testWhiteList["Unclosed and unmatched quotes"]="<p><i><b>Bold italic text </b>with bold deactivated<b> in between.</b></i></p><p><i><b>Bold italic text </b></i><b>with italic deactivated<i> in between.</i></b></p><p><b>Bold text..</b></p><p>..spanning two paragraphs (should not work).<b></b></p><p><b>Bold tag left open</b></p><p><i>Italic tag left open</i></p><p>Normal text.<!-- Unmatching number of opening, closing tags: -->\n</p><p><b>This year'</b>s election <i>should</i> beat <b>last year'</b>s.</p><p><i>Tom<b>s car is bigger than </b></i><b>Susan</b>s.</p>";
// empty table tags / with only a caption are legal in HTML5.
testWhiteList["A table with no data."]="<table></table>";
testWhiteList["A table with nothing but a caption"]="<table><caption> caption</caption></table>";