{ "@metadata": { "authors": [] }, "apihelp-titleblacklist-description": "Validate a page title, filename, or username against the TitleBlacklist.", "apihelp-titleblacklist-summary": "Validate a page title, filename, or username against the TitleBlacklist.", "apihelp-titleblacklist-param-title": "The string to validate against the blacklist.", "apihelp-titleblacklist-param-action": "The action to be checked.", "apihelp-titleblacklist-param-nooverride": "Don't try to override the titleblacklist.", "apihelp-titleblacklist-example-1": "Check whether [[Foo]] is blacklisted", "apihelp-titleblacklist-example-2": "Check whether [[Bar]] is blacklisted for editing", "apihelp-createaccount-param-ignoretitleblacklist": "Ignore spoofing checks (requires one of the following rights: tboverride, tboverride-account)." }