we should do later:
* Refactor tests to use data providers
* Write utility function for SVG compat check
* Separate omnibus CSS files such as ve.ui.Widget.css
* Separate omnibus RL modules
* Use icon classes in ViewPageTarget

Change-Id: I1b28f8ba7f2d2513e5c634927a854686fb9dd5a5
2013-07-02 20:51:38 -07:00
Ed Sanders 2352613b66 Code style fix: (X) -> ( X )
Change-Id: I7f3ac95621f70d9a89e70e9a51905673240cb51f
2013-06-24 18:51:59 +01:00
Roan Kattouw df97f759b1 Refactor selectNodes tests
* Move them from ve.example.js to
** Also move lookupNode() and createDomElement() there
** Delete ve.example.js because there's nothing left in it
* Make main example document implicit, but allow override
* Specify nodes as arrays and do the lookup later
* Specify range and mode separately rather than calling selectNodes()
  during construction
* Construct statically rather than in a function
* Use expect( cases.length );

Change-Id: I620e949c5e612b32eaa57c5d9b60cc91f9ddbf02
2013-06-17 20:08:08 +01:00
Inez Korczyński 1cd93f11ca ve.ce.Document: Introduce getRelativeRange method
A new method to be used for cursor left and right movement.

Change-Id: I9b32ccf6800d34f94793fc9086ba2c7341e30c61
2013-06-05 13:10:38 +01:00
Inez Korczyński 390f884aed Added unit tests for getRelativeOffset method
Change-Id: I45538f3e698229c003097c84edceac7ae4e4eb05
2013-04-22 14:12:56 -07:00
Ed Sanders fdf30b1ac8 Store data in LinearData class with an index-value store for objects
Created an IndexValueStore class which can store any object and return
an integer index to its hash map.

Linear data is now stored in instances. Two subclasses
for element and meta data contain methods specific to those data types
(ElementLinearData and MetaLinearData).

The static methods in that inspected data at a given
offset are now instance methods of

AnnotationSets (which are no longer OrderedHashSets) have been moved
to /dm and also have to be instantiated with a pointer the store.

Bug: 46320
Change-Id: I249a5d48726093d1cb3e36351893f4bff85f52e2
2013-03-30 10:06:34 +00:00
James D. Forrester 82114467f1 Bump copyright notice year range to -2013 over -2012
199 files touched. Whee!

Change-Id: Id82ce4a32f833406db4a1cc585674f2bdb39ba0d
2013-02-19 15:37:34 -08:00
Trevor Parscal 8d33a3de0d Major Documentation Cleanup
* Made method descriptions imperative: "Do this" rather than "Does this"
* Changed use of "this object" to "the object" in method documentation
* Added missing documentation
* Fixed incorrect documentation
* Fixed incorrect debug method names (as in those VeDmClassName tags we add to functions so they make sense when dumped into in the console)
* Normalized use of package names throughout
* Normalized class descriptions
* Removed incorrect @abstract tags
* Added missing @method tags
* Lots of other minor cleanup

Change-Id: I4ea66a2dd107613e2ea3a5f56ff54d675d72957e
2013-01-16 15:37:59 -08:00
Timo Tijhof b11bbed7a6 JSDuck: Generated code documentation!
See for how to run it.

Mistakes fixed:
* Warning: Unknown type function
  -> Function
* Warning: Unknown type DOMElement
  -> HTMLElement
* Warning: Unknown type DOM Node
  -> HTMLElement
* Warning: Unknown type Integer
  -> Mixed
* Warning: Unknown type Command
  -> ve.Command
* Warning: Unknown type any
  -> number
* Warning: Unknown type ve.Transaction
* Warning: Unknown type
  -> ve.AnnotationSet
* Warning: Unknown type false
  -> boolean
* Warning: Unknown type doesn't have a generic AlienNode like ve.ce
  -> Unknown type|
* Warning: Unknown type
  -> ve.ce.Surface
* ve.example.lookupNode:
  -> Last @param should be @return
  -> @param {Array] should be @param {Array}
* Warning: ve.BranchNode.js:27: {@link ve.Node#hasChildren} links to non-existing member
  -> (removed)
* Warning: ve.LeafNode.js:21: {@link ve.Node#hasChildren} links to non-existing member
  -> (removed)

Differences fixed:
* Variadic arguments are like @param {Type...} [name]
  instead of @param {Type} [name...]
* Convert all file headers from /** to /*! because JSDuck tries
  to parse all /** blocks and fails to parse with all sorts of
   errors for "Global property", "Unnamed property", and
  "Duplicate property".
  Find: \/\*\*([^@]+)(@copyright)
  Replace: /*!$1$2
* Indented blocks are considered code examples.
  A few methods had documentation with numbered lists that were
  indented, which have now been updated to not be intended.
* The free-form text descriptions are parsed with Markdown,
  which requires lists to be separated from paragraphs by an
  empty line.
  And we should use `backticks` instead of {braces} for inline
  code in text paragraphs.
* Doc blocks for classes and their constructor have to be
  in the correct order (@constructor, @param, @return must be
  before @class, @abstract, @extends etc.)
* `@extends Class` must not have Class {wrapped}
* @throws must start with a {Type}
* @example means something else. It is used for an  inline demo
  iframe, not code block. For that simply indent with spaces.
* @member means something else.
  Non-function properties are marked with @property, not @member.
* To create a link to a class or member, in most cases the name
  is enough to create a link. E.g. Foo,,,
  where a hash stands for "instance member", so,
  links to (the is not supported, as
  "prototype" is considered an implementation detail, it only
  indexes class name and method name).
  If the magic linker doesn't work for some case, the
  verbose syntax is {@link #target label}.
* @property can't have sub-properties (nested @param and @return
  values are supported, only @static @property can't be nested).
  We only have one case of this, which can be worked around by
  moving those in a new virtual class. The code is unaltered
  (only moved down so that it isn't with the scope of the main
  @class block).

* @mixins: Classes mixed into the current class.
* @event: Events that can be emitted by a class. These are also
  inherited by subclasses. (+ @param, @return and @preventable).
  So ve.Node#event-attach is inherited to,
  just like @method is.
* @singleton: Plain objects such as ve,, ve.ce were missing
  documentation causing a tree error. Documented those as a
  JSDuck singleton, which they but just weren't documented yet.
  NB: Members of @singleton don't need @static (if present,
  triggers a compiler warning).
* @chainable: Shorthand for "@return this". We were using
  "@return {classname}" which is ambiguous (returns the same
  instance or another instance?), @chainable is specifically
  for "@return this". Creates proper labels in the generated
  HTML pages.

* @mixin: (not to be confused with @mixins). Not supported by
  JSDuck. Every class is standalone anyway. Where needed marked
  them @class + @abstract instead.

Change-Id: I6a7c9e8ee8f995731bc205d666167874eb2ebe23
2013-01-05 01:16:32 +01:00
Timo Tijhof 4cc2101ffd Test: Enforce # of expected assertions.
Change-Id: I041c792d1841f69677f8c7d38f67108475a0afc9
2012-10-25 22:06:07 +02:00
Catrope 43f1612324 No longer copy data in constructor
The data array is now taken by reference, and the caller must perform
any copying required.

Changed tests to make a deep copy of shared data sets (mostly before passing them to

Change-Id: Iedc64f9fd9cd689640de9a19379cf5f3db94a2bb
2012-10-24 17:32:35 -07:00
Timo Tijhof 88f6089952 Kranitor #1: On-boarding
'''Kranitor commits''' are commits by Krinkle with his janitor hat on.
Must never contain functional changes mixed with miscellaneous changes.

 * Add .DS_Store to the ignore list so that browsing the directories
   on Mac OS X, will not add these files to the list of untracked
 * Fix missing newline at end of file

 * raises -> throws
 * +module (QUnit.module)
 * remove 'Node' (as of node-jshint 1.7.2 this is now part of
   'browser:true', as it should be)

 * Adding myself

 * Fix default value of wgVisualEditorParsoidURL to not
   point to the experimental instance in WMF Labs.

 * ve.ce.TextNode:
  - Fix TODO: Don't perform a useless clone of an already-jQuerified object.
  - Use .html() to set html content instead of encapsulating between
    two strings. This is slightly faster but more importantly safer,
    and prevents situations where the resulting jQuery collection
    actually contains 2 elements instead of 1, thus messing up
    what .contents() is iterating over.
 * ve.ce.Document.test.js
  - Fix: ReferenceError: assert is not defined
  - Fix: ReferenceError: assert is not defined
  - Fix: ReferenceError: assert is not defined
  - Fix: ReferenceError: assert is not defined
 * ext.visualEditor.viewPageTarget
  - Missing dependency on 'mediawiki.Title'

Code conventions / Misc cleanup
 * Various JSHint warnings.
 * Whitespace
 * jQuery(): Use '<tag>' for element creation,
   use '<valid><xml/></valid>' for parsing
 * Use the default operator instead of ternary when the condition and
   first value are the same.
   x = foo ? foo : bar; -> x = foo || bar;
   Because contrary to some programming language (PHP...), in JS the
   default operator does not enforce a boolean result but returns the
   original value, hence it being called the 'default' operator, as
   opposed to the 'or' operator.
 * No need to call addClass() twice, it takes a space-separated list
   (jQuery splits by space and adds if needed)
 * Use .on( event[, selector], fn ) instead of the deprecated
   routers to it such as .bind(), .delegate() and .live().
   All these three are now built-in and fully compatible with .on()
 * Add 'XXX:' comments for suspicious code that I don't want to change
   as part of a clean up commit.
 * Remove unused variables (several var x = this; where x was not
   used anywhere, possibly from boilerplate copy/paste)
 * Follows-up Trevor's commit that converts test suites to the new
   QUnit format. Also removed the globals since we no longer use those
   any more.

Change-Id: I7e37c9bff812e371c7f65a6fd85d9e2af3e0a22f
2012-07-27 14:40:00 -07:00
Trevor Parscal 76bac7d152 Move test files
Change-Id: Id0a0bd5b4a91f702cad34e9f5e7f2121763abffd
2012-07-25 14:35:49 -07:00
Renamed from tests/ve/ce/ve.ce.Document.test.js (Browse further)