
716 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* ContentEditable surface.
* @class
* @constructor
* @param model {} Model to observe
ve.ce.Surface = function( $container, model ) {
// Inheritance this );
// Properties
this.model = model;
this.documentView = new ve.ce.Document( model.getDocument(), this );
this.contextView = new ve.ui.Context( this );
this.$ = $container;
this.clipboard = {};
this.autoRender = false;
this.poll = {
text: null,
hash: null,
node: null,
range: null,
rangySelection: {
anchorNode: null,
anchorOffset: null,
focusNode: null,
focusOffset: null
polling: false,
timeout: null,
frequency: 100
// Events
this.documentView.documentNode.$.on( {
focus: this.proxy( this.documentOnFocus ),
blur: this.proxy( this.documentOnBlur )
} );
this.on( 'contentChange', this.proxy( this.onContentChange ) );
// Driven by mousedown and mouseup events
this.isMouseDown = false;
this.range = {
anchorNode: null,
anchorOffset: null,
focusNode: null,
focusOffset: null
// init rangy in case of Toshiba...
// Events
this.$.on( {
//'keypress': this.proxy( this.onKeyPress ),
//'keydown': this.proxy( this.onKeyDown ),
//'mousedown': this.proxy( this.onMouseDown ),
//'mouseup': this.proxy( this.onMouseUp ),
//'mousemove': this.proxy( this.onMouseMove ),
'cut copy': this.proxy( this.onCutCopy ),
'beforepaste paste': this.proxy( this.onPaste ),
'dragover drop': function( e ) {
// Prevent content drag & drop
return false;
} );
this.model.on( 'select', this.proxy( this.onSelect ) );
// Initialization
this.$.append( this.documentView.documentNode.$ );
try {
document.execCommand( "enableObjectResizing", false, false );
document.execCommand( "enableInlineTableEditing", false, false );
} catch (e) { }
/* Methods */
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.proxy = function( func ) {
var _this = this;
return( function() {
return func.apply( _this, arguments );
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.documentOnFocus = function() {
console.log( 'documentOnFocus' );
this.startPolling( true );
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.documentOnBlur = function() {
console.log( 'documentOnBlur' );
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.startPolling = function( async ) {
console.log( 'startPolling', async );
if ( this.poll.polling === false ) {
this.poll.polling = true;
this.pollChanges( async );
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.stopPolling = function() {
console.log( 'stopPolling' );
if ( this.poll.polling === true ) {
this.poll.polling = false;
clearTimeout( this.poll.timeout );
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.pollChanges = function( async ) {
var delay = this.proxy( function( now ) {
this.poll.timeout = setTimeout( this.proxy( this.pollChanges ), async ? 0 : this.poll.frequency );
} );
if ( async ) {
delay( true );
var node = this.poll.node,
range = this.poll.range,
rangySelection = rangy.getSelection();
if (
rangySelection.anchorNode !== this.poll.rangySelection.anchorNode ||
rangySelection.anchorOffset !== this.poll.rangySelection.anchorOffset ||
rangySelection.focusNode !== this.poll.rangySelection.focusNode ||
rangySelection.focusOffset !== this.poll.rangySelection.focusOffset
) {
this.poll.rangySelection.anchorNode = rangySelection.anchorNode;
this.poll.rangySelection.anchorOffset = rangySelection.anchorOffset;
this.poll.rangySelection.focusNode = rangySelection.focusNode;
this.poll.rangySelection.focusOffset = rangySelection.focusOffset;
// TODO: Optimize for the case of collapsed (rangySelection.isCollapsed) range
var $anchorNode = $( rangySelection.anchorNode ).closest( '.ve-ce-branchNode' ),
$focusNode = $( rangySelection.focusNode ).closest( '.ve-ce-branchNode' );
if ( $anchorNode[0] === $focusNode[0] ) {
node = $anchorNode[0]
} else {
node = null;
// Do we really need to figure out range even if node is null?
range = new ve.Range(
this.getOffset( rangySelection.anchorNode, rangySelection.anchorOffset ),
this.getOffset( rangySelection.focusNode, rangySelection.focusOffset )
if ( this.poll.node !== node ) {
this.poll.text = ve.ce.Surface.getDOMText( node );
this.poll.hash = ve.ce.Surface.getDOMHash( node );
this.poll.node = node;
} else {
var text = ve.ce.Surface.getDOMText( node ),
hash = ve.ce.Surface.getDOMHash( node );
if ( this.poll.text !== text || this.poll.hash !== hash ) {
this.emit( 'contentChange', {
'node': node,
'old': {
'text': this.poll.text,
'hash': this.poll.hash,
'range': this.poll.range,
'new': {
'text': text,
'hash': hash,
'range': range
} );
this.poll.text = text;
this.poll.hash = hash;
if ( this.poll.range !== range ) {
this.poll.range = range;
this.model.setSelection( range );
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onContentChange = function( e ) {
var nodeOffset = $( e.node ).data( 'node' ).model.getOffset(),
offsetDiff = (
e.old.range !== null && !== null &&
e.old.range.getLength() === 0 && === 0
) ? - e.old.range.start : null,
lengthDiff = - e.old.text.length;
if (
offsetDiff === lengthDiff &&
e.old.text.substring( 0, e.old.range.start - nodeOffset - 1 ) === 0, e.old.range.start - nodeOffset - 1 )
) {
var data = e.old.range.start - nodeOffset - 1, - nodeOffset - 1).split( '' ),
annotations = this.model.getDocument().getAnnotationsFromOffset( e.old.range.start - 1 );
// TODO: Add annotations to data
this.documentView.model, e.old.range.start, data
) );
} else {
// ...
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onSelect = function( e ) {
console.log("onSelect", e);
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onKeyPress = function( e ) {
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onKeyDown = function( e ) {
// Prevent all interactions coming from keyboard when mouse is down (possibly selecting)
if ( this.isMouseDown === true ) {
return false;
switch ( e.keyCode ) {
// Left arrow
case 37:
// Right arrow
case 39:
// Backspace
case 8:
tx = this.documentView.model, this.model.getSelection() ); this.documentView.model, tx );
// Delete
case 46:
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onMouseDown = function( e ) {
this.isMouseDown = true;
// TODO: Add special handling for clicking on images and alien nodes
var $leaf = $( ).closest( '.ve-ce-leafNode' );
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onMouseUp = function( e ) {
var handler = function() {
var rangySel = rangy.getSelection();
if ( rangySel.anchorNode === null && rangySel.focusNode === null ) {
setTimeout( this.proxy( handler ), 100 );
if (
rangySel.anchorNode !== this.range.anchorNode ||
rangySel.anchorOffset !== this.range.anchorOffset ||
rangySel.focusNode !== this.range.focusNode ||
rangySel.focusOffset !== this.range.focusOffset
) {
if ( rangySel.isCollapsed ) {
var offset = this.getOffset( rangySel.anchorNode, rangySel.anchorOffset );
this.model.setSelection( new ve.Range( offset ) );
} else {
if ( !rangySel.isBackwards() ) {
var offset1 = this.getOffset( rangySel.anchorNode, rangySel.anchorOffset ),
offset2 = this.getOffset( rangySel.focusNode, rangySel.focusOffset );
} else {
var offset1 = this.getOffset( rangySel.focusNode, rangySel.focusOffset ),
offset2 = this.getOffset( rangySel.anchorNode, rangySel.anchorOffset );
var offset1Fixed = this.getNearestCorrectOffset( offset1, 1 ),
offset2Fixed = this.getNearestCorrectOffset( offset2, -1 );
var range;
if ( !rangySel.isBackwards() ) {
range = new ve.Range( offset1Fixed, offset2Fixed );
} else {
range = new ve.Range( offset2Fixed, offset1Fixed );
this.model.setSelection( range );
if ( offset1 !== offset1Fixed || offset2 !== offset2Fixed ) {
this.showSelection( range );
this.range.anchorNode = rangySel.anchorNode;
this.range.anchorOffset = rangySel.anchorOffset;
this.range.focusNode = rangySel.focusNode;
this.range.focusOffset = rangySel.focusOffset;
this.isMouseDown = false;
setTimeout( this.proxy( handler ), 0 );
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onMouseMove = function( e ) {
if ( this.isMouseDown === true ) {
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onCutCopy = function( e ) {
var _this = this,
sel = rangy.getSelection(),
$frag = null,
key = '';
// Create key from text and element names
$frag = $(sel.getRangeAt(0).cloneContents());
$frag.contents().each(function() {
key += this.textContent || this.nodeName;
key = key.replace( /\s/gm, '' );
// Set surface clipboard
this.clipboard[key] = ve.copyArray(
this.documentView.model.getData( this.model.getSelection() )
if ( e.type == 'cut' ) {
setTimeout( function() {
var selection = null,
tx = null;
// We don't like how browsers cut, so let's undo it and do it ourselves.
document.execCommand('undo', false, false);
selection = _this.model.getSelection();
// Transact
_this.autoRender = true;
tx = _this.documentView.model, selection );
_this.model.transact( tx );
_this.autoRender = false;
// Place cursor
_this.showCursor( selection.start );
_this.model.setSelection( new ve.Range( selection.start ) );
}, 1 );
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onPaste = function( e ) {
var _this = this,
selection = this.model.getSelection(),
tx = null;
// Pasting into a range? Remove first.
if (!rangy.getSelection().isCollapsed) {
tx = _this.documentView.model, selection );
_this.model.transact( tx );
setTimeout( function() {
var key = '',
pasteData = null,
tx = null;
// Create key from text and element names
$('#paste').hide().contents().each(function() {
key += this.textContent || this.nodeName;
key = key.replace( /\s/gm, '' );
// Get linear model from surface clipboard or create array from unknown pasted content
pasteData = ( _this.clipboard[key] ) ? _this.clipboard[key] : $('#paste').text().split('');
// Transact
tx =
_this.documentView.model, selection.start, pasteData
_this.model.transact( tx );
// Place cursor
_this.showCursor( selection.start + pasteData.length );
_this.model.setSelection( new ve.Range( selection.start + pasteData.length ) );
}, 1 );
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.showCursor = function( offset ) {
this.showSelection( new ve.Range( offset ) );
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.showSelection = function( range ) {
var rangySel = rangy.getSelection(),
rangyRange = rangy.createRange(),
if ( range.start !== range.end ) {
start = this.getNodeAndOffset( range.start );
end = this.getNodeAndOffset( range.end ),
rangyRange.setStart( start.node, start.offset );
rangyRange.setEnd( end.node, end.offset );
rangySel.setSingleRange( rangyRange, range.start !== range.from );
} else {
start = end = this.getNodeAndOffset( range.start );
rangyRange.setStart( start.node, start.offset );
rangySel.setSingleRange( rangyRange );
// TODO: Find a better name and a better place for this method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getNearestCorrectOffset = function( offset, direction ) {
direction = direction > 0 ? 1 : -1;
if (, offset ) || this.hasSlugAtOffset( offset ) ) {
return offset;
var contentOffset = this.documentView.model.getNearestContentOffset( offset, direction ),
structuralOffset = this.documentView.model.getNearestStructuralOffset( offset, direction, true );
if ( !this.hasSlugAtOffset( structuralOffset ) ) {
return contentOffset;
if ( direction === 1 ) {
if ( contentOffset < offset ) {
return structuralOffset;
} else {
return Math.min( contentOffset, structuralOffset );
} else {
if ( contentOffset > offset ) {
return structuralOffset;
} else {
return Math.max( contentOffset, structuralOffset );
// TODO: Find a better name and a better place for this method - probably in a document view?
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.hasSlugAtOffset = function( offset ) {
var node = this.documentView.documentNode.getNodeFromOffset( offset );
if ( node.canHaveChildren() ) {
return this.documentView.documentNode.getNodeFromOffset( offset ).hasSlugAtOffset( offset );
} else {
return false;
* Based on a given offset returns DOM node and offset that can be used to place a cursor.
* The results of this function are meant to be used with rangy.
* @method
* @param offset {Integer} Linear model offset
* @returns {Object} Object containing a node and offset property where node is an HTML element and
* offset is the position within the element
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getNodeAndOffset = function( offset ) {
var node = this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( offset ),
startOffset = this.documentView.getDocumentNode().getOffsetFromNode( node ) +
( ( node.isWrapped() ) ? 1 : 0 ),
current = [node.$.contents(), 0],
stack = [current],
while ( stack.length > 0 ) {
if ( current[1] >= current[0].length ) {
current = stack[ stack.length - 1 ];
item = current[0][current[1]];
if ( item.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ) {
length = item.textContent.length;
if ( offset >= startOffset && offset <= startOffset + length ) {
return {
node: item,
offset: offset - startOffset
} else {
startOffset += length;
} else if ( item.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
$item = current[0].eq( current[1] );
if ( $item.hasClass('ve-ce-slug') ) {
if ( offset === startOffset ) {
return {
node: $item[0],
offset: 1
} else if ( $ '.ve-ce-branchNode, .ve-ce-leafNode' ) ) {
length = $ 'node' ).model.getOuterLength();
if ( offset >= startOffset && offset < startOffset + length ) {
stack.push( [$item.contents(), 0] );
current = stack[stack.length-1];
} else {
startOffset += length;
} else {
stack.push( [$item.contents(), 0] );
current = stack[stack.length-1];
* Gets the linear offset based on a given DOM node and DOM offset
* @method
* @param DOMnode {DOM Node} DOM node
* @param DOMoffset {Integer} DOM offset within the DOM Element
* @returns {Integer} Linear model offset
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getOffset = function( DOMnode, DOMoffset ) {
if ( DOMnode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ) {
return this.getOffsetFromTextNode( DOMnode, DOMoffset );
} else {
return this.getOffsetFromElementNode( DOMnode, DOMoffset );
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getOffsetFromTextNode = function( DOMnode, DOMoffset ) {
var $node = $( DOMnode ).closest( '.ve-ce-branchNode, .ve-ce-alienBlockNode, .ve-ce-alienInlineNode' ),
nodeModel = $ 'node' ).getModel();
if ( ! $node.hasClass( 've-ce-branchNode' ) ) {
return nodeModel.getOffset();
var current = [$node.contents(), 0],
stack = [current],
offset = 0,
while ( stack.length > 0 ) {
if ( current[1] >= current[0].length ) {
current = stack[ stack.length - 1 ];
item = current[0][current[1]];
if ( item.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ) {
if ( item === DOMnode ) {
offset += DOMoffset;
} else {
offset += item.textContent.length;
} else if ( item.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
$item = current[0].eq( current[1] );
if ( $item.hasClass( 've-ce-slug' ) ) {
if ( $item.contents()[0] === DOMnode ) {
} else if ( $item.hasClass( 've-ce-leafNode' ) ) {
offset += 2;
} else if ( $item.hasClass( 've-ce-branchNode' ) ) {
offset += $ 'node' ).getOuterLength();
} else {
stack.push( [$item.contents(), 0 ] );
current = stack[stack.length-1];
return offset + nodeModel.getOffset() + ( nodeModel.isWrapped() ? 1 : 0 );
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getOffsetFromElementNode = function( DOMnode, DOMoffset, addOuterLength ) {
var $DOMnode = $( DOMnode ),
if ( $DOMnode.hasClass( 've-ce-slug' ) ) {
if ( $DOMnode.prev().length > 0 ) {
nodeModel = $DOMnode.prev().data( 'node' ).getModel();
return nodeModel.getOffset() + nodeModel.getOuterLength();
if ( $ > 0 ) {
nodeModel = $ 'node' ).getModel();
return nodeModel.getOffset();
if ( DOMoffset === 0 ) {
node = $ 'node' );
if ( node ) {
nodeModel = $ 'node' ).getModel();
if ( addOuterLength === true ) {
return nodeModel.getOffset() + nodeModel.getOuterLength();
} else {
return nodeModel.getOffset();
} else {
node = $DOMnode.contents().last()[0];
} else {
node = $DOMnode.contents()[ DOMoffset - 1 ];
if ( node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ) {
return this.getOffsetFromTextNode( node, node.length );
} else {
return this.getOffsetFromElementNode( node, 0, true );
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getModel = function() {
return this.model;
/* Supplies the selection anchor coordinates to contextView */
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getSelectionRect = function() {
var rangySel = rangy.getSelection();
return {
start: rangySel.getStartDocumentPos(),
end: rangySel.getEndDocumentPos()
ve.ce.Surface.getDOMHash = function( elem ) {
var nodeType = elem.nodeType,
nodeName = elem.nodeName,
ret = '';
if ( nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4 ) {
return '#';
} else if ( nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 ) {
ret += '<' + nodeName + '>';
// Traverse it's children
for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling) {
ret += ve.ce.Surface.getDOMHash( elem );
ret += '</' + nodeName + '>';
return ret;
ve.ce.Surface.getDOMText = function( elem ) {
var func = function( elem ) {
var nodeType = elem.nodeType,
ret = '';
if ( nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 ) {
// Use textContent || innerText for elements
if ( typeof elem.textContent === 'string' ) {
return elem.textContent;
} else if ( typeof elem.innerText === 'string' ) {
// Replace IE's carriage returns
return elem.innerText.replace( /\r\n/g, '' );
} else {
// Traverse it's children
for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling) {
ret += func( elem );
} else if ( nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4 ) {
return elem.nodeValue;
return func( elem ).replace( /\u00A0|\u0020/g, ' ' );
/* Inheritance */
ve.extendClass( ve.ce.Surface, ve.EventEmitter );