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* VisualEditor data model Transaction class.
* @copyright 2011-2012 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* DataModel transaction.
* @class
* @constructor
*/ = function VeDmTransaction() {
this.operations = [];
this.lengthDifference = 0;
/* Static Methods */
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
* Generates a transaction that inserts data at a given offset.
* @static
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
* @method
* @param {} doc Document to create transaction for
Object management: Object create/inherit/clone utilities * For the most common case: - replace ve.extendClass with ve.inheritClass (chose slightly different names to detect usage of the old/new one, and I like 'inherit' better). - move it up to below the constructor, see doc block for why. * Cases where more than 2 arguments were passed to ve.extendClass are handled differently depending on the case. In case of a longer inheritance tree, the other arguments could be omitted (like in "ve.ce.FooBar, ve.FooBar, ve.Bar". ve.ce.FooBar only needs to inherit from ve.FooBar, because ve.ce.FooBar inherits from ve.Bar). In the case of where it previously had two mixins with ve.extendClass(), either one becomes inheritClass and one a mixin, both to mixinClass(). No visible changes should come from this commit as the instances still all have the same visible properties in the end. No more or less than before. * Misc.: - Be consistent in calling parent constructors in the same order as the inheritance. - Add missing @extends and @param documentation. - Replace invalid {Integer} type hint with {Number}. - Consistent doc comments order: @class, @abstract, @constructor, @extends, @params. - Fix indentation errors A fairly common mistake was a superfluous space before the identifier on the assignment line directly below the documentation comment. $ ack "^ [^*]" --js modules/ve - Typo "Inhertiance" -> "Inheritance". - Replacing the other confusing comment "Inheritance" (inside the constructor) with "Parent constructor". - Add missing @abstract for ve.ui.Tool. - Corrected ve.FormatDropdownTool to ve.ui.FormatDropdownTool.js - Add function names to all @constructor functions. Now that we have inheritance it is important and useful to have these functions not be anonymous. Example of debug shot: Makes the difference between < documentNode; > ve_dm_DocumentNode ... : ve_dm_BranchNode ... : ve_dm_Node ... : ve_dm_Node ... : Object ... without names (current situation): < documentNode; > Object ... : Object ... : Object ... : Object ... : Object ... though before this commit, it really looks like this (flattened since ve.extendClass really did a mixin): < documentNode; > Object ... ... ... Pattern in Sublime (case-sensitive) to find nameless constructor functions: "^ve\..*\.([A-Z])([^\.]+) = function \(" Change-Id: Iab763954fb8cf375900d7a9a92dec1c755d5407e
2012-09-05 06:07:47 +00:00
* @param {Number} offset Offset to insert at
* @param {Array} data Data to insert
* @returns {} Transcation that inserts data
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
*/ = function ( doc, offset, insertion ) {
var tx = new,
data = doc.getData();
// Fix up the insertion
insertion = doc.fixupInsertion( insertion, offset );
// Retain up to insertion point, if needed
tx.pushRetain( offset );
// Insert data
tx.pushReplace( [], insertion );
// Retain to end of document, if needed (for completeness)
tx.pushRetain( data.length - offset );
return tx;
* Generates a transaction which removes data from a given range.
* There are three possible results from a removal:
* 1. Remove content only
* - Occurs when the range starts and ends on elements of different type, depth or ancestry
* 2. Remove entire elements and their content
* - Occurs when the range spans across an entire element
* 3. Merge two elements by removing the end of one and the beginning of another
* - Occurs when the range starts and ends on elements of similar type, depth and ancestry
* This function uses the following logic to decide what to actually remove:
* 1. Elements are only removed if range being removed covers the entire element
* 2. Elements can only be merged if returns true
* 3. Merges take place at the highest common ancestor
* @method
* @param {} doc Document to create transaction for
* @param {ve.Range} range Range of data to remove
* @returns {} Transcation that removes data
* @throws 'Invalid range, can not remove from {range.start} to {range.end}'
*/ = function ( doc, range ) {
var i, selection, first, last, nodeStart, nodeEnd,
offset = 0,
removeStart = null,
removeEnd = null,
tx = new,
data = doc.getData();
// Normalize and validate range
if ( range.start === range.end ) {
// Empty range, nothing to remove, retain up to the end of the document (for completeness)
tx.pushRetain( data.length );
return tx;
// Select nodes and validate selection
selection = doc.selectNodes( range, 'covered' );
if ( selection.length === 0 ) {
// Empty selection? Something is wrong!
throw new Error( 'Invalid range, cannot remove from ' + range.start + ' to ' + range.end );
first = selection[0];
last = selection[selection.length - 1];
// If the first and last node are mergeable, merge them
if ( first.node.canBeMergedWith( last.node ) ) {
if ( !first.range && !last.range ) {
// First and last node are both completely covered, remove them
removeStart = first.nodeOuterRange.start;
removeEnd = last.nodeOuterRange.end;
} else {
// Either the first node or the last node is partially covered, so remove
// the selected content
removeStart = ( first.range || first.nodeRange ).start;
removeEnd = ( last.range || last.nodeRange ).end;
tx.pushRetain( removeStart );
tx.pushReplace( data.slice( removeStart, removeEnd ), [] );
tx.pushRetain( data.length - removeEnd );
// All done
return tx;
// The selection wasn't mergeable, so remove nodes that are completely covered, and strip
// nodes that aren't
for ( i = 0; i < selection.length; i++ ) {
if ( !selection[i].range ) {
// Entire node is covered, remove it
nodeStart = selection[i].nodeOuterRange.start;
nodeEnd = selection[i].nodeOuterRange.end;
} else {
// Part of the node is covered, remove that range
nodeStart = selection[i].range.start;
nodeEnd = selection[i].range.end;
// Merge contiguous removals. Only apply a removal when a gap appears, or at the
// end of the loop
if ( removeEnd === null ) {
// First removal
removeStart = nodeStart;
removeEnd = nodeEnd;
} else if ( removeEnd === nodeStart ) {
// Merge this removal into the previous one
removeEnd = nodeEnd;
} else {
// There is a gap between the previous removal and this one
// Push the previous removal first
tx.pushRetain( removeStart - offset );
tx.pushReplace( data.slice( removeStart, removeEnd ), [] );
offset = removeEnd;
// Now start this removal
removeStart = nodeStart;
removeEnd = nodeEnd;
// Apply the last removal, if any
if ( removeEnd !== null ) {
tx.pushRetain( removeStart - offset );
tx.pushReplace( data.slice( removeStart, removeEnd ), [] );
offset = removeEnd;
// Retain up to the end of the document
tx.pushRetain( data.length - offset );
return tx;
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
* Generates a transaction that changes an attribute.
* @static
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
* @method
* @param {} doc Document to create transaction for
Object management: Object create/inherit/clone utilities * For the most common case: - replace ve.extendClass with ve.inheritClass (chose slightly different names to detect usage of the old/new one, and I like 'inherit' better). - move it up to below the constructor, see doc block for why. * Cases where more than 2 arguments were passed to ve.extendClass are handled differently depending on the case. In case of a longer inheritance tree, the other arguments could be omitted (like in "ve.ce.FooBar, ve.FooBar, ve.Bar". ve.ce.FooBar only needs to inherit from ve.FooBar, because ve.ce.FooBar inherits from ve.Bar). In the case of where it previously had two mixins with ve.extendClass(), either one becomes inheritClass and one a mixin, both to mixinClass(). No visible changes should come from this commit as the instances still all have the same visible properties in the end. No more or less than before. * Misc.: - Be consistent in calling parent constructors in the same order as the inheritance. - Add missing @extends and @param documentation. - Replace invalid {Integer} type hint with {Number}. - Consistent doc comments order: @class, @abstract, @constructor, @extends, @params. - Fix indentation errors A fairly common mistake was a superfluous space before the identifier on the assignment line directly below the documentation comment. $ ack "^ [^*]" --js modules/ve - Typo "Inhertiance" -> "Inheritance". - Replacing the other confusing comment "Inheritance" (inside the constructor) with "Parent constructor". - Add missing @abstract for ve.ui.Tool. - Corrected ve.FormatDropdownTool to ve.ui.FormatDropdownTool.js - Add function names to all @constructor functions. Now that we have inheritance it is important and useful to have these functions not be anonymous. Example of debug shot: Makes the difference between < documentNode; > ve_dm_DocumentNode ... : ve_dm_BranchNode ... : ve_dm_Node ... : ve_dm_Node ... : Object ... without names (current situation): < documentNode; > Object ... : Object ... : Object ... : Object ... : Object ... though before this commit, it really looks like this (flattened since ve.extendClass really did a mixin): < documentNode; > Object ... ... ... Pattern in Sublime (case-sensitive) to find nameless constructor functions: "^ve\..*\.([A-Z])([^\.]+) = function \(" Change-Id: Iab763954fb8cf375900d7a9a92dec1c755d5407e
2012-09-05 06:07:47 +00:00
* @param {Number} offset Offset of element
* @param {String} key Attribute name
* @param {Mixed} value New value, or undefined to remove the attribute
* @returns {} Transcation that changes an element
* @throws 'Can not set attributes to non-element data'
* @throws 'Can not set attributes on closing element'
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
*/ = function ( doc, offset, key, value ) {
var tx = new,
data = doc.getData();
// Verify element exists at offset
if ( data[offset].type === undefined ) {
throw new Error( 'Can not set attributes to non-element data' );
// Verify element is not a closing
if ( data[offset].type.charAt( 0 ) === '/' ) {
throw new Error( 'Can not set attributes on closing element' );
// Retain up to element
tx.pushRetain( offset );
// Change attribute
key, 'attributes' in data[offset] ? data[offset].attributes[key] : undefined, value
// Retain to end of document
tx.pushRetain( data.length - offset );
return tx;
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
* Generates a transaction that annotates content.
* @static
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
* @method
* @param {} doc Document to create transaction for
* @param {ve.Range} range Range to annotate
* @param {String} method Annotation mode
* 'set': Adds annotation to all content in range
* 'clear': Removes instances of annotation from content in range
* @param {Object} annotation Annotation to set or clear
* @returns {} Transaction that annotates content
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
*/ = function ( doc, range, method, annotation ) {
var covered,
tx = new,
data = doc.getData(),
i = range.start,
span = i,
on = false;
// Iterate over all data in range, annotating where appropriate
while ( i < range.end ) {
if ( data[i].type !== undefined ) {
// Element
if ( on ) {
tx.pushRetain( span );
tx.pushStopAnnotating( method, annotation );
span = 0;
on = false;
} else {
// Content
covered = doc.offsetContainsAnnotation( i, annotation );
if ( ( covered && method === 'set' ) || ( !covered && method === 'clear' ) ) {
// Skip annotated content
if ( on ) {
tx.pushRetain( span );
tx.pushStopAnnotating( method, annotation );
span = 0;
on = false;
} else {
// Cover non-annotated content
if ( !on ) {
tx.pushRetain( span );
tx.pushStartAnnotating( method, annotation );
span = 0;
on = true;
tx.pushRetain( span );
if ( on ) {
tx.pushStopAnnotating( method, annotation );
tx.pushRetain( data.length - range.end );
return tx;
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
* Generates a transaction that converts elements that can contain content.
* @static
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
* @method
* @param {} doc Document to create transaction for
* @param {ve.Range} range Range to convert
* @param {String} type Symbolic name of element type to convert to
* @param {Object} attr Attributes to initialize element with
* @returns {} Transaction that converts content branches
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
*/ = function ( doc, range, type, attr ) {
var i, selected, branch, branchOuterRange,
tx = new,
data = doc.getData(),
selection = doc.selectNodes( range, 'leaves' ),
opening = { 'type': type },
closing = { 'type': '/' + type },
// Add attributes to opening if needed
if ( ve.isPlainObject( attr ) ) {
opening.attributes = attr;
} else {
attr = {};
// Replace the wrappings of each content branch in the range
for ( i = 0; i < selection.length; i++ ) {
selected = selection[i];
if ( selected.node.isContent() ) {
branch = selected.node.getParent();
// Skip branches that are already of the target type and have identical attributes
if ( branch.getType() === type && ve.compareObjects( branch.getAttributes(), attr ) ) {
branchOuterRange = branch.getOuterRange();
// Don't convert the same branch twice
if ( branch === previousBranch ) {
// Retain up to this branch, considering where the previous one left off
branchOuterRange.start - ( previousBranch ? previousBranchOuterRange.end : 0 )
// Replace the opening
tx.pushReplace( [data[branchOuterRange.start]], [ve.copyObject( opening )] );
// Retain the contents
tx.pushRetain( branch.getLength() );
// Replace the closing
tx.pushReplace( [data[branchOuterRange.end - 1]], [ve.copyObject( closing )] );
// Remember this branch and its range for next time
previousBranch = branch;
previousBranchOuterRange = branchOuterRange;
// Retain until the end
data.length - ( previousBranch ? previousBranchOuterRange.end : 0 )
return tx;
* Generates a transaction which wraps, unwraps or replaces structure.
* The unwrap parameters are checked against the actual model data, and
* an exception is thrown if the type fields don't match. This means you
* can omit attributes from the unwrap parameters, those are automatically
* picked up from the model data instead.
* NOTE: This function currently does not fix invalid parent/child relationships, so it will
* happily convert paragraphs to listItems without wrapping them in a list if that's what you
* ask it to do. We'll probably fix this later but for now the caller is responsible for giving
* valid instructions.
* @param {} doc Document to generate a transaction for
* @param {ve.Range} range Range to wrap/unwrap/replace around
* @param {Array} unwrapOuter Array of opening elements to unwrap. These must be immediately *outside* the range.
* @param {Array} wrapOuter Array of opening elements to wrap around the range.
* @param {Array} unwrapEach Array of opening elements to unwrap from each top-level element in the range.
* @param {Array} wrapEach Array of opening elements to wrap around each top-level element in the range.
* @returns {}
* @example Changing a paragraph to a header:
* Before: [ {'type': 'paragraph'}, 'a', 'b', 'c', {'type': '/paragraph'} ]
* newFromWrap( new ve.Range( 1, 4 ), [ {'type': 'paragraph'} ], [ {'type': 'heading', 'level': 1 } ] );
* After: [ {'type': 'heading', 'level': 1 }, 'a', 'b', 'c', {'type': '/heading'} ]
* @example Changing a set of paragraphs to a list:
* Before: [ {'type': 'paragraph'}, 'a', {'type': '/paragraph'}, {'type':'paragraph'}, 'b', {'type':'/paragraph'} ]
* newFromWrap( new ve.Range( 0, 6 ), [], [ {'type': 'list' } ], [], [ {'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': {'styles': ['bullet']}} ] );
* After: [ {'type': 'list'}, {'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': {'styles': ['bullet']}}, {'type':'paragraph'} 'a',
* {'type': '/paragraph'}, {'type': '/listItem'}, {'type': 'listItem', 'attributes': {'styles': ['bullet']}},
* {'type': 'paragraph'}, 'b', {'type': '/paragraph'}, {'type': '/listItem'}, {'type': '/list'} ]
*/ = function ( doc, range, unwrapOuter, wrapOuter, unwrapEach, wrapEach ) {
var i, j, unwrapOuterData, startOffset, unwrapEachData, closingUnwrapEach, closingWrapEach,
tx = new,
depth = 0;
// Function to generate arrays of closing elements in reverse order
function closingArray( openings ) {
var closings = [], i, len = openings.length;
for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
closings[closings.length] = { 'type': '/' + openings[len - i - 1].type };
return closings;
closingUnwrapEach = closingArray( unwrapEach );
closingWrapEach = closingArray( wrapEach );
// TODO: check for and fix nesting validity like fixupInsertion does
if ( range.start > unwrapOuter.length ) {
// Retain up to the first thing we're unwrapping
// The outer unwrapping takes place *outside*
// the range, so compensate for that
tx.pushRetain( range.start - unwrapOuter.length );
} else if ( range.start < unwrapOuter.length ) {
throw new Error( 'unwrapOuter is longer than the data preceding the range' );
// Replace the opening elements for the outer unwrap&wrap
if ( wrapOuter.length > 0 || unwrapOuter.length > 0 ) {
// Verify that wrapOuter matches the data at this position
unwrapOuterData = range.start - unwrapOuter.length, range.start );
for ( i = 0; i < unwrapOuterData.length; i++ ) {
if ( unwrapOuterData[i].type !== unwrapOuter[i].type ) {
throw new Error( 'Element in unwrapOuter does not match: expected ' +
unwrapOuter[i].type + ' but found ' + unwrapOuterData[i].type );
// Instead of putting in unwrapOuter as given, put it in the
// way it appears in the mode,l so we pick up any attributes
tx.pushReplace( unwrapOuterData, ve.copyArray( wrapOuter ) );
if ( wrapEach.length > 0 || unwrapEach.length > 0 ) {
// Visit each top-level child and wrap/unwrap it
// TODO figure out if we should use the tree/node functions here
// rather than iterating over offsets, it may or may not be faster
for ( i = range.start; i < range.end; i++ ) {
if ([i].type !== undefined ) {
// This is a structural offset
if ([i].type.charAt( 0 ) !== '/' ) {
// This is an opening element
if ( depth === 0 ) {
// We are at the start of a top-level element
// Replace the opening elements
// Verify that unwrapEach matches the data at this position
unwrapEachData = i, i + unwrapEach.length );
for ( j = 0; j < unwrapEachData.length; j++ ) {
if ( unwrapEachData[j].type !== unwrapEach[j].type ) {
throw new Error( 'Element in unwrapEach does not match: expected ' +
unwrapEach[j].type + ' but found ' +
unwrapEachData[j].type );
// Instead of putting in unwrapEach as given, put it in the
// way it appears in the model, so we pick up any attributes
tx.pushReplace( ve.copyArray( unwrapEachData ), ve.copyArray( wrapEach ) );
// Store this offset for later
startOffset = i;
} else {
// This is a closing element
if ( depth === 0 ) {
// We are at the end of a top-level element
// Retain the contents of what we're wrapping
tx.pushRetain( i - startOffset + 1 - unwrapEach.length*2 );
// Replace the closing elements
tx.pushReplace( ve.copyArray( closingUnwrapEach ), ve.copyArray( closingWrapEach ) );
} else {
// There is no wrapEach/unwrapEach to be done, just retain
// up to the end of the range
tx.pushRetain( range.end - range.start );
if ( wrapOuter.length > 0 || unwrapOuter.length > 0 ) {
tx.pushReplace( closingArray( unwrapOuter ), closingArray( wrapOuter ) );
// Retain up to the end of the document
if ( range.end < ) {
tx.pushRetain( - range.end - unwrapOuter.length );
return tx;
/* Methods */
* Checks if transaction would make any actual changes if processed.
* There may be more sophisticated checks that can be done, like looking for things being replaced
* with identical content, but such transactions probably should not be created in the first place.
* @method
* @returns {Boolean} Transaction is no-op
*/ = function () {
return (
this.operations.length === 0 ||
( this.operations.length === 1 && this.operations[0].type === 'retain' )
* Gets a list of all operations.
* @method
* @returns {Object[]} List of operations
*/ = function () {
return this.operations;
* Gets the difference in content length this transaction will cause if applied.
* @method
Object management: Object create/inherit/clone utilities * For the most common case: - replace ve.extendClass with ve.inheritClass (chose slightly different names to detect usage of the old/new one, and I like 'inherit' better). - move it up to below the constructor, see doc block for why. * Cases where more than 2 arguments were passed to ve.extendClass are handled differently depending on the case. In case of a longer inheritance tree, the other arguments could be omitted (like in "ve.ce.FooBar, ve.FooBar, ve.Bar". ve.ce.FooBar only needs to inherit from ve.FooBar, because ve.ce.FooBar inherits from ve.Bar). In the case of where it previously had two mixins with ve.extendClass(), either one becomes inheritClass and one a mixin, both to mixinClass(). No visible changes should come from this commit as the instances still all have the same visible properties in the end. No more or less than before. * Misc.: - Be consistent in calling parent constructors in the same order as the inheritance. - Add missing @extends and @param documentation. - Replace invalid {Integer} type hint with {Number}. - Consistent doc comments order: @class, @abstract, @constructor, @extends, @params. - Fix indentation errors A fairly common mistake was a superfluous space before the identifier on the assignment line directly below the documentation comment. $ ack "^ [^*]" --js modules/ve - Typo "Inhertiance" -> "Inheritance". - Replacing the other confusing comment "Inheritance" (inside the constructor) with "Parent constructor". - Add missing @abstract for ve.ui.Tool. - Corrected ve.FormatDropdownTool to ve.ui.FormatDropdownTool.js - Add function names to all @constructor functions. Now that we have inheritance it is important and useful to have these functions not be anonymous. Example of debug shot: Makes the difference between < documentNode; > ve_dm_DocumentNode ... : ve_dm_BranchNode ... : ve_dm_Node ... : ve_dm_Node ... : Object ... without names (current situation): < documentNode; > Object ... : Object ... : Object ... : Object ... : Object ... though before this commit, it really looks like this (flattened since ve.extendClass really did a mixin): < documentNode; > Object ... ... ... Pattern in Sublime (case-sensitive) to find nameless constructor functions: "^ve\..*\.([A-Z])([^\.]+) = function \(" Change-Id: Iab763954fb8cf375900d7a9a92dec1c755d5407e
2012-09-05 06:07:47 +00:00
* @returns {Number} Difference in content length
*/ = function () {
return this.lengthDifference;
* Translate an offset based on a transaction.
* This is useful when you want to anticipate what an offset will be after a transaction is
* processed.
* @method
* @param {Number} offset Offset in the linear model before the transaction has been processed
* @returns {Number} Translated offset, as it will be after processing transaction
*/ = function ( offset ) {
var i, cursor = 0, adjustment = 0, op;
for ( i = 0; i < this.operations.length; i++ ) {
op = this.operations[i];
if ( op.type === 'replace' ) {
adjustment += op.insert.length - op.remove.length;
if ( offset === cursor + op.remove.length ) {
// Offset points to right after the removal, translate it
return offset + adjustment;
} else if ( offset >= cursor && offset < cursor + op.remove.length ) {
// The offset points inside of the removal
return cursor + op.remove.length + adjustment;
cursor += op.remove.length;
} else if ( op.type === 'retain' ) {
if ( offset >= cursor && offset < cursor + op.length ) {
return offset + adjustment;
cursor += op.length;
return offset + adjustment;
* Translate a range based on a transaction.
* This is useful when you want to anticipate what a selection will be after a transaction is
* processed.
* @method
* @see {translateOffset}
* @param {ve.Range} range Range in the linear model before the transaction has been processed
* @returns {ve.Range} Translated range, as it will be after processing transaction
*/ = function ( range ) {
return new ve.Range( this.translateOffset( range.from ), this.translateOffset( ) );
* Adds a retain operation.
* @method
Object management: Object create/inherit/clone utilities * For the most common case: - replace ve.extendClass with ve.inheritClass (chose slightly different names to detect usage of the old/new one, and I like 'inherit' better). - move it up to below the constructor, see doc block for why. * Cases where more than 2 arguments were passed to ve.extendClass are handled differently depending on the case. In case of a longer inheritance tree, the other arguments could be omitted (like in "ve.ce.FooBar, ve.FooBar, ve.Bar". ve.ce.FooBar only needs to inherit from ve.FooBar, because ve.ce.FooBar inherits from ve.Bar). In the case of where it previously had two mixins with ve.extendClass(), either one becomes inheritClass and one a mixin, both to mixinClass(). No visible changes should come from this commit as the instances still all have the same visible properties in the end. No more or less than before. * Misc.: - Be consistent in calling parent constructors in the same order as the inheritance. - Add missing @extends and @param documentation. - Replace invalid {Integer} type hint with {Number}. - Consistent doc comments order: @class, @abstract, @constructor, @extends, @params. - Fix indentation errors A fairly common mistake was a superfluous space before the identifier on the assignment line directly below the documentation comment. $ ack "^ [^*]" --js modules/ve - Typo "Inhertiance" -> "Inheritance". - Replacing the other confusing comment "Inheritance" (inside the constructor) with "Parent constructor". - Add missing @abstract for ve.ui.Tool. - Corrected ve.FormatDropdownTool to ve.ui.FormatDropdownTool.js - Add function names to all @constructor functions. Now that we have inheritance it is important and useful to have these functions not be anonymous. Example of debug shot: Makes the difference between < documentNode; > ve_dm_DocumentNode ... : ve_dm_BranchNode ... : ve_dm_Node ... : ve_dm_Node ... : Object ... without names (current situation): < documentNode; > Object ... : Object ... : Object ... : Object ... : Object ... though before this commit, it really looks like this (flattened since ve.extendClass really did a mixin): < documentNode; > Object ... ... ... Pattern in Sublime (case-sensitive) to find nameless constructor functions: "^ve\..*\.([A-Z])([^\.]+) = function \(" Change-Id: Iab763954fb8cf375900d7a9a92dec1c755d5407e
2012-09-05 06:07:47 +00:00
* @param {Number} length Length of content data to retain
* @throws 'Invalid retain length, can not retain backwards: {length}'
*/ = function ( length ) {
if ( length < 0 ) {
throw new Error( 'Invalid retain length, can not retain backwards:' + length );
if ( length ) {
var end = this.operations.length - 1;
if ( this.operations.length && this.operations[end].type === 'retain' ) {
this.operations[end].length += length;
} else {
this.operations.push( {
'type': 'retain',
'length': length
} );
2012-03-08 23:21:17 +00:00
* Adds a replace operation
2012-03-08 23:21:17 +00:00
* @method
* @param {Array} remove Data to remove
* @param {Array] insert Data to replace 'remove' with
2012-03-08 23:21:17 +00:00
*/ = function ( remove, insert ) {
if ( remove.length === 0 && insert.length === 0 ) {
// Don't push no-ops
2012-03-08 23:21:17 +00:00
this.operations.push( {
'type': 'replace',
'remove': remove,
'insert': insert
2012-03-08 23:21:17 +00:00
} );
this.lengthDifference += insert.length - remove.length;
2012-03-08 23:21:17 +00:00
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
* Adds an element attribute change operation.
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
* @method
* @param {String} key Name of attribute to change
* @param {Mixed} from Value change attribute from, or undefined if not previously set
* @param {Mixed} to Value to change attribute to, or undefined to remove
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
*/ = function ( key, from, to ) {
this.operations.push( {
'type': 'attribute',
'key': key,
'from': from,
'to': to
} );
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
* Adds a start annotating operation.
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
* @method
* @param {String} method Method to use, either "set" or "clear"
* @param {Object} annotation Annotation object to start setting or clearing from content data
*/ = function ( method, annotation ) {
this.operations.push( {
'type': 'annotate',
'method': method,
'bias': 'start',
'annotation': annotation
} );
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
* Adds a stop annotating operation.
2011-11-04 21:06:06 +00:00
* @method
* @param {String} method Method to use, either "set" or "clear"
* @param {Object} annotation Annotation object to stop setting or clearing from content data
*/ = function ( method, annotation ) {
this.operations.push( {
'type': 'annotate',
'method': method,
'bias': 'stop',
'annotation': annotation
} );