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Major UI refactoring and improvements Objective: Refactor UI widgets, improve usability and accessibility of menus, general cleanup and style improvements. Extras: Fixed documentation in a few other files to make descriptions of jQuery event arguments more consistent, classes inherit correctly, and made use of the @cfg functionality in jsduck. Changes: .docs/config.json * Added window, HTMLDocument, HTMLElement, DocumentFragment and XMLHttpRequest to externals, so jsduck doesn't throw warnings when they are used demos/ve/index.php, modules/ve/test/index.php, VisualEditor.php * Moved widgets above tools (since tools use widgets) demos/ve/index.php * Refactored widget initialization to use options * Renamed variables to match widget names * Adjusted text sizes to make widgets work normally * Added margins for buttons in toolbar (since button widgets don't have any) * Removed styles for init buttons (button widgets now) * Switched to using button widgets (involved moving things around a bit) ve.ui.LinkInspector.js, ve.ui.MWLinkInspector.js * Renamed static property "inputWidget" to "linkTargetInputWidget" to better reflect the required base class for the properties value, check.png, check.svg * Added "check" icon, used in menu right now to show which item is selected ve.ui.Icons-raster.css, ve.ui.Icons-vector.css * Added check icon * Removed :before pseudo selectors from most of the icon classes (not need by button tool anymore, makes them more reusable now) ve.ui.Tool.css * Adjusted drop down tool styles so menu appears below, instead of on top, of the label * Adjusted paragraph font size to better match actual content * Updated class names to still work with menu widget changes (items are their own widgets now) * Updated selectors as per changes in the structure of button tools ve.ui.Widget.css * Added styles for buttons and menu items * Adjusted menu styles ve.ui.*ButtonTool.js * Added config options argument passthrough ve.ui.ButtonTool.js * Moved var statement to the top inside constructor * Switched to using "a" tag to get cross-browser :active support * Added icon to inside of button to make icon styles more reusable * Removed disabled support (now provided by widget parent class) ve.ui.FormatDropDownTool.js * Updated options initialization to construct menu item objects * Modified handling of items to account for changes in menu and item classes * Optimized onUpdateState method a bit, adding early exit to inner loop ve.ui.ButtonTool.js, ve.ui.DropdownTool.js, ve.ui.Context.js, ve.ui.Frame, ve.ui.Tool.js, ve.ui.Widget.js * Added chain ability to non-getter methods ve.ui.DropdownTool.js * Removed items argument to constructor * Updated code as per changes in menu class * Fixed inconsistent naming of event handler methods * Removed item event handling (now handled by items directly) * Made use of this.$$ to ensure tool works in other frames ve.ui.Tool.js * Made tools inherit from widget * Moved trigger registry event handler to a method ve.ui.Context.js * Switched from using menu to contain toolbar to a simple wrapper ve.ui.js * Added get$$ method, a convenience function for binding jQuery to a specific document context ve.ui.*Widget.js * Switched to using a config options object instead of individual arguments * Added options * Factored out flags and labels into their own classes * Refactored value setting methods for inputs ve.ui.MenuWidget.js, ve.ui.MenuItemWidget.js * Broke items out into their own classes * Redesigned API * Updated code that uses these classes * Added support for keyboard interaction * Made items flash when selected (delaying the hiding of the menu for 200ms) ve.ui.LinkTargetInputWidget.js, ve.ui.MWLinkTargetInputWidget * Refactored annotation setting methods Change-Id: I7769bd5a5b79f1ab36f258ef9f2be583ca503ce6
2013-02-20 23:25:12 +00:00
* VisualEditor UserInterface Widget styles.
(bug 43841) Major ve.ui rewrite, especially ve.ui.LinkInspector Objectives: * Make the link inspector easier to use * Try to resolve a few bugs (bug 43841, bug 43063, bug 42986) * Stop using jquery.multiSuggest (which didn't really understand annotations) * Better divide MediaWiki specifics from generic implementations Changes: VisualEditor.php, modules/ve/test/index.php, demos/ve/index.php * Updated links to files ve.Registry * Fixed mistake where registry was initialized as an array - this didn't cause any errors because you can add arbitrary properties to an array and use it like any other object ve.Factory * Removed duplicate initialization of registry property * Added entries property, which is an array that's appended to for tracking the order of registrations ve.CommandRegistry * Added mwLink command which opens the mwLink inspector ve.ui.TextInputWidget * Added basic widget class for text inputs ve.ui.TextInputMenuWidget * Added widget that provides a menu of options for a text input widget ve.ui.MWLinkTargetInputWidget * Added MediaWiki specific link target widget ve.ui.MenuWidget * Converted ve.ui.Menu into a widget * Moved the body of onSelect to onMouseUp ve.ui.LinkTargetInputWidget * Added link target widget which adds link annotation functionality to a normal text input ve.ui.InputWidget * Added generic input widget which emits reliable and instant change events and synchronizes a value property with the DOM value ve.ui.Widget * Added base widget class * Widgets can be used in any frame ve.ui.Tool * Fixed line length issues ve.ui.InspectorFactory * Made use of new entries property for factories to select the most recently added inspector if more than one match a given annotation ve.ui.Inspector * Added auto-focus on the first visible input element on open * Moved afterClose event to after re-focus on document on close * Added documentation ve.ui.Frame * Adjusted documentation * Added binding of $$ to the frame context so it can be passed around * Added documentation ve.ui.Context * Added ve.ui.Widget.css to iframes * Updated code as per moving of ve.ui.Menu to ve.ui.MenuWidget * Removed unused positionBelowOverlay method * Added CSS settings to set overlay left and width properties according to context size * Added documentation ve.ui.DropdownTool * Updated code as per moving of ve.ui.Menu to ve.ui.MenuWidget ve.ui.FormatDropdownTool * Added documentation ve.ui.MWLinkButtonTool * Added MediaWiki specific version of ve.ui.LinkButtonTool, which opens the mwLink inspector ve.ui.Widget.css * Added styles for all widgets ve.ui.Tool.css,,, * Updated code as per moving of ve.ui.Menu to ve.ui.MenuWidget ve.ui.Menu.css * Deleted (merged into ve.ui.Widget.css) ve.ui.Menu.css * Deleted suggest styles (no longer used) pending.gif, pending.psd * Added diagonal stripe animation to indicate a pending request to the API ve.ui.MWLinkInspector * Added MediaWiki specific inspector which uses MediaWiki specific annotations and widgets ve.ui.LinkInspector * Removed mw global hint (not needed anymore) * Switched from comparing targets to annotations (since the target text is ambiguous in some situations) * Switched to using input widget, which is configured using a static property * Removed use of jquery.multiSuggest * Moved MediaWiki specifics to their own class (ve.ui.MWLinkInspector) * Added MediaWiki specific toolbar and command options Change-Id: I859b5871a9d2f17d970c002067c8ff24f3513e9f
2013-01-09 21:34:23 +00:00
* @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
(bug 43841) Major ve.ui rewrite, especially ve.ui.LinkInspector Objectives: * Make the link inspector easier to use * Try to resolve a few bugs (bug 43841, bug 43063, bug 42986) * Stop using jquery.multiSuggest (which didn't really understand annotations) * Better divide MediaWiki specifics from generic implementations Changes: VisualEditor.php, modules/ve/test/index.php, demos/ve/index.php * Updated links to files ve.Registry * Fixed mistake where registry was initialized as an array - this didn't cause any errors because you can add arbitrary properties to an array and use it like any other object ve.Factory * Removed duplicate initialization of registry property * Added entries property, which is an array that's appended to for tracking the order of registrations ve.CommandRegistry * Added mwLink command which opens the mwLink inspector ve.ui.TextInputWidget * Added basic widget class for text inputs ve.ui.TextInputMenuWidget * Added widget that provides a menu of options for a text input widget ve.ui.MWLinkTargetInputWidget * Added MediaWiki specific link target widget ve.ui.MenuWidget * Converted ve.ui.Menu into a widget * Moved the body of onSelect to onMouseUp ve.ui.LinkTargetInputWidget * Added link target widget which adds link annotation functionality to a normal text input ve.ui.InputWidget * Added generic input widget which emits reliable and instant change events and synchronizes a value property with the DOM value ve.ui.Widget * Added base widget class * Widgets can be used in any frame ve.ui.Tool * Fixed line length issues ve.ui.InspectorFactory * Made use of new entries property for factories to select the most recently added inspector if more than one match a given annotation ve.ui.Inspector * Added auto-focus on the first visible input element on open * Moved afterClose event to after re-focus on document on close * Added documentation ve.ui.Frame * Adjusted documentation * Added binding of $$ to the frame context so it can be passed around * Added documentation ve.ui.Context * Added ve.ui.Widget.css to iframes * Updated code as per moving of ve.ui.Menu to ve.ui.MenuWidget * Removed unused positionBelowOverlay method * Added CSS settings to set overlay left and width properties according to context size * Added documentation ve.ui.DropdownTool * Updated code as per moving of ve.ui.Menu to ve.ui.MenuWidget ve.ui.FormatDropdownTool * Added documentation ve.ui.MWLinkButtonTool * Added MediaWiki specific version of ve.ui.LinkButtonTool, which opens the mwLink inspector ve.ui.Widget.css * Added styles for all widgets ve.ui.Tool.css,,, * Updated code as per moving of ve.ui.Menu to ve.ui.MenuWidget ve.ui.Menu.css * Deleted (merged into ve.ui.Widget.css) ve.ui.Menu.css * Deleted suggest styles (no longer used) pending.gif, pending.psd * Added diagonal stripe animation to indicate a pending request to the API ve.ui.MWLinkInspector * Added MediaWiki specific inspector which uses MediaWiki specific annotations and widgets ve.ui.LinkInspector * Removed mw global hint (not needed anymore) * Switched from comparing targets to annotations (since the target text is ambiguous in some situations) * Switched to using input widget, which is configured using a static property * Removed use of jquery.multiSuggest * Moved MediaWiki specifics to their own class (ve.ui.MWLinkInspector) * Added MediaWiki specific toolbar and command options Change-Id: I859b5871a9d2f17d970c002067c8ff24f3513e9f
2013-01-09 21:34:23 +00:00
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
/* ve.ui.LanguageInputWidget */
.ve-ui-langInputWidget {
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 20em;
position: relative;
.ve-ui-langInputWidget input,
.ve-ui-langInputWidget input:focus[readonly],
.ve-ui-langInputWidget.oo-ui-widget-disabled input:focus,
.ve-ui-langInputWidget textarea,
.ve-ui-langInputWidget textarea:focus[readonly],
.ve-ui-langInputWidget.oo-ui-widget-disabled textarea:focus {
display: inline-block;
font-size: 1em;
font-family: sans-serif;
background-color: #f7f7f7;
border: solid 1px #ccc;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 white, inset 0 0.1em 0.2em #ddd;
padding: 0.5em;
border-radius: 0.25em;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
resize: none;
/* Animation */
-webkit-transition: border-color 200ms, box-shadow 200ms, background-color 200ms;
-moz-transition: border-color 200ms, box-shadow 200ms, background-color 200ms;
-o-transition: border-color 200ms, box-shadow 200ms, background-color 200ms;
transition: border-color 200ms, box-shadow 200ms, background-color 200ms;
.ve-ui-langInputWidget-pending input,
.ve-ui-langInputWidget-pending textarea {
background-color: transparent;
.ve-ui-langInputWidget input:focus,
.ve-ui-langInputWidget textarea:focus {
outline: none;
border-color: #a7dcff;
box-shadow: 0 0 0.3em #a7dcff, 0 0 0 white;
background-color: #fff;
.ve-ui-langInputWidget input[readonly],
.ve-ui-langInputWidget textarea[readonly] {
color: #777;
text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #fff;
.ve-ui-langInputWidget.oo-ui-widget-disabled input,
.ve-ui-langInputWidget.oo-ui-widget-disabled input:focus,
.ve-ui-langInputWidget.oo-ui-widget-disabled textarea,
.ve-ui-langInputWidget.oo-ui-widget-disabled textarea:focus {
color: #ccc;
text-shadow: 0 1px 1px #fff;
.ve-ui-langInputWidget-decorated input,
.ve-ui-langInputWidget-decorated textarea {
padding-left: 2em;
.ve-ui-langInputWidget-icon {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 2em;
height: 100%;
background-position: right center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
/* ve.ui.SurfaceWidget.js */
.ve-ui-surfaceWidget-surface {
border: solid 1px #ddd;
border-radius: 0.25em;
border-top-right-radius: 0;
border-top-left-radius: 0;
.ve-ui-surfaceWidget-surface .ve-ce-documentNode {
padding: 1.875em; /* 1.5/0.8 */
.ve-ui-surfaceWidget-toolbar {
font-size: 1.25em;
.ve-ui-surfaceWidget-toolbar .oo-ui-toolbar-bar {
border: solid 1px #ddd;
border-radius: 0.25em;
border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
border-bottom-width: 0;