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Refactor ve.getHash: Stabilize cross-browser differences; + unit tests * Replaces c8b4a289364966432b58104e975d37cda1fefb84 * Use Object() casting to detect objects instead of .constructor (or instanceof). Both .constructor and instanceof compare by reference the type "Object" which means if the object comes from another window (where there is a different "Object" and "Object.prototype") it will drop out of the system and go freewack. Theory: If a variable casted to an object returns true when strictly compared to the original, the input must be an object. Which is true. It doesn't change the inheritance, it doesn't make it inherit from this window's Object if the object is from another window's object. All it does is cast to an object if not an object already. So e.g. "Object(5) !== 5" because 5 is a primitive value as opposed to an instance of Number. And contrary to "typeof", it doesn't return true for "null". * .constructor also has the problem that it only works this way if the input is a plain object. e.g. a simple construtor function that creates an object also get in the wrong side of the if/else case since it is an instance of Object, but not directly (rather indirectly via another constructor). * Added unit tests for basic getHash usage, as well as regression tests against the above two mentioned problems (these tests fail before this commit). * While at it, also improved other utilities a bit. - Use hasOwnProperty instead of casting to boolean when checking for presence of native support. Thanks to Douglas Crockford for that tip. - Fix documentation for ve.getHash: Parameter is not named "obj". - Add Object-check to ve.getObjectKeys per ES5 Object.keys spec (to match native behavior) - Add Object-check to ve.getObjectValues to match ve.getObjectKeys - Improved performance of ve.getObjectKeys shim. Tried several potential optimizations and compared with jsperf. Using a "static" reference to hasOwn improves performance (by not having to look it up 4 scopes up and 3 property levels deep). Also using [.length] instead of .push() shared off a few ms. - Added unit tests for ve.getObjectValues Change-Id: If24d09405321f201c67f7df75d332bb1171c8a36
2012-08-12 18:27:31 +00:00
* VisualEditor Base method tests.
* @copyright 2011-2012 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
QUnit.module( 've' );
/* Tests */
// ve.createObject: Tested upstream (K-js)
QUnit.test( 'inheritClass', 16, function ( assert ) {
var foo, bar;
function Foo() {
this.constructedFoo = true;
Foo.a = 'prop of Foo';
Foo.b = 'prop of Foo';
Foo.prototype.b = 'proto of Foo';
Foo.prototype.c = 'proto of Foo';
Foo.prototype.bFn = function () {
return 'proto of Foo';
Foo.prototype.cFn = function () {
return 'proto of Foo';
foo = new Foo();
function Bar() {
this.constructedBar = true;
ve.inheritClass( Bar, Foo );
'A "static" property (empty object) is automatically created if absent'
Foo.static.a = 'static of Foo';
Foo.static.b = 'static of Foo';
assert.notStrictEqual( Foo.static, Bar.static, 'Static property is not copied, but inheriting' );
assert.equal( Bar.static.a, 'static of Foo', 'Foo.static inherits from Bar.static' );
Bar.static.b = 'static of Bar';
assert.equal( Foo.static.b, 'static of Foo', 'Change to Bar.static does not affect Foo.static' );
Bar.a = 'prop of Bar';
Bar.prototype.b = 'proto of Bar';
Bar.prototype.bFn = function () {
return 'proto of Bar';
bar = new Bar();
'Constructor properties are not inherited'
foo instanceof Foo,
'foo instance of Foo'
foo instanceof Bar,
'foo not instance of Bar'
bar instanceof Foo,
'bar instance of Foo'
bar instanceof Bar,
'bar instance of Bar'
assert.equal( bar.constructor, Bar, 'constructor property is restored' );
assert.equal( bar.b, 'proto of Bar', 'own methods go first' );
assert.equal( bar.bFn(), 'proto of Bar', 'own properties go first' );
assert.equal( bar.c, 'proto of Foo', 'prototype properties are inherited' );
assert.equal( bar.cFn(), 'proto of Foo', 'prototype methods are inherited' );
Bar.prototype.dFn = function () {
return 'proto of Bar';
Foo.prototype.dFn = function () {
return 'proto of Foo';
Foo.prototype.eFn = function () {
return 'proto of Foo';
assert.equal( bar.dFn(), 'proto of Bar', 'inheritance is live (overwriting an inherited method)' );
assert.equal( bar.eFn(), 'proto of Foo', 'inheritance is live (adding a new method deeper in the chain)' );
// ve.mixinClass: Tested upstream (K-js)
// ve.cloneObject: Tested upstream (K-js)
// ve.isPlainObject: Tested upstream (jQuery)
// ve.isEmptyObject: Tested upstream (jQuery)
// ve.isArray: Tested upstream (jQuery)
// ve.bind: Tested upstream (jQuery)
// ve.indexOf: Tested upstream (jQuery)
// ve.extendObject: Tested upstream (jQuery)
Refactor ve.getHash: Stabilize cross-browser differences; + unit tests * Replaces c8b4a289364966432b58104e975d37cda1fefb84 * Use Object() casting to detect objects instead of .constructor (or instanceof). Both .constructor and instanceof compare by reference the type "Object" which means if the object comes from another window (where there is a different "Object" and "Object.prototype") it will drop out of the system and go freewack. Theory: If a variable casted to an object returns true when strictly compared to the original, the input must be an object. Which is true. It doesn't change the inheritance, it doesn't make it inherit from this window's Object if the object is from another window's object. All it does is cast to an object if not an object already. So e.g. "Object(5) !== 5" because 5 is a primitive value as opposed to an instance of Number. And contrary to "typeof", it doesn't return true for "null". * .constructor also has the problem that it only works this way if the input is a plain object. e.g. a simple construtor function that creates an object also get in the wrong side of the if/else case since it is an instance of Object, but not directly (rather indirectly via another constructor). * Added unit tests for basic getHash usage, as well as regression tests against the above two mentioned problems (these tests fail before this commit). * While at it, also improved other utilities a bit. - Use hasOwnProperty instead of casting to boolean when checking for presence of native support. Thanks to Douglas Crockford for that tip. - Fix documentation for ve.getHash: Parameter is not named "obj". - Add Object-check to ve.getObjectKeys per ES5 Object.keys spec (to match native behavior) - Add Object-check to ve.getObjectValues to match ve.getObjectKeys - Improved performance of ve.getObjectKeys shim. Tried several potential optimizations and compared with jsperf. Using a "static" reference to hasOwn improves performance (by not having to look it up 4 scopes up and 3 property levels deep). Also using [.length] instead of .push() shared off a few ms. - Added unit tests for ve.getObjectValues Change-Id: If24d09405321f201c67f7df75d332bb1171c8a36
2012-08-12 18:27:31 +00:00
QUnit.test( 'getHash: Basic usage', 5, function ( assert ) {
var tmp, hash, objects;
Refactor ve.getHash: Stabilize cross-browser differences; + unit tests * Replaces c8b4a289364966432b58104e975d37cda1fefb84 * Use Object() casting to detect objects instead of .constructor (or instanceof). Both .constructor and instanceof compare by reference the type "Object" which means if the object comes from another window (where there is a different "Object" and "Object.prototype") it will drop out of the system and go freewack. Theory: If a variable casted to an object returns true when strictly compared to the original, the input must be an object. Which is true. It doesn't change the inheritance, it doesn't make it inherit from this window's Object if the object is from another window's object. All it does is cast to an object if not an object already. So e.g. "Object(5) !== 5" because 5 is a primitive value as opposed to an instance of Number. And contrary to "typeof", it doesn't return true for "null". * .constructor also has the problem that it only works this way if the input is a plain object. e.g. a simple construtor function that creates an object also get in the wrong side of the if/else case since it is an instance of Object, but not directly (rather indirectly via another constructor). * Added unit tests for basic getHash usage, as well as regression tests against the above two mentioned problems (these tests fail before this commit). * While at it, also improved other utilities a bit. - Use hasOwnProperty instead of casting to boolean when checking for presence of native support. Thanks to Douglas Crockford for that tip. - Fix documentation for ve.getHash: Parameter is not named "obj". - Add Object-check to ve.getObjectKeys per ES5 Object.keys spec (to match native behavior) - Add Object-check to ve.getObjectValues to match ve.getObjectKeys - Improved performance of ve.getObjectKeys shim. Tried several potential optimizations and compared with jsperf. Using a "static" reference to hasOwn improves performance (by not having to look it up 4 scopes up and 3 property levels deep). Also using [.length] instead of .push() shared off a few ms. - Added unit tests for ve.getObjectValues Change-Id: If24d09405321f201c67f7df75d332bb1171c8a36
2012-08-12 18:27:31 +00:00
objects = {};
objects['a-z literal'] = {
a: 1,
b: 1,
c: 1
objects['z-a literal'] = {
c: 1,
b: 1,
a: 1
tmp = {};
objects['a-z augmented'] = tmp;
tmp.a = 1;
tmp.b = 1;
tmp.c = 1;
tmp = {};
objects['z-a augmented'] = tmp;
tmp.c = 1;
tmp.b = 1;
tmp.a = 1;
hash = '{"a":1,"b":1,"c":1}';
$.each( objects, function ( key, val ) {
ve.getHash( val ),
'Similar enough objects have the same hash, regardless of "property order"'
// .. and that something completely different is in face different
// (just incase getHash is broken and always returns the same)
ve.getHash( { a: 2, b: 2 } ),
'A different object has a different hash'
} );
QUnit.test( 'getHash: Complex usage', 4, function ( assert ) {
var obj, hash, frame;
obj = {
a: 1,
b: 1,
c: 1,
// Nested array
d: ['x', 'y', 'z'],
e: {
a: 2,
b: 2,
c: 2
ve.getHash( obj ),
'Object with nested array and circular reference'
// Include a circular reference
obj.f = obj;
assert.throws( function () {
ve.getHash( obj );
}, 'Throw exceptions for objects with cirular refences ' );
function Foo() {
this.a = 1;
this.c = 3;
this.b = 2;
hash = '{"a":1,"b":2,"c":3}';
ve.getHash( new Foo() ),
// This was previously broken when we used .constructor === Object
// ve.getHash.keySortReplacer, because although instances of Foo
// do inherit from Object (( new Foo() ) instanceof Object === true),
// direct comparison would return false.
'Treat objects constructed by a function as well'
frame = document.createElement( 'frame' );
frame.src = 'about:blank';
$( '#qunit-fixture' ).append( frame );
obj = new frame.contentWindow.Object();
obj.c = 3;
obj.b = 2;
obj.a = 1;
ve.getHash( obj ),
// This was previously broken when we used comparison with "Object" in
// ve.getHash.keySortReplacer, because they are an instance of the other
// window's "Object".
'Treat objects constructed by a another window as well'
} );
QUnit.test( 'getObjectValues', 6, function ( assert ) {
var tmp;
ve.getObjectValues( { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, foo: 'bar' } ),
[ 1, 2, 3, 'bar' ],
'Simple object with numbers and strings as values'
ve.getObjectValues( [ 1, 2, 3, 'bar' ] ),
[ 1, 2, 3, 'bar' ],
'Simple array with numbers and strings as values'
tmp = function () {
this.isTest = true;
return this;
tmp.a = 'foo';
tmp.b = 'bar';
ve.getObjectValues( tmp ),
['foo', 'bar'],
'Function with properties'
Refactor ve.getHash: Stabilize cross-browser differences; + unit tests * Replaces c8b4a289364966432b58104e975d37cda1fefb84 * Use Object() casting to detect objects instead of .constructor (or instanceof). Both .constructor and instanceof compare by reference the type "Object" which means if the object comes from another window (where there is a different "Object" and "Object.prototype") it will drop out of the system and go freewack. Theory: If a variable casted to an object returns true when strictly compared to the original, the input must be an object. Which is true. It doesn't change the inheritance, it doesn't make it inherit from this window's Object if the object is from another window's object. All it does is cast to an object if not an object already. So e.g. "Object(5) !== 5" because 5 is a primitive value as opposed to an instance of Number. And contrary to "typeof", it doesn't return true for "null". * .constructor also has the problem that it only works this way if the input is a plain object. e.g. a simple construtor function that creates an object also get in the wrong side of the if/else case since it is an instance of Object, but not directly (rather indirectly via another constructor). * Added unit tests for basic getHash usage, as well as regression tests against the above two mentioned problems (these tests fail before this commit). * While at it, also improved other utilities a bit. - Use hasOwnProperty instead of casting to boolean when checking for presence of native support. Thanks to Douglas Crockford for that tip. - Fix documentation for ve.getHash: Parameter is not named "obj". - Add Object-check to ve.getObjectKeys per ES5 Object.keys spec (to match native behavior) - Add Object-check to ve.getObjectValues to match ve.getObjectKeys - Improved performance of ve.getObjectKeys shim. Tried several potential optimizations and compared with jsperf. Using a "static" reference to hasOwn improves performance (by not having to look it up 4 scopes up and 3 property levels deep). Also using [.length] instead of .push() shared off a few ms. - Added unit tests for ve.getObjectValues Change-Id: If24d09405321f201c67f7df75d332bb1171c8a36
2012-08-12 18:27:31 +00:00
function () {
ve.getObjectValues( 'hello' );
'Throw exception for non-object (string)'
function () {
ve.getObjectValues( 123 );
'Throw exception for non-object (number)'
function () {
ve.getObjectValues( null );
'Throw exception for non-object (null)'
} );
QUnit.test( 'copyArray', 6, function ( assert ) {
var simpleArray = [ 'foo', 3 ],
withObj = [ { 'bar': 'baz', 'quux': 3 }, 5, null ],
nestedArray = [ [ 'a', 'b' ], [ 1, 3, 4 ] ],
sparseArray = [ 'a', undefined, undefined, 'b' ],
withSparseArray = [ [ 'a', undefined, undefined, 'b' ] ],
Cloneable = function ( p ) {
this.p = p;
Cloneable.prototype.clone = function () {
return new Cloneable( this.p + '-clone' );
ve.copyArray( simpleArray ),
'Simple array'
ve.copyArray( withObj ),
'Array containing object'
ve.copyArray( [ new Cloneable( 'bar' ) ] ),
[ new Cloneable( 'bar-clone' ) ],
'Use the .clone() method if available'
ve.copyArray( nestedArray ),
'Nested array'
ve.copyArray( sparseArray ),
'Sparse array'
ve.copyArray( withSparseArray ),
'Nested sparse array'
} );
QUnit.test( 'copyObject', 6, function ( assert ) {
var simpleObj = { 'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 3, 'quux': null },
nestedObj = { 'foo': { 'bar': 'baz', 'quux': 3 }, 'whee': 5 },
withArray = { 'foo': [ 'a', 'b' ], 'bar': [ 1, 3, 4 ] },
withSparseArray = { 'foo': [ 'a', undefined, undefined, 'b' ] },
Cloneable = function ( p ) {
this.p = p;
Cloneable.prototype.clone = function () { return new Cloneable( this.p + '-clone' ); };
ve.copyObject( simpleObj ),
'Simple object'
ve.copyObject( nestedObj ),
'Nested object'
ve.copyObject( new Cloneable( 'foo' ) ),
new Cloneable( 'foo-clone' ),
'Cloneable object'
ve.copyObject( { 'foo': new Cloneable( 'bar' ) } ),
{ 'foo': new Cloneable( 'bar-clone' ) },
'Object containing object'
ve.copyObject( withArray ),
'Object with array'
ve.copyObject( withSparseArray ),
'Object with sparse array'
} );
QUnit.test( 'getDomAttributes', 1, function ( assert ) {
ve.getDomAttributes( $( '<div foo="bar" baz quux=3></div>').get( 0 ) ),
{ 'foo': 'bar', 'baz': '', 'quux': '3' },
'getDomAttributes() returns object with correct attributes'
} );
QUnit.test( 'setDomAttributes', 3, function ( assert ) {
var element = document.createElement( 'div' );
ve.setDomAttributes( element, { 'foo': 'bar', 'baz': '', 'quux': 3 } );
ve.getDomAttributes( element ),
{ 'foo': 'bar', 'baz': '', 'quux': '3' },
'setDomAttributes() sets attributes correctly'
ve.setDomAttributes( element, { 'foo': null, 'bar': 1, 'baz': undefined, 'quux': 5, 'whee': 'yay' } );
ve.getDomAttributes( element ),
{ 'bar': '1', 'quux': '5', 'whee': 'yay' },
'setDomAttributes() overwrites attributes, removes attributes, and sets new attributes'
ve.setDomAttributes( element, { 'onclick': 'alert(1);' }, ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quux', 'whee'] );
assert.ok( !element.hasAttribute( 'onclick' ), 'event attributes are blocked when sanitizing' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'getOpeningHtmlTag', 5, function ( assert ) {
ve.getOpeningHtmlTag( 'code', {} ),
'opening tag without attributes'
ve.getOpeningHtmlTag( 'img', { 'src': 'foo' } ),
'<img src="foo">',
'opening tag with one attribute'
ve.getOpeningHtmlTag( 'a', { 'href': 'foo', 'rel': 'bar' } ),
'<a href="foo" rel="bar">',
'tag with two attributes'
ve.getOpeningHtmlTag( 'option', { 'selected': true, 'blah': false, 'value': 3 } ),
'<option selected="selected" value="3">',
'handling of booleans and numbers'
ve.getOpeningHtmlTag( 'input', { 'placeholder': '<foo>&"bar"&\'baz\'' } ),
'<input placeholder="&lt;foo&gt;&amp;&quot;bar&quot;&amp;&#039;baz&#039;">',
'escaping of attribute values'
} );
( function () {
var plainObj, funcObj, arrObj;
plainObj = {
'foo': 3,
'bar': {
'baz': null,
'quux': {
'whee': 'yay'
funcObj = function abc( d ) { return d; }; = 3; = {
'baz': null,
'quux': {
'whee': 'yay'
arrObj = ['a', 'b', 'c']; = 3; = {
'baz': null,
'quux': {
'whee': 'yay'
$.each( {
'Object': plainObj,
'Function': funcObj,
'Array': arrObj
}, function ( type, obj ) {
QUnit.test( 'getProp( ' + type + ' )', 9, function ( assert ) {
ve.getProp( obj, 'foo' ),
'single key'
ve.getProp( obj, 'bar' ),
{ 'baz': null, 'quux': { 'whee': 'yay' } },
'single key, returns object'
ve.getProp( obj, 'bar', 'baz' ),
'two keys, returns null'
ve.getProp( obj, 'bar', 'quux', 'whee' ),
'three keys'
ve.getProp( obj, 'x' ),
'missing property returns undefined'
ve.getProp( obj, 'foo', 'bar' ),
'missing 2nd-level property returns undefined'
ve.getProp( obj, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quux', 'whee' ),
'multiple missing properties don\'t cause an error'
ve.getProp( obj, 'bar', 'baz', 'quux' ),
'accessing property of null returns undefined, doesn\'t cause an error'
ve.getProp( obj, 'bar', 'baz', 'quux', 'whee', 'yay' ),
'accessing multiple properties of null'
} );
QUnit.test( 'setProp( ' + type + ' )' , 7, function ( assert ) {
ve.setProp( obj, 'foo', 4 );
assert.deepEqual( 4,, 'setting an existing key with depth 1' );
ve.setProp( obj, 'test', 'TEST' );
assert.deepEqual( 'TEST', obj.test, 'setting a new key with depth 1' );
ve.setProp( obj, 'bar', 'quux', 'whee', 'YAY' );
assert.deepEqual( 'YAY',, 'setting an existing key with depth 3' );
ve.setProp( obj, 'bar', 'a', 'b', 'c' );
assert.deepEqual( 'c',, 'setting two new keys within an existing key' );
ve.setProp( obj, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' );
assert.deepEqual( 'f', obj.a.b.c.d.e, 'setting new keys with depth 5' );
ve.setProp( obj, 'bar', 'baz', 'whee', 'wheee', 'wheeee' );
assert.deepEqual( null,, 'descending into null fails silently' );
ve.setProp( obj, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 5 );
assert.deepEqual( undefined,, 'descending into a non-object fails silently' );
} );
} );
}() );
QUnit.test( 'batchSplice', 8, function ( assert ) {
var actual = [ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e' ], expected = actual.slice( 0 ), bigArr = [],
actualRet, expectedRet, i;
actualRet = ve.batchSplice( actual, 1, 1, [] );
expectedRet = expected.splice( 1, 1 );
assert.deepEqual( expectedRet, actualRet, 'removing 1 element (return value)' );
assert.deepEqual( expected, actual, 'removing 1 element (array)' );
actualRet = ve.batchSplice( actual, 3, 2, [ 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z' ] );
expectedRet = expected.splice( 3, 2, 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z' );
assert.deepEqual( expectedRet, actualRet, 'replacing 2 elements with 4 elements (return value)' );
assert.deepEqual( expected, actual, 'replacing 2 elements with 4 elements (array)' );
actualRet = ve.batchSplice( actual, 0, 0, [ 'f', 'o', 'o' ] );
expectedRet = expected.splice( 0, 0, 'f', 'o', 'o' );
assert.deepEqual( expectedRet, actualRet, 'inserting 3 elements (return value)' );
assert.deepEqual( expected, actual, 'inserting 3 elements (array)' );
for ( i = 0; i < 2100; i++ ) {
bigArr[i] = i;
actualRet = ve.batchSplice( actual, 2, 3, bigArr );
expectedRet = expected.splice.apply( expected, [2, 3].concat( bigArr.slice( 0, 1050 ) ) );
expected.splice.apply( expected, [1052, 0].concat( bigArr.slice( 1050 ) ) );
assert.deepEqual( expectedRet, actualRet, 'replacing 3 elements with 2100 elements (return value)' );
assert.deepEqual( expected, actual, 'replacing 3 elements with 2100 elements (array)' );
} );