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* Simple parser class. Should have lots of options for observing parse stages (or, use events).
* @author Gabriel Wicke <>
* @author Neil Kandalgaonkar <>
// make this global for now
// XXX: figure out a way to get away without a global for PEG actions!
$ = require('jquery');
var fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
PegTokenizer = require('./mediawiki.tokenizer.peg.js').PegTokenizer,
TokenTransformManager = require('./mediawiki.TokenTransformManager.js'),
QuoteTransformer = require('./ext.core.QuoteTransformer.js').QuoteTransformer,
Cite = require('./ext.Cite.js').Cite,
FauxHTML5 = require('./mediawiki.HTML5TreeBuilder.node.js').FauxHTML5,
DOMPostProcessor = require('./mediawiki.DOMPostProcessor.js').DOMPostProcessor,
DOMConverter = require('./mediawiki.DOMConverter.js').DOMConverter;
* Set up a simple parser pipeline. There will be a single pipeline overall,
* but there can be multiple sub-pipelines for template expansions etc, which
* in turn differ by input type. The main input type will be fixed at
* construction time though.
* @class
* @constructor
* @param {Object} Environment.
function ParserPipeline( env, inputType ) {
if ( ! inputType ) {
// Actually the only one supported for now, but could also create
// others for serialized tokens etc
inputType = 'text/wiki';
// XXX: create a full-fledged environment based on
// mediawiki.parser.environment.js.
if ( !env ) {
this.env = {};
} else {
this.env = env;
// Create an input pipeline for the given input type.
this.inputPipeline = this.makeInputPipeline ( inputType );
this.tokenPostProcessor = new TokenTransformManager.SyncTokenTransformManager ( env );
this.tokenPostProcessor.listenForTokensFrom ( this.inputPipeline.last );
// Add token transformations..
var qt = new QuoteTransformer( this.tokenPostProcessor );
//var citeExtension = new Cite( this.tokenTransformer );
* The tree builder creates a DOM tree from the token soup emitted from
* the TokenTransformDispatcher.
this.treeBuilder = new FauxHTML5.TreeBuilder();
this.treeBuilder.listenForTokensFrom( this.tokenPostProcessor );
* Final processing on the HTML DOM.
/* Generic DOM transformer.
* This currently performs minor tree-dependent clean up like wrapping
* plain text in paragraphs. For HTML output, it would also be configured
* to perform more aggressive nesting cleanup.
this.postProcessor = new DOMPostProcessor();
this.postProcessor.listenForDocumentFrom( this.treeBuilder );
* Conversion from HTML DOM to WikiDOM. This is not needed if plain HTML
* DOM output is desired, so it should only be registered to the
* DOMPostProcessor 'document' event if WikiDom output is requested. We
* could emit events for 'dom', 'wikidom', 'html' and so on, but only
* actually set up the needed pipeline stages if a listener is registered.
* Overriding the addListener method should make this possible.
this.DOMConverter = new DOMConverter();
// Lame hack for now, see above for an idea for the external async
// interface and pipeline setup
this.postProcessor.addListener( 'document', this.setDocumentProperty.bind( this ) );
* Factory method for the input (up to async token transforms / phase two)
* parts of the parser pipeline.
* @method
* @param {String} Input type. Try 'text/wiki'.
* @param {Object} Expanded template arguments to pass to the
* AsyncTokenTransformManager.
* @returns {Object} { first: <first stage>, last: AsyncTokenTransformManager }
* First stage is supposed to implement a process() function
* that can accept all input at once. The wikitext tokenizer for example
* accepts the wiki text this way. The last stage of the input pipeline is
* always an AsyncTokenTransformManager, which emits its output in events.
ParserPipeline.prototype.makeInputPipeline = function ( inputType, args ) {
if ( inputType === 'text/wiki' ) {
var wikiTokenizer = new PegTokenizer();
* Token stream transformations.
* This is where all the wiki-specific functionality is implemented.
* See
var tokenPreProcessor = new TokenTransformManager.SyncTokenTransformManager ( this.env );
tokenPreProcessor.listenForTokensFrom ( wikiTokenizer );
var tokenExpander = new TokenTransformManager.AsyncTokenTransformManager (
this.makeInputPipeline.bind( this ), args, this.env );
tokenExpander.listenForTokensFrom ( tokenPreProcessor );
return { first: wikiTokenizer, last: tokenExpander };
} else {
throw "ParserPipeline.makeInputPipeline: Unsupported input type " + inputType;
* Parse an input
* @method
* @param {Mixed} All arguments are passed through to the underlying input
* pipeline's first element's process() method. For a wikitext pipeline (the
* default), this would be the wikitext to tokenize.
ParserPipeline.prototype.parse = function ( ) {
// Set the pipeline in motion by feeding the first element with the given
// arguments.
this.inputPipeline.first.process.apply( this.inputPipeline.first , arguments );
// XXX: Lame hack: set document property. Instead, emit events
// and convert parser tests etc to listen on it! See comments above for ideas.
ParserPipeline.prototype.setDocumentProperty = function ( document ) {
this.document = document;
// XXX: remove JSON serialization here, that should only be performed when
// needed (and normally without pretty-printing).
ParserPipeline.prototype.getWikiDom = function () {
return JSON.stringify(
this.DOMConverter.HTMLtoWiki( this.document.body ),
if (typeof module == "object") {
module.exports.ParserPipeline = ParserPipeline;