"tooltip-ca-createsource":"Create the source code of this page",
"tooltip-ca-editsource":"Edit the source code of this page",
"tooltip-ca-ve-edit":"Edit this page with VisualEditor",
"visualeditor-beta-warning":"VisualEditor is in 'beta'. You may encounter software issues, and you may not be able to edit parts of the page. Click \"{{int:visualeditor-ca-editsource}}\" to switch to wikitext mode – unsaved changes will be lost.",
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"visualeditor-dialog-beta-welcome-content":"Thisisournew,easierwaytoedit.It'sstillinbeta,whichmeansyoumightfindpartsofthepageyoucan'tedit,orencounterissuesthatneedtobefixed.Weencourageyoutoreviewyourchanges,andwewelcomereportsaboutanyissuesyoumightencounterinusingVisualEditor(clickthe\"{{int:visualeditor-help-tool}}\" button to submit feedback). You can keep using the wikitext editor by clicking the \"$1\" tab instead – unsaved changes will be lost.",
"visualeditor-dialog-beta-welcome-title":"{{GENDER:$1|Welcome}} to VisualEditor",
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"visualeditor-preference-language-label":"VisualEditor language tools",
"visualeditor-preference-mwalienextension-description":"Add experimental basic support to VisualEditor for editing extension tags (like galleries or source code blocks), ahead of individual tools being available. Please remember to always review your changes before saving when using experimental features.",
"visualeditor-preference-mwalienextension-label":"VisualEditor extension tag editing",
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"visualeditor-reference-input-placeholder":"What do you want to reference?",
"visualeditor-referencelist-isempty":"There are no references with the group \"$1\" on this page to include in this list.",
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