
410 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Simple link handler. Registers after template expansions, as an
* asynchronous transform.
* @author Gabriel Wicke <>
* TODO: keep round-trip information in meta tag or the like
var jshashes = require('jshashes'),
PegTokenizer = require('./mediawiki.tokenizer.peg.js').PegTokenizer;
function WikiLinkHandler( manager, isInclude ) {
this.manager = manager;
this.manager.addTransform( this.onWikiLink.bind( this ), this.rank, 'tag', 'wikilink' );
// create a new peg parser for image options..
if ( !this.imageParser ) {
// Actually the regular tokenizer, but we'll call it with the
// img_options production only.
WikiLinkHandler.prototype.imageParser = new PegTokenizer();
WikiLinkHandler.prototype.rank = 1.15; // after AttributeExpander
WikiLinkHandler.prototype.onWikiLink = function ( token, manager, cb ) {
var env = this.manager.env,
href = token.attribs[0].v,
tail = env.lookupKV( token.attribs, 'tail' ).v;
var title = this.manager.env.makeTitleFromPrefixedText(
env.tokensToString( href )
if ( title.ns.isFile() ) {
return this.renderFile( token, manager, cb, title );
} else if ( title.ns.isCategory() ) {
// TODO: implement
return [];
} else {
// Check if page exists
//console.warn( 'title: ' + JSON.stringify( title ) );
var obj = new TagTk( 'a', [ new KV( 'href', title.makeLink() ) ] ),
content = token.attribs.slice(1, -1);
//console.warn('content: ' + JSON.stringify( content, null, 2 ) );
// XXX: handle trail
if ( content.length ) {
var out = [];
for ( var i = 0, l = content.length; i < l ; i++ ) {
out = out.concat( content[i].v );
if ( i < l - 1 ) {
out.push( '|' );
content = out;
} else {
content = [ env.decodeURI( env.tokensToString( href ) ) ];
if ( tail ) {
content.push( tail );
//obj.attribs.push( new KV('data-mw-type', 'internal') );
obj.dataAttribs = token.dataAttribs;
obj.dataAttribs.linkType = 'internal';
return {
tokens: [obj].concat( content, new EndTagTk( 'a' ) )
WikiLinkHandler.prototype._simpleImageOptions = {
// halign
'left': 'halign',
'right': 'halign',
'center': 'halign',
'none': 'halign',
// valign
'baseline': 'valign',
'sub': 'valign',
'super': 'valign',
'top': 'valign',
'text-top': 'valign',
'middle': 'valign',
'bottom': 'valign',
'text-bottom': 'valign',
// format
'border': 'format',
'frameless': 'format',
'frame': 'format',
'thumbnail': 'format',
'thumb': 'format'
WikiLinkHandler.prototype._prefixImageOptions = {
'link': 'link',
'alt': 'alt',
'page': 'page',
'thumbnail': 'thumb',
'thumb': 'thumb'
WikiLinkHandler.prototype.renderFile = function ( token, manager, cb, title ) {
var env = manager.env;
// distinguish media types
// if image: parse options
2012-03-02 13:36:37 +00:00
// Slice off the target and trail
var content = token.attribs.slice(1, -1);
2012-03-02 13:36:37 +00:00
var MD5 = new jshashes.MD5(),
hash = MD5.hex( title.key ),
// TODO: Hackhack.. Move to proper test harness setup!
path = [ this.manager.env.wgUploadPath, hash[0],
hash.substr(0, 2), title.key ].join('/');
// extract options
var options = [],
oHash = {},
caption = [];
for( var i = 0, l = content.length; i<l; i++ ) {
var oContent = content[i],
oText = manager.env.tokensToString( oContent.v, true );
//console.log( JSON.stringify( oText, null, 2 ) );
if ( oText.constructor === String ) {
oText = oText.trim();
if ( this._simpleImageOptions[ oText ] ) {
options.push( new KV( this._simpleImageOptions[ oText ],
oText ) );
oHash[ this._simpleImageOptions[ oText ] ] = oText;
} else {
var maybeSize = oText.match(/^(\d*)(?:x(\d+))?px$/);
//console.log( maybeSize );
if ( maybeSize !== null ) {
var x = maybeSize[1],
y = maybeSize[2];
if ( x !== undefined ) {
options.push(new KV( 'width', x ) );
oHash.width = x;
if ( y !== undefined ) {
options.push(new KV( 'height', y ) );
oHash.height = y;
} else {
// XXX: check handling of multiple captions in default MW!
caption = caption.concat( oContent.v );
} else {
var bits = oText[0].split( '=', 2 );
if ( bits.length > 1 && this._prefixImageOptions[ bits[0].trim() ] ) {
console.warn('handle prefix ' + bits );
} else {
caption = caption.concat( oContent.v );
//console.warn('caption: ' + JSON.stringify( caption ) );
//var contentPos = token.dataAttribs.contentPos;
//var optionSource = token.source.substr( contentPos[0], contentPos[1] - contentPos[0] );
//console.log( 'optionSource: ' + optionSource );
2012-03-02 14:19:33 +00:00
// XXX: The trouble with re-parsing is the need to re-expand templates.
// Figure out how often non-image links contain image-like parameters!
//var options = this.imageParser.processImageOptions( optionSource );
2012-03-02 13:36:37 +00:00
//console.log( JSON.stringify( options, null, 2 ) );
// XXX: check if the file exists, generate thumbnail, get size
// XXX: render according to mode (inline, thumb, framed etc)
if ( oHash.format && ( oHash.format === 'thumb' || oHash.format === 'thumbnail') ) {
return this.renderThumb( token, manager, cb, title, path, caption, oHash, options );
} else {
// TODO: get /wiki from config!
var a = new TagTk( 'a', [ new KV( 'href', title.makeLink() ) ] );
a.dataAttribs = token.dataAttribs;
var width, height;
if ( ! height in oHash && ! width in oHash ) {
width = '120px';
height = '120px';
} else {
width = oHash.width;
height = oHash.height;
var img = new SelfclosingTagTk( 'img',
new KV( 'height', height || '' ),
new KV( 'width', width || '' ),
new KV( 'src', path ),
new KV( 'alt', oHash.alt || title.key )
] );
return { tokens: [ a, img, new EndTagTk( 'a' )] };
WikiLinkHandler.prototype.renderThumb = function ( token, manager, cb, title, path, caption, oHash, options ) {
// TODO: get /wiki from config!
var a = new TagTk( 'a', [ new KV( 'href', title.makeLink() ) ] );
a.dataAttribs = token.dataAttribs;
a.dataAttribs.optionHash = oHash;
a.dataAttribs.optionList = options;
var figurestyle = "width: 125px;",
figureclass = "thumb tright thumbinner";
// set horizontal alignment
if ( oHash.halign ) {
if ( oHash.halign === 'left' ) {
figurestyle += ' float: left;';
figureclass = "thumb tleft thumbinner";
} else if ( oHash.halign === 'center' ) {
figureclass = "thumb center thumbinner";
} else if ( oHash.halign === 'none' ) {
figureclass = "thumb thumbinner";
} else {
figurestyle += ' float: right;';
} else {
figurestyle += ' float: right;';
// XXX: set vertical alignment (valign)
// XXX: support other formats (border, frameless, frame)
// XXX: support prefixes
var thumb =
new TagTk(
new KV('class', figureclass),
new KV('style', figurestyle),
new KV('typeof', ''),
new KV('prefix', "mw:")
new TagTk(
new KV('href', title.makeLink()),
new KV('class', 'image')
new SelfclosingTagTk(
new KV('src', path),
new KV('width', '120px'),
new KV('height', '120px'),
new KV('class', 'thumbimage'),
new KV('alt', oHash.alt || title.key ),
new KV('resource', title.getPrefixedText())
new EndTagTk( 'a' ),
new SelfclosingTagTk (
new KV('href', title.makeLink()),
new KV('class', 'internal sprite details magnify'),
new KV('title', 'View photo details')
new TagTk( 'figcaption',
new KV('class', 'thumbcaption'),
new KV('property', 'mw:thumbcaption')
] )
new EndTagTk( 'figcaption' ),
new EndTagTk( 'figure' )
// set round-trip information on the wrapping figure token
thumb[0].dataAttribs = token.dataAttribs;
* Wikia DOM:
<figure class="thumb tright thumbinner" style="width:270px;">
<a href="Delorean.jpg" class="image" data-image-name="DeLorean.jpg" id="DeLorean-jpg">
<img alt="" src="Delorean.jpg" width="268" height="123" class="thumbimage">
<a href="File:DeLorean.jpg" class="internal sprite details magnify" title="View photo details"></a>
<figcaption class="thumbcaption">
A DeLorean DMC-12 from the front with the gull-wing doors open
Continuation of the caption
<div class="picture-attribution">
<img src="Christian-Avatar.png" width="16" height="16" class="avatar" alt="Christian">Added by <a href="User:Christian">Christian</a>
//console.warn( 'thumbtokens: ' + JSON.stringify( thumb, null, 2 ) );
return { tokens: thumb };
function ExternalLinkHandler( manager, isInclude ) {
this.manager = manager;
this.manager.addTransform( this.onUrlLink.bind( this ), this.rank, 'tag', 'urllink' );
this.manager.addTransform( this.onExtLink.bind( this ),
this.rank - 0.001, 'tag', 'extlink' );
// create a new peg parser for image options..
if ( !this.imageParser ) {
// Actually the regular tokenizer, but we'll call it with the
// img_options production only.
ExternalLinkHandler.prototype.imageParser = new PegTokenizer();
ExternalLinkHandler.prototype.rank = 1.15;
ExternalLinkHandler.prototype._imageExtensions = {
'jpg': true,
'png': true,
'gif': true
ExternalLinkHandler.prototype._isImageLink = function ( href ) {
var bits = href.split( '.' );
return bits.length > 1 &&
this._imageExtensions[ bits[bits.length - 1] ] &&
href.match( /^https?:\/\// );
ExternalLinkHandler.prototype.onUrlLink = function ( token, manager, cb ) {
var env = this.manager.env,
href = env.sanitizeURI(
env.tokensToString( env.lookupKV( token.attribs, 'href' ).v )
if ( this._isImageLink( href ) ) {
return { token: new SelfclosingTagTk( 'img',
new KV( 'alt', href.split('/').last() ),
new KV( 'src', href )
} else {
return {
tokens: [
new TagTk( 'a', [ new KV( 'href', href ) ] ),
new EndTagTk( 'a' )
// Bracketed external link
ExternalLinkHandler.prototype.onExtLink = function ( token, manager, cb ) {
var env = this.manager.env,
href = env.tokensToString( env.lookupKV( token.attribs, 'href' ).v ),
content= env.lookupKV( token.attribs, 'content' ).v;
href = env.sanitizeURI( href );
//console.warn('extlink href: ' + href );
//console.warn( 'content: ' + JSON.stringify( content, null, 2 ) );
// validate the href
if ( this.imageParser.tokenizeURL( href ) ) {
if ( content.length === 1 &&
content[0].constructor === String &&
this.imageParser.tokenizeURL( content[0] ) &&
this._isImageLink( content[0] ) )
var src = content[0];
content = [ new SelfclosingTagTk( 'img',
new KV( 'alt', src.split('/').last() ),
new KV( 'src', src )
] )
return {
new TagTk ( 'a',
[ new KV('href', href) ],
].concat( content, [ new EndTagTk( 'a' )])
} else {
return {
tokens: ['[', href, ' ' ].concat( content, [']'] )
if (typeof module == "object") {
module.exports.WikiLinkHandler = WikiLinkHandler;
module.exports.ExternalLinkHandler = ExternalLinkHandler;