
308 lines
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Raw Normal View History

* Template and template argument handling, first cut.
* AsyncTokenTransformManager objects provide preprocessor-frame-like
* functionality once template args etc are fully expanded, and isolate
* individual transforms from concurrency issues. Template argument expansion
* is performed using a structure managed in this extension.
* @author Gabriel Wicke <>
* @author Brion Vibber <>
var $ = require('jquery');
function TemplateHandler () {
TemplateHandler.prototype.reset = function () {
this.outstanding = 0;
// constants
TemplateHandler.prototype.rank = 1.1;
TemplateHandler.prototype.register = function ( manager ) {
this.manager = manager;
// Register for template and templatearg tag tokens
manager.addTransform( this.onTemplate.bind(this),
this.rank, 'tag', 'template' );
manager.addTransform( this.onTemplateArg.bind(this),
this.rank, 'tag', 'templatearg' );
// Reset internal state when the parser pipeline is done
manager.addTransform( this.reset.bind(this),
this.rank, 'end' );
* Main template token handler
* Expands target and arguments (both keys and values) and either directly
* calls or sets up the callback to _expandTemplate, which then fetches and
* processes the template.
TemplateHandler.prototype.onTemplate = function ( token, cb ) {
this.parentCB = cb;
this.origToken = token;
// check for 'subst:'
// check for variable magic names
// check for msg, msgnw, raw magics
// check for parser functions
// create a new temporary frame for argument and title expansions
var templateExpandData = {
args: {},
env: frame.env,
outstanding: 0,
cb: cb,
origToken: token
i = 0,
kvs = [],
// XXX: transform the target
transformCB = this._returnArgValue.bind( this, { frame: templateExpandData } );
res = this.manager.transformTokens(, transformCB );
if ( res.async ) {
} = res.tokens;
// transform each argument (key and value), and handle asynchronous returns
for ( var key in token.args ) {
if ( token.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {
kv = { key: [], value: [] };
// transform the value
transformCB = this._returnArgValue.bind( this, { frame: templateExpandData, index: i } );
res = this.manager.transformTokens( args[key], transformCB );
if ( res.async ) {
kv.value = res.tokens;
// XXX: transform key too, and store it in the token's value for
// the original key
// For now, we assume the key to be a string.
kv.key = key;
// finally, append to kvs
kvs.push( kv );
// Move the above to AttributeTransformer class
if ( newFrame.outstanding === 0 ) {
return this._expandTemplate ( newFrame );
} else {
return { async: true };
* Callback for async argument value expansions
TemplateHandler.prototype._returnArgValue = function ( ref, tokens, notYetDone ) {
var frame = ref.frame;
frame.args[ref.index].value.push( tokens );
if ( ! notYetDone ) {
if ( frame.outstanding === 0 ) {
// this calls back to frame.cb, so no return here.
this._expandTemplate( frame );
* Callback for async argument key expansions
TemplateHandler.prototype._returnArgKey = function ( ref, tokens, notYetDone ) {
var frame = ref.frame;
frame.args[ref.index].key.push( tokens );
if ( ! notYetDone ) {
if ( frame.outstanding === 0 ) {
// this calls back to frame.cb, so no return here.
this._expandTemplate( frame );
* Callback for async target expansion
TemplateHandler.prototype._returnTarget = function ( ref, tokens, notYetDone ) {
var frame = ref.frame; tokens );
if ( ! notYetDone ) {
if ( frame.outstanding === 0 ) {
// this calls back to frame.cb, so no return here.
this._expandTemplate( frame );
* Fetch, tokenize and token-transform a template after all arguments and the
* target were expanded in frame.
TemplateHandler.prototype._expandTemplate = function ( frame ) {
// First, check the target for loops
this.manager.loopCheck.check( );
// Create a new nested transformation pipeline for the input type
// (includes the tokenizer and synchronous stage-1 transforms for
// 'text/wiki' input).
// Returned pipe (for now):
// { first: tokenizer, last: AsyncTokenTransformManager }
this.inputPipeline = this.manager.newChildPipeline( inputType, args );
// Hook up the AsyncTokenTransformManager output events to call back our
// parentCB.
this.inputPipeline.last.addListener( 'chunk', this._onChunk.bind ( this ) );
this.inputPipeline.last.addListener( 'end', this._onEnd.bind ( this ) );
// Resolve a possibly relative link
var templateName = this.env.resolveTitle(, 'Template' );
this._fetchTemplateAndTitle( templateName, this._processTemplateAndTitle.bind( this ) );
// Set up a pipeline:
// fetch template source -> tokenizer
// getInputPipeline( inputType )
// normally tokenizer -> transforms 1/2
// encapsulation by default, generic de-encapsulation in phase 3
// { type: 'object', name: 'template', value: [tokens] }
// -> then un-wrap and replace with contents in phase 3 if for-viewing
// mode
// -> TokenTransformDispatcher (phase 1/2 only, with frame passed in)
// -> frame.cb( tokens )
// XXX: notes from brion's mediawiki.parser.environment
// resolve template name
// load template w/ canonical name
// load template w/ variant names
// recursion depth check
// fetch from DB or interwiki
// infinte loop check
// TODO: template fetching is already implemented there, copy this over!
* Convert AsyncTokenTransformManager output chunks to parent callbacks
TemplateHandler.prototype._onChunk = function( chunk ) {
// We encapsulate the output by default, so collect tokens here.
this.resultTokens = this.resultTokens.concat( chunk );
* Handle the end event by calling our parentCB with notYetDone set to false.
TemplateHandler.prototype._onEnd = function( ) {
// Encapsulate the template in a single token, which contains all the
// information needed for the editor.
var res = {
type: 'container',
tokens: this.resultTokens, // The editor needs HTML serialization instead
args: this.manager.args, // Here, the editor needs wikitext.
attribs: this.origToken.attribs // Hmm..
this.parentCB( res, false );
* Process a fetched template source
TemplateHandler.prototype._processTemplateAndTitle = function( src, title ) {
// Feed the pipeline. XXX: Support different formats.
this.inputPipeline.process ( src );
* Fetch a template
TemplateHandler.prototype._fetchTemplateAndTitle = function( title, callback ) {
// @fixme normalize name?
if (title in this.pageCache) {
// @fixme should this be forced to run on next event?
callback( this.pageCache[title], title );
} else {
// whee fun hack!
url: this.manager.env.wgScriptPath + '/api' + this.manager.env.wgScriptExtension,
data: {
format: 'json',
action: 'query',
prop: 'revisions',
rvprop: 'content',
titles: name
success: function(data, xhr) {
var src = null, title = null;
$.each(data.query.pages, function(i, page) {
if (page.revisions && page.revisions.length) {
src = page.revisions[0]['*'];
title = page.title;
if (typeof src !== 'string') {
callback(null, null, 'Page not found');
} else {
callback(src, title);
error: function(msg) {
callback(null, null, 'Page/template fetch failure');
dataType: 'json',
cache: false // @fixme caching, versions etc?
}, 'json');
* Expand template arguments with tokens from the containing frame.
TemplateHandler.prototype.onTemplateArg = function ( token, cb, frame ) {
var argName = token.attribs[0][1]; // XXX: do this properly!
if ( argName in frame.args ) {
// return tokens for argument
return { tokens: frame.args[argName] };
} else {
if ( token.attribs.length > 1 ) {
return token.attribs[1][1]; // default value, XXX: use key
} else {
return { token: { type: 'TEXT', value: '{{{' + argName + '}}}' } };
if (typeof module == "object") {
module.exports.TemplateHandler = TemplateHandler;