adding paste fixes to cut handler

This commit is contained in:
christian 2012-03-02 00:37:01 +00:00
parent b16a1c3899
commit 3a1ee7e5b9
Notes: christian 2012-03-02 00:37:01 +00:00

View file

@ -87,17 +87,30 @@ = function( $container, model ) { = function( e ) {
var _this = this,
rangySel = rangy.getSelection(),
key = rangySel.getRangeAt(0).toString().replace(/\s/gm,"");
rangySel = rangy.getSelection(),
key = rangySel.getRangeAt(0).toString().replace(/\s/gm,"");
_this.clipboard[key] = ve.copyArray( _this.documentView.model.getData( _this.getSelection() ) );
if ( event.type == 'cut' ) {
setTimeout( function() {
// we don't like how browsers cut, so let's undo it and do it ourselves.
document.execCommand('undo', false, false);
var selection = _this.getSelection();
var selection = _this.getSelection(),
node = rangy.getSelection().anchorNode;
// transact
var tx = _this.model.getDocument().prepareRemoval( selection );
_this.model.transact( tx );
// re-render
_this.getLeafNode( node ).data( 'view' ).renderContent();
// clear the prev information from poll object (probably a better way to do this)
_this.poll.prevText = _this.poll.prevHash = _this.poll.prevOffset = _this.poll.node = null;
// place cursor
_this.showCursorAt( selection.start );
}, 1 );