Testing new approach figure out where the change is coming from based on the cursor offset, not based on key events

This commit is contained in:
Inez Korczynski 2012-02-24 01:43:33 +00:00
parent dab0396b54
commit 2d500705ad
Notes: Gabriel Wicke 2012-02-27 16:40:01 +00:00

View file

@ -32,109 +32,123 @@ app = function () {
this.$editor.html("<b>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text</b> of the printing and typesetting industry. <b>Lorem Ipsum has been the <i>industry's</i> standard</b> dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it <u>to <b>make <i>a type</i> specimen</b> book.</u>");
this.lastKeydown = null;
this.keydown = false;
this.keyup = false;
this.keypress = false;
this.mousedown = false;
this.inime = false;
this.diff = false;
this.prevText = app.getDOMText(this.$editor[0]);
this.prevOffset = null;
this.loop = false;
setInterval(function() {
}, 100);
this.logkey = false;
app.prototype.onKeyDown = function( e ) {
if(this.logkey) console.log("onKeyDown", e.which);
this.keydown = true;
if ( e.which === 229 ) {
this.inime = true;
this.lastKeydown = e.which;
app.prototype.onKeyUp = function( e ) {
if(this.logkey) console.log("onKeyUp", e.which);
this.keyup = true;
if ( this.inime ) {
this.inime = false;
app.prototype.onKeyPress = function( e ) {
if(this.logkey) console.log("onKeyPress");
this.keypress = true;
if ( e.which === 229 ) {
this.inime = true;
app.prototype.onMouseDown = function( e ) {
if(this.logkey) console.log("onMouseDown");
this.mousedown = true;
if ( this.inime ) {
this.inime = false;
if(this.loop == false) {
var _this = this;
setInterval(function() {
}, 100);
app.prototype.loopFunc = function() {
var text = app.getDOMText(this.$editor[0]);
var text = app.getDOMText(this.$editor[0]).replace(String.fromCharCode(32), " ").replace(String.fromCharCode(160), " ");
var selection = rangy.getSelection();
if ( !selection.anchorNode ) {
var offset = this.getOffset(selection.anchorNode, selection.anchorOffset);
if(text != this.prevText) {
console.log("text is different");
var textDiffLength = text.length - this.prevText.length;
var offsetDiff = offset - this.prevOffset;
var sameFromLeft = 0;
var l = text.length;
while ( sameFromLeft < l && this.prevText[sameFromLeft] == text[sameFromLeft] ) {
if(this.keydown) {
} else {
console.log("not keyboard");
if(false) {
console.log("change start", sameFromLeft, offset);
console.log("different content", textDiffLength);
console.log("different offset", offsetDiff);
if ( sameFromLeft != offset - textDiffLength ) {
else if(textDiffLength === -1 && offsetDiff === -1 && offset === sameFromLeft ) {
} else if(textDiffLength === 0 && offsetDiff === 0 && offset-1 === sameFromLeft ) {
} else if ( textDiffLength < 0 || ( offset - textDiffLength ) !== sameFromLeft ) {
} else {
if ( textDiffLength !== offsetDiff ) {
if(!this.keydown) {
//console.log("## not keyboard");
} else {
//console.log("@@ keyboard");
if((this.keydown || this.keyup) && this.lastKeydown !== 229) {
} else {
console.log("Do NOT re-render");
this.prevText = text;
this.diff = true;
} else {
this.diff = false;
this.prevOffset = offset;
this.keypress = false;
this.keyup = false;
this.keydown = false;
this.mousedown = false;
var selection = rangy.getSelection();
// keyup in IE
// keypress and keydown in FF and Chrome
if ( (($.browser.msie && !this.keyup) || (!$.browser.msie && !this.keypress && !this.mousedown)) && !this.inime ) {
this.prevText = text;
this.keypress = false;
this.keyup = false;
this.mousedown = false;
// we are going to need a cursor position
var offset = this.getOffset( selection.anchorNode, selection.anchorOffset );
var diffLength = text.length - this.prevText.length;
//console.log("diffLength: " + diffLength);
if ( diffLength > 0 ) {
//console.log( text.substring(offset - diffLength, offset) );
} else if ( diffLength === 0 ) {
//console.log( text.substring(offset - 1, offset) );
this.prevText = text;
this.keypress = false;
this.keyup = false;
this.keydown = false;
this.mousedown = false;
app.getDOMText = function( elem ) {
@ -158,7 +172,7 @@ app.getDOMText = function( elem ) {
return elem.nodeValue;
return ret;
return ret;
app.prototype.getOffset = function( localNode, localOffset ) {